

单词 tell of
tell of

tell [sb] [sth] vtr: (inform, convey)
SC 告诉 gào sù
TC 告訴
SC 告知 gào sù,gào zhī
Tell me what he said. I finally told her what happened.

tell [sb] vtr: (inform)
SC 告诉 gào sù
TC 告訴
SC 报告 gào sù,bào gào
TC 報告
If someone is bullying you, tell the teacher.

tell [sb], tell [sb] that vtr: (with clause: announce)
SC 通知 tōng zhī
TC 通知
SC 向…宣布 tōng zhī ,xiàng xuān bù
He told the whole school that he was leaving to become a rock musician.

tell [sb] [sth] vtr: (reveal, divulge)
SC 向某人泄露某事
SC 向某人透露某事
We told them our secret.

tell [sb] [sth] vtr: (recount: a story) (故事)
SC 讲,讲述 jiǎng,jiǎng shù
TC 講,講述
Daddy, can you tell me a story?

tell [sth] to [sb] vtr + prep: (recount [sth] to [sb])
SC 向…讲述
TC 向…講述
He told the story to his daughter.

tell n: (of a deception)
SC 马脚
To win in poker, look for sighs, furrowed brows, and other tells from your opponents.

tell n: (archaeology: mound) (考古学)
SC 坟墩,坟堆
Archaeologists have discovered a tell containing the remains of a Neolithic village.

tell [sb] to do [sth] v expr: (command, order)
SC 让某人做某事
SC 嘱咐某人做某事
SC 命令某人做某事
He told her to clean her room.

tell vi: colloquial (notice)
SC 认出 rèn chū
TC 認出
SC 看出 rèn chū,kàn chū
TC 看出
SC 看出 rèn chū,kàn chū
TC 看出
Can you tell that I've put on ten pounds?

tell vi: (confess)
SC 泄漏 xiè lòu
SC 透露 xiè lòu,tòu lù
TC 透露
SC 说出秘密 xiè lòu,shuō chū mì mì
I interrogated him, but he would not tell.

tell of [sth] vi + prep: literary (recount)
SC 描述 miáo shù
TC 描述
SC 叙述 miáo shù,xù shù
TC 敘述
SC 讲述 miáo shù,jiǎng shù
TC 講述
The ancient legend tells of a princess who slayed a dragon.

tell [sth] vtr: (distinguish)
SC 辨别 biàn bié
TC 辨別
SC 区分 biàn bié ,qū fēn
TC 區分
Can you tell the difference between these two colours? I can't tell that one from this one.

tell [sth] vtr: (identify)
SC 认出 rèn chū
TC 認出
SC 识别出 rèn chū,shí bié chū
Can you tell who it is?

tell [sth] vtr: (realize)
SC 认识到 rèn shi dào
TC 認識到
SC 意识到 rèn shi dào,yì shí dào
TC 意識到
It's hard to tell who it is in this light.

tell [sb] vtr: (assure)
SC 使确信 shǐ què xìn
TC 使確信
SC 使相信 shǐ què xìn ,shǐ xiāng xìn
I have done all the work, I tell you.

tell [sb] vtr: (explain)
SC 向…解释 xiàng jiě shì
TC 向…解釋
SC 向…说明 xiàng jiě shì,xiàng shuō míng
Tell me exactly how you came to this conclusion.

tell [sb] vtr: (report to)
SC 告诉 gào sù
TC 告訴
SC 向…告状
You've broken my toy car. I'm telling Mum!

tell [sth/sb] apart vtr phrasal sep: informal (distinguish between)
SC 分辨 fēn biàn
TC 分辨
SC 区分 fēn biàn,qū fēn
TC 區分
The twins are so alike that it's not easy to tell them apart.

tell [sb] off vtr phrasal sep: informal (reprimand)
SC 谴责, 责骂
The teacher told the girls off for giggling in class.

tell on [sb] vtr phrasal insep: informal (inform against)
SC 告发 gào fā
If a little boy does something naughty, his sister will tell on him.

tell on [sb] vtr phrasal insep: US, informal, figurative (have an effect on)
SC 对…产生影响 duì chǎn shēng yǐng xiǎng
SC 对…产生后果
After a few glasses, that red wine really starts to tell on you.

