

单词 cds

CD n: initialism (music, data: compact disc)
SC 唱片,激光唱片 chàng piān ,jī guāng chàng piān
TC 唱片,光碟(唱片)
SC 光盘 guāng pán(计算机)
SC 光碟 guāng dié
You have a great collection of classical CDs!

CD n: US, initialism (investment: certificate of deposit) (certificate of deposit 缩写)
SC 存款证明
CDs are paying very low interest compared to five years ago.

CD burner n: (CD-copying device)
SC CD刻录机

CD changer n: (device that changes CDs) (可播放多张CD的)
SC 换碟机,自动换片机
The changer's broken so you can only play one CD at a time.

CD player n: (machine: plays compact discs)
SC CD播放机
CD players are less popular now that more people have MP3 players.

CD Walkman n: ® (music-playing device)
SC 随身听 suí shēn tīng
TC 隨身聽
Whenever I am travelling I like to listen to music on my CD Walkman.

CD-Rom, CD-ROM n: acronym (compact disc with data)
SC 光盘 guāng pán
SC 只读光盘
I have the program on CD-Rom.

mix CD n: (compilation of songs recorded to a CD)
SC 混合带
SC 混合CD盘

mixtape, mix tape, compilation tape n: (compilation of songs on cassette)
SC 混合磁带
SC 混合带

play a CD v expr: abbr (put on a compact disc)
SC 播唱片 bō chàng piàn
Olga decided to play a CD while she was driving the car.




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