单词 | paper |
释义 | paper US ![]() ![]() paper n: uncountable (sheet to draw, write on) (不可数) SC 纸 zhǐ TC 紙 I grabbed some paper to take notes on. 我抓过三张纸来记笔记。 paper n: uncountable (sheets to draw, write on) (不可数) SC 纸张 zhǐ zhāng TC 紙張 Yes, there is plenty of paper in the photocopy machine. 复印机里有很多纸。 paper n: abbr, informal (newspaper) SC 报纸 bào zhǐ TC 報紙 I read the paper with my coffee every morning. 我每天早上边喝咖啡边读报纸。 papers npl: (identity documents) SC 身份证明文件 shēn fèn zhèng míng wén jiàn SC 身份文件 He had all his papers in order and was admitted into the country. 他将所有身份证明文件都整理好,获得了入境许可。 papers npl: (commercial, official documents) SC 官方文件 SC 正式文件 You need to bring your papers with you to the bank to discuss your account. 你需要带上正式文件去银行讨论账户问题。 paper n: (academic article) SC 学术论文 xué shù lùn wén TC 學術論文 He published a paper on molecular biology. 他发表了一篇分子生物学的学术论文。 paper n: (test, exam) SC 考试 kǎo shì TC 考試 SC 测试 kǎo shì,cè shì TC 測試 I have two more papers to sit, then my exams are over! 我还有两场考试,之后就全考完了! paper n: US (schoolwork) (学生作业) SC 论文 lùn wén TC 論文 I have a paper on the French Revolution due on Friday. 我有法国革命方面的论文作业,星期五交。 paper n as adj: (made of paper) SC 纸质的 zhǐ zhì de TC 紙質的 SC 纸做的 zhǐ zhì de,zhǐ zuò de The paper lampshade was nice, but it tore. 纸质的灯罩是漂亮,但撕破了。 paper n: uncountable (wallpaper) SC 墙纸 qiáng zhǐ SC 壁纸 qiáng zhǐ,bì zhǐ What lovely paper! It looks great in the kitchen. paper n: uncountable (wrapper) SC 包装纸 bāo zhuāng zhǐ TC 包裝紙 Don't forget to remove the paper first before you eat the chocolate. paper n as adj: figurative (theoretical, planned) SC 理论上的 lǐ lùn shàng de TC 理論上的 SC 纸面的 lǐ lùn shàng de ,zhǐ miàn de The rise in the value of the house gave him paper profits, but he couldn't spend any of it. paper vi: (hang wallpaper) SC 贴墙纸 tiē qiáng zhǐ TC 貼壁紙 We have finished all the painting. Now we just have to paper. 我们已经完成了所有的粉刷工作。现在只需要贴墙纸了。 paper [sth] vtr: (wallpaper) SC 往…贴墙纸 wǎng tiē qiáng zhǐ I papered the walls but didn't like the pattern, so I painted over it. paper [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep: (cover with advertising) SC 用...盖住 SC 用...覆盖 TC 用…覆蓋 The bus shelter was papered with car adverts. paper [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep: (decorate with wallpaper) SC 用(墙纸)装饰 We papered the child's room with blue wallpaper. 我们用蓝色的墙纸装饰孩子的房间。 rock, paper, scissors, also UK: paper, scissors, stone n: (game) SC 剪刀石头布 SC 猜拳 paper over [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (put wallpaper on top of) SC 在...上贴墙纸 I papered over the poster in my new bedroom and the result is very satisfying. paper over [sth] vtr phrasal insep: figurative (try to conceal) (比喻) SC 试图遮掩 She's trying to paper over her involvement in the crime. It is difficult to paper over an argument like the one we had last night. baking paper, baking parchment n: (cooking parchment) SC 烘焙纸 She placed pieces of the cookie dough on baking paper before putting them in the oven. 她将做饼干的面团放在烘焙纸上,然后将它们放入了烤箱。 ballot paper n: (form used for voting) SC 选票 xuǎn piào If you spoil your ballot paper, your vote will not be counted. blotting paper n: (absorbs excess ink) SC 吸墨水纸 xī mò shuǐ zhǐ TC 吸墨水紙 SC 吸墨纸 xī mò shuǐ zhǐ,xī mò zhǐ I think only calligraphers use blotting paper these days. 我认为现在只有书法家才使用吸墨纸。 