

单词 busing

busing (US), bussing (UK) n: uncountable (to non-local schools)
SC 校车接送学生 xiào chē jiē sòng xué shēng

busing (US), bussing (UK) n: uncountable (transportation by bus)
SC 乘坐公共汽车 chéng zuò gōng gòng qì chē

bus n: (passenger vehicle)
SC 公共汽车,公交车 gōng gòng qì chē ,gōng jiāo chē
TC 公共汽車
SC 校车 xiào chē
SC 巴士 bā shì(香港,新加坡)
There is a bus leaving for London at three o'clock.
这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 家离学校三公里以上的学生,我们都提供校车接送。

bus n: (computer: connector) (电脑)
SC 母线,总线 mǔ xiàn,zǒng xiàn
This computer has a completely redesigned bus for faster data transfer.

bus [sb] to [sth] vtr + prep: (convey by bus)
SC 用公交车将…运送到
The kids were bussed to the park for the trip.

bus vi: (travel by bus)
SC 乘公共汽车去某地 chéng gōng gòng qì chē qù mǒu dì
We bussed into town for the concert.

bus [sb] vtr: US (school: racial integration) (美国弥合种族歧视措施)
SC 用校车接送
Children were bused to schools outside their own neighborhoods in an effort to desegregate.

bus [sth] vtr: US (restaurant: clean tables)
SC 餐厅 cān tīng 服务员收拾桌子
Mark's first job was busing tables at a diner; now he is a chef.

bus [sb] in vtr phrasal sep: (bring by bus)
SC 用公共汽车载送
They bussed in the visiting team two hours before the match was due to start.

bus conductor n: (fare collector on a bus)
SC 公共汽车售票员,公车售票员

bus driver n: ([sb] employed to drive a bus)
SC 公交车司机 gōng jiāo chē sī jī
The bus driver stopped to pick up a passenger.

bus fare n: (amount charged for a bus journey)
SC 公共汽车票费 gōng gòng qì chē piào fèi
The bus fare increased from 90p to £1.30 on January 1st.

bus lane n: (road: lane for buses)
SC 公交车专用车道
SC 公交车道

bus line n: (company that runs buses)
SC 公交车公司 gōng jiāo chē gōng sī
The bus line operates 15 buses and employs 18 drivers.

bus line (US), bus route (UK) n: (itinerary of a city bus)
SC 公交车路线 gōng jiāo chē lù xiàn
This bus line goes past the hospital and the railway station.
The bus route was changed due to road construction.

bus shelter n: (covered bus stop)
SC 公共汽车候车亭 gōng gòng qì chē hòu chē tíng
Even though there was a bus shelter I still got soaked to the skin.

bus station (US), coach station (UK) n: (coach terminal)
SC 公交车站 gōng jiāo chē zhàn
TC 公交車站
SC 长途车站 gōng jiāo chē zhàn,cháng tú chē zhàn
I arrrived at the bus station at 6 o'clock.

bus stop n: (where bus takes on passengers)
SC 公交车停靠站 gōng jiāo chē tíng kào zhàn
Three passengers were waiting at the bus stop.

bus ticket n: (ticket: bus ride)
SC 汽车票
He lost his bus ticket and ran out of money, so he had to walk home.

bus timetable n: (schedule: bus times)
SC 公交时刻表
SC 公车时间表
According to the bus timetable, her bus should have arrived at 3:00.

busbar, bus-bar, bus bar n: (electrical conductor)
SC 汇电板
SC 母线 mǔ xiàn

busboy, bus boy n: US (restaurant employee who clears tables)
SC 餐厅收拾碗碟的勤杂工 cān tīng shōu shí wǎn dié de qín zá gōng
A busboy is employed to do menial tasks in a restaurant.
I mistakenly gave the tip to the bus boy instead of the waitress.

busgirl, bus girl n: US (assistant waitress)
SC 餐厅的女杂工 cān tīng de nǚ zá gōng

by bus adv: (travel or transport: on a bus)
SC 乘汽车 chéng qì chē
TC (搭)公車
SC 乘公交车 chéng qì chē ,chéng gōng jiāo chē
Amy usually travels to work by bus.

chartered bus n: (bus hired for private use)
SC 出租巴士 chū zū bā shì
SC 包车 chū zū bā shì,bāo chē
We are going on our company picnic on a chartered bus.

double-decker n: colloquial (double-decker bus)
SC 双层公交车
Bright red double-decker buses are a familiar sight in London.

double-decker bus n: (bus with two levels)
SC 双层公共汽车,双层巴士

miss the bus v expr: informal, figurative (lose opportunity)
SC 错过机会 cuò guò jī huì
TC 錯過機會
You seriously missed the bus when you didn't ask Jane to the dance.

miss the bus v expr: (fail to catch bus)
SC 错过汽车 cuò guò qì chē
TC 錯過汽車
SC 没赶上公交车 cuò guò qì chē ,méi gǎn shàng gōng jiāo chē
I was late to work because I missed the bus.

motor bus n: (road transport: bus, coach)
SC 公共汽车 gōng gòng qì chē
TC 公共汽車

school bus n: (vehicle transporting schoolchildren)
SC 校车 xiào chē
School buses are usually painted yellow in the U.S.

tour bus n: (vehicle used for guided tourist visits)
SC 游览车,观光车

tour bus n: (coach used by a touring group)
SC 旅游大巴

trolleybus, trolley-bus, trolley bus, trolley n: (bus powered by overhead cable)
SC 无轨电车 wú guǐ diàn chē
TC 無軌電車
Bill took the trolleybus into town.

water-bus, also UK: waterbus, water bus n: (small passenger boat on canal or river)
SC 水上巴士,公共交通艇




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