

单词 proof

US   UK  
proof n: usually singular (legal evidence) (法律)
SC 证据,证物 zhèng jù ,zhèng wù
TC 證據 / 証據
He was holding a smoking gun, that's all the proof I need.

proof n: (evidence)
SC 证据 zhèng jù
TC 證據 / 証據
SC 证明 zhèng jù ,zhèng míng
TC 證明 / 証明
His dancing was proof that he had no sense of rhythm.

proof, -proof adj: as suffix (secure against) (后缀)
SC 防…的 fáng … de
TC 防…的
The crops are protected by insect-proof nets.

proof against [sth] adj + prep: (protected)
SC 可以抵抗…的
SC 能防…的
It seems that nothing on the internet is proof against determined hackers.

proof n: usually singular (test)
SC 验证 yàn zhèng
TC 驗證
SC 证明 yàn zhèng,zhèng míng
TC 證明 / 証明
The proof of courage is in facing up to our worst fears.

proof n: (spirits: alcohol content)
SC 酒精度
SC 酒精含量
The bottle says this vodka is 80 proof.

proof n: usually singular (math, logic: steps) (数学)
SC 验算,验证,证明 yàn suàn,yàn zhèng,zhèng míng
TC 驗算,驗證,證明 / 証明
SC 证明 zhèng míng
TC 證明 / 証明(逻辑学)
The teacher asked me to go through the proof of Pythagoras' Theorem.

proof vi: (proofread)
SC 校对 jiào duì
SC 审校 jiào duì,shěn jiào
The manuscript's here. Which of our readers is going to proof?

proof [sth] vtr: (protect [sth]) (防水、防火等)
SC 对…做防护处理
I will proof the leather boots with silicone spray.

proof [sth] vtr: (test print) (印刷)
SC 试印, 印…的校样
The first few pages printed are used to proof the copy.

proof [sth] vtr: (proofread)
SC 校对 jiào duì
SC 审校 jiào duì,shěn jiào
The article was proofed by the sub-editor before it went to the printer.

prove [sth]/that vtr: (demonstrate conclusively)
SC 证明 zhèng míng
TC 證明 / 証明
SC 证实 zhèng míng,zhèng shí
TC 證實 / 証實
The scientist attempted to prove his theory.

prove [sth] vtr: (turn out to be)
SC 结果是 jié guǒ shì
TC 結果是
His conclusion proved false.

prove to be [sth] v expr: (turn out to be)
SC 事实证明…
The detective's hunch proved to be right.

prove vi: (bread dough: rise) (面团)
SC 发酵 fā jiào
TC 發酵
Allow the dough to prove for two hours before shaping it into a loaf.

prove [sth], also US: proof [sth] vtr: (bread dough: leave to rise) (面团)
SC 使…发酵 shǐ fā jiào
TC 使…發酵
You will need to prove the dough before baking it.

prove [sth] vtr: (mathematics) (数学定理等)
SC 证明 zhèng míng
TC 證明 / 証明
To prove the theorem, you must show your work.

prove [sth] vtr: (will: validate) (遗嘱)
SC 使...生效,认证 rèn zhèng
The will was proved by his widow.

prove yourself vtr + refl: (demonstrate your worth, skill, etc.)
SC 证明你自己
With his older siblings being high achievers, James feels he has to prove himself.

acid-proof adj: (material)
SC 防酸的,耐酸的

babyproof, baby-proof, baby proof adj: (safe for babies)
SC 对婴儿安全的

babyproof [sth], baby-proof vtr: (make safe for babies)
SC 使…对婴儿安全

bombproof, bomb-proof adj: (resistant to explosives)
SC 防弹的 fáng dàn de
TC 防彈的
SC 防空袭的 fáng dàn de,fáng kōng xí de

bombproof [sth], bomb-proof [sth] vtr: (make resistant to explosives)
SC 为...做防爆处理

bulletproof, also UK: bullet-proof adj: (resistant to bullets)
SC 防弹的 fáng dàn de
TC 防彈的
The President's car is fitted with bulletproof glass.

bulletproof vest, also UK: bullet-proof vest n: (protective jacket)
SC 防弹衣 fáng dàn yī
TC 防彈衣
He is alive today because a bulletproof vest stopped the bullet that was meant to kill him.