bog paper n: UK, uncountable, informal (toilet tissue) SC 厕纸 cè zhǐ SC 卫生纸 cè zhǐ,wèi shēng zhǐ TC 衛生紙 bond paper n: (printing: high-grade paper) SC 高级书写纸 butcher paper: (meat-wrapping paper) SC 包肉用的纸 carbon paper n: (for copying documents) SC 复写纸 fù xiě zhǐ TC 複寫紙 Put this sheet of carbon paper between the two sheets of paper to make a copy. cigarette paper, also US: cigaret paper n: (paper for rolling cigarettes) SC 卷烟纸 juǎn yān zhǐ TC 捲煙紙 To roll your own cigarettes all you need is loose tobacco and some cigarette papers. commercial paper n: (promissory notes) SC 商业票据 shāng yè piào jù TC 商業票據 construction paper (US), sugar paper (UK) n: (rough art paper) SC 绘画纸 huì huà zhǐ TC 繪畫紙 SC 粗糙美术纸 The kids made decorative chains from construction paper. contact paper n: (paper with sticky back) SC 快粘便签 SC 粘胶纸 contact paper n: (photography paper) (摄影) SC 接触印相纸 craft paper n: (specialist paper for crafting) SC 牛皮纸 niú pí zhǐ I bought six sheets of craft paper to make my son a paper sword and shield to play with. crepe paper, crêpe paper, crape paper n: (wrinkled, colored paper) SC 褶皱纸 TC 褶皺紙 SC 皱纸 We made decorations with different colours of crepe paper. drawing paper n: (paper for drawing, sketching) SC 绘图纸 huì tú zhǐ TC 繪圖紙 endpaper, also US: end paper, end leaf, end sheet, also UK: endleaf n: (paper at front or back of a book) SC 衬页 chèn yè filter paper: (paper for filtering) SC 过滤纸 graph paper n: (ruled with squares) SC (绘图表用)方格纸 huì tú biǎo yòng fāng gé zhǐ SC 坐标纸 huì tú biǎo yòng fāng gé zhǐ,zuò biāo zhǐ In my science class, we used graph paper to chart the progress of our experiments. hare and hounds, paper chase, paperchase n: (game) (一种撒纸追踪游戏) SC 猎犬追兔游戏 liè quǎn zhuī tù yóu xì The children were playing hare and hounds in the playground. jam, paper jam n: (paper stuck in machine) (打印机等) SC 卡纸,夹纸 kǎ zhǐ The printer was out of commission all day because of a major paper jam. 由于严重卡纸,打印机全天无法使用。 kraft paper, brown paper, wrapping paper, parcel paper n: (brown wrapping paper) SC 牛皮纸 niú pí zhǐ Kraft paper is strong enough to make a kite. 牛皮纸足够结实,可以做风筝。 linen paper: (high-quality paper) SC 布纹纸 bù wén zhǐ SC 亚麻布纸 litmus paper n: uncountable (chemical indicator strip) SC 石蕊试纸 notebook paper n: (lined jotter paper) SC 笔记本纸 on paper adv: (in written or printed form) SC 以书面形式 yǐ shū miàn xíng shì We need to get these agreements down on paper. on paper adv: figurative (ostensibly, possibly) (比喻) SC 从理论上说 cóng lǐ lùn shàng shuō On paper, the plan works great. But in reality? paper airplane (US), paper aeroplane (UK), paper plane n: (plane: folded paper) SC 纸飞机 The children threw paper airplanes across the room. paper book n: (law: book containing case documents) (法律) SC 卷宗 juàn zōng paper chase n: figurative (effort to earn diploma or degree) SC 获取大学文凭 SC 追求学位 paper chase n: figurative (writing reports or assignments) SC 赶论文 SC 赶报告 paper clip, paperclip n: (small clasp that holds papers together) SC 回形针 huí xíng zhēn TC 迴紋針 You can use a paper clip to hold the pages together. 你可以用回形针把纸张夹在一起。 paper-clip [sth], paperclip [sth] vtr: (fasten with paper clip) SC 用回形针别上… SC 用曲别针别上… Jason paper-clipped a photo of himself to his resume. 杰森将一张自己的照片用回形针别在简历上。 