

单词 burdens

burden n: (load)
SC 负荷 fù hè
TC 負荷
SC 重负 fù hè ,zhòng fù
The donkey can carry a heavy burden.

burden n: (weight)
SC 重负 zhòng fù
The burden of his heavy backpack was hard on his knees.

burden n: (encumbrance)
SC 负担 fù dān
TC 負擔
SC 包袱 fù dān ,bāo fú
TC 包袱
SC 累赘 fù dān ,léi zhuì
Payments for the two cars are a burden on the family's resources.

burden n: figurative (mental: pressure) (精神、心理、感情上)
SC 负担,包袱 fù dān ,bāo fú
TC 負擔,包袱
She has too many emotional burdens to relax properly.

burden n: (mental: responsibility) (精神)
SC 重担 zhòng dàn
TC 重擔
Being responsible for the family is a burden to him.

burden [sb] vtr: figurative (add pressure, worry) (精神、心理、感情上)
SC 加负担于,加压力于 jiā fù dān yú ,jiā yā lì yú
I never tell you my worries because I don't want to burden you.

burden [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep: figurative (impose [sth] troublesome)
SC 把某事加诸在某人肩上
SC 用某事劳烦某人
Don't burden your mother with your problems.

burden [sth] with [sth] vtr: (load)
SC 给…装(货)
They burdened the truck with even more weight.

beast of burden n: figurative (animal used for heavy work)
SC 驮畜 tuó chù
The water buffalo is the traditional beast of burden in Thailand.

burden of proof n: (law: responsibility of accuser)
SC 举证责任 jǔ zhèng zé rèn
TC 舉證責任
Under the law of this country, the burden of proof lies with the person making an accusation.

burden of proof n: (philosophy: need to provide evidence) (哲学方法)
SC 举证责任 jǔ zhèng zé rèn
TC 舉證責任

burden [sb] with debt v expr: often passive (cause to owe money)
SC 使负债 shǐ fù zhài
TC 使負債

burden yourself with [sth] v expr: (responsibility)
SC 为…所累 wèi suǒ lèi
TC 為…所累
SC 使自己承受太多负担 wèi suǒ lèi,shǐ zì jǐ chéng shòu tài duō fù dān
Don't burden yourself with the practical side of moving house: leave it to the removal men.

burden yourself with [sth] v expr: (concerns)
SC 使自己受困扰 shǐ zì jǐ shòu kùn rǎo
SC 为…所烦扰 shǐ zì jǐ shòu kùn rǎo,wèi suǒ fán rǎo
Don't burden yourself with my insignificant problems.

relieve [sb] of a burden v expr: (release from a responsibility)
SC 为某人减轻负担 wèi mǒu rén jiǎn qīng fù dān
SC 减轻某人的负担 wèi mǒu rén jiǎn qīng fù dān,jiǎn qīng mǒu rén de fù dān

tax burden n: (amount of money payable in taxes)
SC 课税负担




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