

单词 cakes

cake n: (dessert) (点心)
SC 蛋糕,糕点 dàn gāo,gāo diǎn
I love cakes made with lots of chocolate.

cake n: (round mass of food)
SC 饼状食物 bǐng zhuàng shí wù
TC 餅狀食物
Form the raw hamburger meat into cakes and fry them gently.

cake n: (block)
SC 块状物 kuài zhuàng wù
TC 塊狀物
I would like a nice new cake of lavender soap.

cake vi: (flatten, compact)
SC 成饼状 chéng bǐng zhuàng
TC 成餅狀
SC 结块 chéng bǐng zhuàng,jié kuài
After you pour it into a mould, the compound will cake.

cake [sth] vtr: (form into a cake shape)
SC 使…成饼状
Cake the explosive mixture, and carefully place it on the table.

cake [sth] vtr: often passive (cover)
SC 覆盖 fù gài
TC 覆蓋
SC 给…涂满
The lorry's tyres were caked with mud.

a piece of cake n: figurative, informal ([sth] easy to do)
SC 小菜一碟 xiǎo cài yì dié
The new software installation was a piece of cake, no problems!

almond cake n: (cake flavored with almonds) (带有杏仁)
SC 杏仁蛋糕 xìng rén dàn gāo

almond cake n: (cake made with almond flour) (用杏仁粉制成)
SC 杏仁蛋糕 xìng rén dàn gāo
The bride is on a gluten-free diet, so for the wedding reception they're planning an almond cake.

angel cake, angel food cake n: mainly US (light sponge cake)
SC 天使蛋糕 tiān shǐ dàn gāo
TC 天使蛋糕
SC 安琪儿蛋糕 tiān shǐ dàn gāo,ān qí er dàn gāo
Angel food cake contains only egg whites, no yolks, so it's fine on a low-cholesterol diet.

angel cake n: mainly UK (layered sponge cake)
SC 天使蛋糕 tiān shǐ dàn gāo
TC 天使蛋糕

bar of soap, cake of soap n: (cake of solid soap)
SC 一块肥皂 yí kuài féi zào
TC 一塊肥皂
SC 一块香皂 yí kuài féi zào,yí kuài xiāng zào
If your zipper sticks, rub a bar of soap over the zipper teeth to lubricate it.

birthday cake n: (cake served at birthday party)
SC 生日蛋糕 shēng rì dàn gāo
The children love to blow out the candles on the birthday cake at parties.

cake mix n: (prepared batter for cake-baking)
SC 蛋糕粉
This cake mix is very convenient: you only need to add oil and an egg.

cake pan (US), cake tin (UK) n: (tin for baking a cake)
SC 蛋糕烤盘 dàn gāo kǎo pán
TC 蛋糕烤盤
SC 烤制蛋糕的模具 dàn gāo kǎo pán,kǎo zhì dàn gāo de mó jù
Line the bottom of the cake pan with parchment paper.

cake pop n: US (lollipop-shaped cake)
SC 棒棒糖蛋糕

carrot cake n: (sweet cake containing carrot)
SC 胡萝卜蛋糕
My favorite carrot cake recipe includes nuts and pineapple.

chocolate cake n: (cake: containing chocolate)
SC 巧克力蛋糕 qiǎo kè lì dàn gāo
This chocolate cake is made using cocoa powder.

chocolate lava cake, molten chocolate cake n: (chocolate cake with runny center)
SC 熔岩巧克力蛋糕

Christmas cake n: (festive fruit cake)
SC 圣诞节蛋糕 shèng dàn jié dàn gāo

coffee cake n: (cake containing coffee)
SC 咖啡蛋糕 kā fēi dàn gāo
SC 咖啡糕
Peter was eating a slice of coffee cake.

coffee cake n: US (sweet bread)
SC 肉桂糕

corn cake: (corn bread)
SC 玉米蛋糕

crab cake n: (patty made of crab meat)
SC 蟹肉饼
Crab cakes are best if they use large lumps of crab meat from the body of the crab.

fishcake, fish cake, fish-cake n: (patty of fish and potato)
SC 土豆煎鱼饼 tǔ dòu jiān yú bǐng

fruitcake, also UK: fruit cake n: (cake made with fruit)
SC 水果蛋糕 shuǐ guǒ dàn gāo
Leah received three fruitcakes at Christmas.

funnel cake n: US, Can (sweet fried batter) (美国、加拿大:甜炸面糊)
SC 漏斗蛋糕

hotcake, hot cake n: US (pancake made with leavening)
SC 薄烤饼 báo kǎo bǐng
TC 薄烤餅
SC 薄煎饼 báo kǎo bǐng,báo jiān bǐng
TC 薄煎餅

the icing on the cake n: figurative (extra benefit, gain)
SC 锦上添花
SC 如虎添翼

It's a piece of cake! interj: informal (it's very easy)
SC 小菜一碟 xiǎo cài yì dié
I don't think that arithmetic problem is difficult. It's a piece of cake!

King cake n: (traditional cake containing a trinket)
SC 国王蛋糕

marble cake n: (mottled sponge cake)
SC 大理石蛋糕
A marble cake is a cake made with two colours of batter.

piece of cake n: (slice or chunk of cake)
SC 一块蛋糕 yí kuài dàn gāo
TC 一塊蛋糕
Would you like a piece of cake?

a piece of cake n: figurative ([sth] easy)
SC 小菜一碟 xiǎo cài yì dié
The spelling test was a piece of cake; I got all the answers right!

pound cake, poundcake n: (baking: sponge cake)
SC 重糖重油蛋糕 zhòng táng zhòng yóu dàn gāo
Traditional poundcake calls for a pound of butter, a pound of eggs, a pound of sugar, and a pound of flour.

rice cake n: (puffed-rice snack food)
SC 米糕,年糕
Rice cakes are certainly bland, but at least they're crunchy and low in calories.

sponge cake n: (light sweet cake)
SC 海绵蛋糕 hǎi mián dàn gāo
TC 海綿蛋糕
SC 松蛋糕

take the cake, also UK: take the biscuit v expr: figurative, informal (be uncalled for, excessive)
SC 过分 guò fèn
TC 過分
SC 失当
Jack's idea to build his own observatory really takes the cake!

teacake, tea-cake, tea cake n: UK (flat currant bun)
SC 带葡萄干的烤圆饼 dài pú táo gān de kǎo yuán bǐng

teacake, tea-cake, tea cake n: UK (cake or cookie traditionally served with tea)
SC 茶点饼干。
SC 茶点心 chá diǎn xīn

wedding cake n: (tiered cake served at a marriage party)
SC 结婚蛋糕 jié hūn dàn gāo
TC 結婚蛋糕
The wedding cake had three tiers, a chocolate interior, and white glaze for frosting.




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