paper crown n: (festive cardboard or tissue-paper hat) SC 纸皇冠 paper cut n: (tiny nick caused by sharp paper) SC 纸片割伤 zhǐ piàn gē shāng TC 紙片割傷 paper cutter n: (guillotine: machine that trims paper) SC 裁纸机 cái zhǐ jī TC 裁紙機 SC 裁纸器 cái zhǐ jī,cái zhǐ qì The teacher used the paper cutter to make small slips of paper for her students. paper doll n: (child's toy) SC 纸娃娃 SC 装饰贴纸 paper fastener n: (split pin) SC 钮扣型纸夹 paper folding, paper-folding n: (origami) SC 折纸 zhé zhǐ Origami is the Japanese art of paper folding. paper knife n: (blade for opening envelopes) SC 裁纸刀 paper knife n: (blade of paper cutter) SC 切纸刀 paper mache, paper-mache, paper-mâché, papier-mâché n: (craft: sculpting with pasted paper) SC 纸模 zhǐ mó My daughter painted a paper mache bowl in her craft class. We made papier-maché animals in school today. paper mill n: (factory where paper is made) SC 造纸厂 zào zhǐ chǎng TC 造紙廠 paper money n: (bank notes, bills) SC 纸币 zhǐ bì TC 紙幣 SC 纸钞 zhǐ bì,zhǐ chāo When travelling abroad, I always prefer to use a credit card instead of paper money. paper over the cracks v expr: figurative (conceal flaws or problems) (比喻) SC 遮掩错误,遮盖缺点 zhē yǎn cuò wù,zhē gài quē diǎn Rather than redo his work from the start, he decided to just paper over the cracks instead. paper plant n: (factory where paper is made) SC 造纸厂 zào zhǐ chǎng TC 造紙廠 The residents demonstrated against the project to build a new paper plant. paper pulp n: (mashed fibres used to make paper) SC 纸浆 zhǐ jiāng At the paper mill, they add water to the paper pulp, then spread it onto a screen to make sheets of paper. paper route (US), paper round (UK) n: (job delivering newspapers) SC 送报的工作 SC 送报 sòng bào A lot of teenagers do paper rounds to earn some extra pocket money. paper shredder n: (machine that shreds documents) SC 碎纸机 suì zhǐ jī TC 碎紙機 paper tape: (computers) (用作记录信息的每排有6或8个孔的纸带) SC 纸带 paper tiger n: figurative ([sth] falsely threatening) (比喻) SC 纸老虎 paper towel n: (absorbent kitchen tissue) SC 厨房纸 I cleaned the table with a paper towel. paper towel n: (disposable sheet of tissue) SC 纸巾 zhǐ jīn There were paper towels next to the washbasins to dry your hands on. paper trail n: informal (systematic documentation) SC 文件纪录,档案 dàng àn TC 檔案 paper tray n: (free-standing document drawer) SC 纸盒 SC 纸匣 paper tray n: (printer: paper drawer) SC 纸托盘 The paper tray was empty so I opened up a package of new paper and put in about 50 sheets. paper-thin adj: figurative (extremely thin) SC 极薄的 SC 薄如纸的 parchment paper n: (parchment: baking paper) SC 烤箱纸,烤盘纸 SC 烘焙纸 Line your cake tin with parchment paper. parchment paper n: (parchment: imitation animal-skin paper) SC 仿羊皮纸 fǎng yáng pí zhǐ photographic paper n: (paper for printing photos) SC 相纸 xiàng zhǐ piece of paper n: (paper: sheet) SC 纸张 zhǐ zhāng TC 紙張 SC 一张纸 zhǐ zhāng,yì zhāng zhǐ TC 一張紙 I'm writing a poem with a black pen on this red piece of paper. piece of paper n: (paper: scrap) SC 纸屑 zhǐ xiè plain paper n: (paper without lines) SC 白纸 TC 白紙 position paper n: (study or report on policy) SC 立场书 lì chǎng shū TC 立場書 SC 意见书 lì chǎng shū,yì jiàn shū According to this position paper, the US economy will collapse unless the government steps in. put [sth] on paper v expr: informal (make official) SC 把…写下来 bǎ … xiě xià lái Now we've all agreed on the terms, let's put them on paper. put pen to