

单词 pross

pro n: informal, abbreviation (sport: professional)
SC 职业运动员 zhí yè yùn dòng yuán
The tournament's open to pros and amateurs alike.

a pro n: figurative, slang, abbreviation (expert)
SC 专业人士 zhuān yè rén shì
TC 專業人士
SC 专家 zhuān yè rén shì,zhuān jiā
TC 專家
SC 内行 zhuān yè rén shì,nèi háng
He claimed to be a pro at crossword puzzles.

pro n: usually plural (advantage, point in favor)
SC 赞成 zàn chéng
TC 贊成
SC 好处 zàn chéng,hǎo chù
TC 好處
SC 优点 zàn chéng,yōu diǎn
TC 優點
I can't think of a single pro; if I were you, I would definitely say "no".

pro adj: informal, abbreviation (professional)
SC 职业的,从事某种职业的 zhí yè de ,cóng shì mǒu zhǒng zhí yè de
TC 職業的
SC 职业性的,非业余的 zhí yè xìng de ,fēi yè yú de
SC 专业的,业务娴熟的,训练有素的 zhuān yè de ,yè wù xián shú de ,xùn liàn yǒu sù de
TC 專業的
He turned pro in 1990 after winning two amateur titles.

pro adv: (in favor)
SC 正面地 zhèng miàn de
SC 赞成地 zhèng miàn de,zàn chéng de
SC 支持地 zhèng miàn de,zhī chí de
I voted against the increased budget; my partner voted pro.

pro prep: informal (for, in favor of)
SC 支持 zhī chí
TC 支持
SC 赞成 zhī chí,zàn chéng
TC 贊成
I'm pro the idea of the European Union, but in practice their regulations often seem unfair.

pros and cons npl: (advantages and disadvantages)
SC 利弊 lì bì
She weighed the pros and cons of the situation before making a decision.
We're making a list of the pros and cons of living in France.

pro and con expr: (for and against)
SC 利弊 lì bì
Before making her decision, Maria made a list of arguments, pro and con.

pro-and-con expr: (for and against)
SC 赞成与反对
The class debated the pro-and-con arguments around nuclear power.

pro bono adv: Latin (not for profit)
SC 无偿服务 wú cháng fú wù
TC 無償服務
The claimant's lawyers were acting pro bono.

pro forma, proforma adj: Latin (invoice, balance: advance)
SC 试算的 shì suàn de
TC 形式(發票)
SC 预估的 shì suàn de,yù gū de

pro forma, proforma adj: Latin (done as a formality)
SC 走形式的
SC 形式上的 xíng shì shàng de
We'll need to have a pro forma interview to satisfy the legal department.

pro rata adv: (proportionately)
SC 按比例地 àn bǐ lì de
SC 成比例地 àn bǐ lì de,chéng bǐ lì de
The job is paid pro rata.

pro rata, pro-rata adj: (proportionate)
SC 按比例的 àn bǐ lì de
SC 成比例的 àn bǐ lì de,chéng bǐ lì de
Julia is paid a pro-rata salary.

pro tem adj: abbreviation (pro tempore)
SC 临时的 lín shí de
TC 臨時的
SC 暂时的 lín shí de ,zàn shí de
TC 暫時的

pro tem adv: abbreviation (pro tempore)
SC 临时地,暂时地 lín shí de,zàn shí de
TC 臨時地,暫時地
She was brought in to serve as judge pro tem until the regular judge recovered from his illness.

pro tempore adj: Latin, formal (temporary)
SC 临时的 lín shí de
TC 臨時的
SC 暂时的 lín shí de ,zàn shí de
TC 暫時的

pro tempore adv: Latin, formal (temporarily)
SC 临时地 lín shí de
TC 臨時地
SC 暂时地 lín shí de,zàn shí de
TC 暫時地

pro-abortion adj: (favoring legalization of abortion)
SC 支持堕胎的,赞成堕胎的

pro-abortionist n: (supports abortion)
SC 赞成堕胎者

pro-choice adj: (abortion: supporting right to choose)
SC 主张女性有权人工流产的
SC 提倡堕胎合法的

pro-life adj: (anti-abortion)
SC 反对人工流产合法化的

quid pro quo n: Latin (fair exchange)
SC 交换物 jiāo huàn wù
TC 交換物
SC 报偿 jiāo huàn wù,bào cháng
In a quid pro quo, the union accepted salary decreases in exchange for an increase in overtime.

semipro, also UK: semi-pro adj: informal, abbreviation (semiprofessional)
SC 半职业性的,半专业性的 bàn zhí yè xìng de,bàn zhuān yè xìng de




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