go and do [sth] v expr: colloquial (proceed to do)
SC 去做...
Could you go and get some bread from the shop, please? If you see a crime being committed, you should go and tell a police officer.

kiss and tell vi: informal (reveal [sth] private for money)
SC 泄密 xiè mì
SC 告密 xiè mì,gào mì

kiss-and-tell adj: informal (revealing [sth] private for money)
SC 泄密的
SC 告密的

only time will tell expr: (will know in the future)
SC 只有等待时间检验,只有时间能证明一切
Whether or not the football player recovers from his injury—only time will tell.

pray, pray tell adv: archaic or ironic (tell me)
SC 请问
TC 請問
"What, pray, do you mean by that?"

show and tell n: (school: class speaking exercise)
SC 展示讲述课 zhǎn shì jiǎng shù kè
Johnny, what did you bring for show-and-tell?

tell a joke v expr: (recount a humorous story)
SC 讲一个笑话

tell a lie v expr: (not tell the truth)
SC 撒谎 sā huǎng
I used to tell a lot of lies when I was a little kid.

tell [sb] a secret, tell a secret to [sb] v expr: (confide [sth] private to [sb])
SC 向...袒露秘密
Once she told me her great secret, I wished I had never heard it. My neighbour likes to gossip - if you tell her a secret, the whole village knows by the end of the day!

tell a story v expr: (recite a narrative)
SC 讲个故事 jiǎng gè gù shì
TC 講個故事
The children asked their grandfather to tell them a story.

tell a story v expr: figurative (reflect events)
SC 讲个故事 jiǎng gè gù shì
TC 講個故事
Every picture tells a story.

tell about [sth] vi + prep: (give information about)
SC 说明 shuō míng
TC 說明
SC 说到 shuō míng,shuō dào

tell how to do [sth] vtr: (describe the manner in which)
SC 告知如何
If you'll tell me how to bake a pie, I'll bake you one tomorrow.

tell it like it is v expr: informal (be honest and direct)
SC 如实道来 rú shí dào lái
TC 如實道來
SC 实话实说 rú shí dào lái,shí huà shí shuō
TC 實話實說
Okay, I'll tell it like it is, but I don't think you'll like it.

tell jokes v expr: (recount funny stories)
SC 讲笑话 jiǎng xiào huà
TC 講笑話

tell lies vtr + npl: (not tell the truth)
SC 说谎 shuō huǎng

tell lies vtr + npl: (be a habitual liar)
SC 惯于说谎

tell me expr: (give me the information)
SC 告诉我 gào sù wǒ
TC 告訴我
SC 对我说
Tell me it isn't true!

tell right from wrong v expr: (have a sense of morality)
SC 明辨是非

tell tales vtr + npl: informal (inform on [sb]) (非正式用语)
SC 告发,告密 gào fā ,gào mì
Telling tales is what he does best, so you'd better not confide in him.

tell tales vtr + npl: figurative, informal (tell lies)
SC 撒谎 sā huǎng
I don't believe your brother said that. Stop telling tales!

tell the future v expr: (predict what will happen)
SC 预知未来 yù zhī wèi lái
TC 預知未來
If I could tell the future it would probably scare me to death.

tell the truth v expr: (be honest)
SC 诚实 chéng shí
TC 誠實
SC 讲实话 chéng shí ,jiǎng shí huà
If a woman asks if you can guess her age, never tell her the truth!

tell time (US), tell the time (UK) v expr: (read the hour on an analog clock)
SC 报时,读表 bào shí

tell your beads v expr: (recite a rosary)
SC 祈祷 qí dǎo
SC 祷告 qí dǎo,dǎo gào

telltale, tell-tale, tell-tail n: (nautical: indicates air flow) (航海)
SC 航角指示器
The sailor struggled to repair the tell-tale during the storm.

Time will tell expr: ([sth] will be revealed)
SC 路遥知马力,时间会证明一切

to tell the truth expr: (honestly)
SC 老实说 lǎo shí shuō
SC 说实话 lǎo shí shuō,shuō shí huà
To tell the truth, the show wasn't very good.




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