

单词 televisioner

television n: uncountable (medium) (作为媒介的)
SC 电视 diàn shì
TC 電視
I watch television for around two hours a day.

television n: (appliance) (家用电器)
SC 电视机 diàn shì jī
TC 電視機
The television is dirty and needs to be cleaned.

television n: uncountable (industry)
SC 电视行业 diàn shì háng yè
TC 電視行業
She works in television as a director.

black-and-white television n: (TV set: cannot display colors)
SC 黑白电视 hēi bái diàn shì
TC 黑白電視
My parents remember the days when black-and-white television was the only type of TV available.

black-and-white television n: uncountable (TV shows in black and white)
SC 黑白电视节目 hēi bái diàn shì jié mù

cable television n: (TV broadcasting via cable)
SC 有线电视 yǒu xiàn diàn shì
TC 有線電視
SC 闭路电视 yǒu xiàn diàn shì,bì lù diàn shì
TC 閉路電視

CCTV n: initialism (closed-circuit television)
SC 闭路电视 bì lù diàn shì
TC 閉路電視
The robbery was captured on the bank's CCTV.

closed-circuit television n: (monitoring system)
SC 闭路电视 bì lù diàn shì
TC 閉路電視
The thief was caught stealing the car on closed-circuit television.

color television (US), colour television (UK) n: countable (TV set: shows images in colour)
SC 彩色电视机 cǎi sè diàn shì jī
We've got a color television in the living room.

color television (US), colour television (UK) n: uncountable (TV shows broadcast in color)
SC 彩色影片
SC 彩色电视剧
Colour television first came to the UK in 1967.

color TV (US), colour TV (UK): informal (television set: shows images in colour)
SC 彩色电视机 cǎi sè diàn shì jī

color TV (US), colour TV (UK): uncountable, informal (television shows broadcast in color)
SC 彩色电视节目

HDTV n: initialism (high-definition television)
SC 高清电视

licence fee, TV licence fee, television licence fee n: UK (cost of permit to own a TV)
SC 电视授权费
SC 电视许可证费

on television adv: (being shown on TV)
SC 在电视上播放
What's on television tonight? Anything besides reality shows and crime shows?

reality television n: (TV about real-life situations or people)
SC 真人秀 zhēn rén xiù

satellite television n: (broadcast by satellite)
SC 卫星电视

satellite TV n: informal (broadcast by satellite)
SC 卫星电视

television audience n: (people watching tv)
SC 电视观众 diàn shì guān zhòng
TC 電視觀眾
Judging by the programs that are aired these days, a lot of people in the television audience like to watch violence.

television broadcast n: ([sth] shown on tv)
SC 电视广播内容 diàn shì guǎng bō nèi róng
That old cop show was my favorite television broadcast.

television broadcasting n: (transmitting images on tv)
SC 电视广播 diàn shì guǎng bō
TC 電視廣播
They use a lot of fancy equipment for television broadcasting.

television camera n: (device that films moving images for tv)
SC 摄像机 shè xiàng jī
TC 攝影機
I didn't really enjoy the live recording because there was a television camera in my way.

television channel, television station n: (TV station)
SC 电视频道 diàn shì pín dào
TC 電視頻道
I can't stand the silly stuff they show on that television channel.

television reporter n: (journalist working in TV)
SC 电视台记者

television season n: (set of episodes of a TV show)
SC 电视剧季

television series n: (TV show)
SC 电视剧 diàn shì jù
TC 電視劇

television set n: (appliance that receives tv signals)
SC 电视 diàn shì
TC 電視
SC 电视机 diàn shì,diàn shì jī
TC 電視機
I bought myself a new television set with a plasma screen yesterday.

television show (US), television programme (UK) n: (programme broadcast on TV)
SC 电视节目 diàn shì jié mù
TC 電視節目
Television shows from the 70s seem pretty stupid to me now.

television studio n: (building where TV shows are filmed)
SC 电视台录影棚 diàn shì tái lù yǐng péng
I saw quite a few famous people when I visited the television studio.

watch television vtr + n: (watch TV programmes)
SC 看电视 kàn diàn shì
TC 看電視




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