burden of proof n: (law: responsibility of accuser)
SC 举证责任 jǔ zhèng zé rèn
TC 舉證責任
Under the law of this country, the burden of proof lies with the person making an accusation.

burden of proof n: (philosophy: need to provide evidence) (哲学方法)
SC 举证责任 jǔ zhèng zé rèn
TC 舉證責任

burglarproof (US), burglar-proof (UK) adj: (protected against theft)
SC 防盗的 fáng dào de
SC 防贼的 fáng dào de,fáng zéi de

burglarproof [sth] (US), burglar-proof [sth] (UK) vtr: (protect against theft)
SC 给...做防盗处理
SC 为...防偷
SC 为...防贼

childproof, child-proof, child proof adj: (safe for children)
SC 儿童无法打开的 ér tóng wú fǎ dǎ kāi de
SC 防孩子的 ér tóng wú fǎ dǎ kāi de,fáng hái zi de

childproof [sth], child-proof vtr: (make safe for children)
SC 使对儿童无害 shǐ duì ér tóng wú hài

draftproof, draft-proof, (US), draughtproof, draught-proof (UK) adj: (door, window: sealed) (门窗)
SC 封闭防风的 fēng bì fáng fēng de
We need to install a draughtproof door on the garage.

draftproof [sth], draft-proof [sth] (US), draughtproof [sth], draught-proof [sth] (UK) vtr: (door, window: seal) (门窗)
SC 对…进行封闭防风处理
Since draught-proofing the windows and doors, my heating bill's gone down by 10%.

future-proof adj: UK (unlikely to become obsolete)
SC 不会过时的

future-proof [sth] vtr: (protect from obsolescence)
SC 防止...过时

galley proof, galley n: (publishing: preliminary version)
SC 初期校样
SC 长条校样 cháng tiáo jiào yàng
You will receive galley proofs in about three weeks.

have proof vi: (be able to show evidence of [sth])
SC 掌握证据 zhǎng wò zhèng jù
TC 掌握證據
SC 有证据证明 zhǎng wò zhèng jù,yǒu zhèng jù zhèng míng
The accuser has proof to back up her accusations.

idiot-proof adj: informal (easy to use)
SC 简明易懂的,容易操作的

inflation-proof adj: (investment, pension) (投资、养老金)
SC 防通胀的,免受通胀影响的

ladderproof, ladder-proof adj: UK (of stockings, tights) (丝袜、紧身裤袜)
SC 防抽丝的,不抽丝的

living proof n: ([sb] whose existence is evidence of [sth])
SC 活生生的例子,活生生的证明,活生生的例证

ovenproof, also UK: oven-proof, oven proof adj: (cookware: heat-resistant) (指烹饪用具)
SC 耐热的,抗热的 nài rè de,kàng rè de adj
TC 耐熱的

proof of delivery n: (post, mail: document signed by recipient)
SC 派送证明,签收证明,递送证明

the proof of the pudding, the proof of the pudding is in the eating expr: figurative (you have to try before judging)
SC 试了才知道

proof sheet, proof-sheet n: (uncorrected printer's page)
SC 校样 jiào yàng
The proof sheets had several typographic errors which were corrected in the final printing.

proofreader n: (person who corrects texts) (文本)
SC 校对者,校对人员 jiào duì zhě,jiào duì rén yuán
I hired a proofreader to look over my short stories before I submitted them.

rabbit-proof fence n: (enclosure, barrier: to keep out rabbits)
SC 防兔围栏

rabbit-proof fence n: AU, informal (boundary between Australian states)
SC 澳大利亚州边界

rotproof, rot-proof adj: (will not rot)
SC 防腐的,耐腐蚀的 fáng fǔ de

runproof, run-proof adj: (make-up: does not drip or smear) (化妆品)
SC 防花妆的

runproof, run-proof adj: (stockings: resists unraveling) (长筒袜)
SC 防抽丝的,不脱线的

skidproof, skid-proof adj: (prevents skidding)
SC 防滑的 fáng huá de

splinterproof, splinter-proof adj: (will not shatter)
SC 防碎的 fáng suì de

tamper-proof adj: (can't be broken into, etc.)
SC 防拆封的
SC 防损毁的
The door was fitted with a tamper-proof lock.




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