paper v expr: (start to write) SC 下笔 SC 开写 research paper n: (written study) SC 学术论文 xué shù lùn wén TC 學術論文 rice paper n: (thin edible paper) (用于包裹食物,可食用) SC 米纸 mǐ zhǐ rice paper n: (thin paper made from rice-paper plant) SC 通草纸 tōng cǎo zhǐ rolling paper: (cigarette paper) SC 卷烟纸 juǎn yān zhǐ TC 捲煙紙 school newspaper, school paper, school magazine n: (publication produced by school pupils) SC 校报 SC 校刊 scrap paper n: (rough paper for scribbling on) SC 草稿纸 cǎo gǎo zhǐ I save paper printed on one side to use as scrap paper. scratch paper n: US (rough paper for notes, etc.) SC 便条纸 biàn tiáo zhǐ TC 便條紙 Just use scratch paper to quickly write down your ideas. You can use those nearly blank pages that have run through the printer as scratch paper. sheet of paper n: (paper: single leaf) SC 一张纸 yì zhāng zhǐ TC 一張紙 She found a sheet of paper and wrote a note. It will only require one sheet of paper to take this test. Pencils ready? slip of paper n: (paper: small piece) SC 纸条 squeeze, squeeze paper, squeeze-paper n: (moulding, cast) SC 压膜 yā mó SC 拓印 tar paper n: (waterproof roofing material) SC 沥青纸 lì qīng zhǐ TC 瀝青紙 term paper n: (graded essay) SC 学期论文 xué qī lùn wén TC 學期論文 My term paper for history class is due on Monday. test paper n: (copy of an exam) SC 考试试卷 kǎo shì shì juǎn TC 考試試卷 Some unscrupulous students got hold of the test papers before the exam and sold them. tissue paper n: (thin wrapping paper) SC 薄棉纸 báo mián zhǐ toilet paper, toilet tissue n: (tissue used in toilet) SC 卫生纸 wèi shēng zhǐ TC 衛生紙 SC 厕纸 wèi shēng zhǐ,cè zhǐ Please add toilet paper to the shopping list - we're almost out. 请把卫生纸加到购物清单上,我们的快要用完了。 touchpaper, touch paper, touch-paper n: UK (paper for igniting fireworks) SC 火硝纸,引燃纸 huǒ xiāo zhǐ,yǐn rán zhǐ touchpaper, touch paper, touch-paper n: UK, figurative (person, incident: sets off events) SC 导火线,导火索 dǎo huǒ xiàn,dǎo huǒ suǒ TC 導火線,導火線 tracing paper n: (transparent paper) (一种半透明的纸) SC 描图纸,牛油纸 miáo tú zhǐ,niú yóu zhǐ The children put tracing paper over the pictures to copy them. typing paper n: (paper for typing on) SC 打字纸 dǎ zì zhǐ TC 打字紙 SC 打印纸 dǎ zì zhǐ,dǎ yìn zhǐ We're out of typing paper, please add it to the shopping list. wastepaper, waste paper n: (paper discarded as useless) SC 废纸 fèi zhǐ SC 纸屑 fèi zhǐ,zhǐ xiè wastepaper basket, waste paper basket, waste basket n: (indoor receptacle for trash) SC 废纸篓 fèi zhǐ lǒu TC 廢紙蔞 She threw the unneeded files into the wastepaper basket. wastepaper bin, waste paper bin n: UK (indoor receptacle for rubbish) SC 废纸箱 fèi zhǐ xiāng TC 廢紙箱 wax paper, waxed paper n: (waterproof paper used in cookery) SC 蜡纸 waxed paper: (translucent wrapping paper) SC 蜡纸 SC 油纸 white paper n: (official document) SC 白皮书 White papers are issued by governments, companies, or other important organizations. working paper n: (not final draft) SC 未定稿版本,工作文件 wove paper n: (paper with a mesh texture) SC 布纹纸 bù wén zhǐ wrapping paper n: (decorative gift wrap) SC 包装纸 bāo zhuāng zhǐ TC 包裝紙 Most card shops sell a variety of wrapping papers, ribbons and bows. writing paper n: (smooth paper in sheets) SC 书写纸 shū xiě zhǐ TC 書寫用紙 SC 信纸 shū xiě zhǐ,xìn zhǐ It's still a pleasure to receive a letter written by hand on fine writing paper. |
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