

单词 production

US   UK  
production n: (creation)
SC 创作 chuàng zuò
TC 創作
SC 制作 chuàng zuò ,zhì zuò
TC 製作 / 制作
The production of a work of art requires a lot of time and effort.

production n: (manufacture)
SC 生产 shēng chǎn
TC 生產
SC 制造 shēng chǎn,zhì zào
TC 製造 / 制造
Our company specialises in the production of luxury cars.

production n: (amount produced)
SC 产量 chǎn liàng
TC 產量
SC 产出 chǎn liàng ,chǎn chū
This item is so popular that the factory has had to increase production.

production n: (theatrical show)
SC 上演的电影,上演的戏剧
The latest production at the Barnfield Theatre is worth seeing.

production n: (music: arrangement) (音乐)
SC 制作,编曲 zhì zuò ,biān qǔ
TC 製作 / 制作

production n: (movies: making) (电影)
SC 制作,拍摄,摄制 zhì zuò ,pāi shè
TC 製作 / 制作,拍攝
Production is the stage when the film is being shot.

production n: figurative ([sth] overly complicated) (比喻)
SC 过于复杂化的表现,夸张的表现 guò yú fù zá huà de biǎo xiàn,kuā zhāng de biǎo xiàn
You're only travelling to London and people do that every day; there's no need to make a production out of it!

production n: (act of providing [sth])
SC 制造 zhì zào
TC 製造 / 制造
SC 制作 zhì zào,zhì zuò
TC 製作 / 制作
SC 生产 zhì zào,shēng chǎn
TC 生產
Glenn insisted he had done nothing wrong, but the production of CCTV footage proved he was lying.

assembly line production n: (cycle of manufacturing)
SC 流水线生产
SC 装配线生产

co-production n: ([sth] produced jointly)
SC 联合生产 lián hé shēng chǎn
TC 聯合生產
SC 合拍片 lián hé shēng chǎn,hé pāi piàn
SC 合作作品 lián hé shēng chǎn,hé zuò zuò pǐn

in production adj: (movie: being filmed) (电影等)
SC 拍摄中的 pāi shè zhōng de
TC 拍攝中的
Her latest film was still in production when she became ill.

in production adj: ([sth]; being made, manufactured)
SC 生产中的 shēng chǎn zhōng de
TC 生產中的
SC 制造中的 shēng chǎn zhōng de,zhì zào zhōng de
The latest model is presently in production and will be available early next year.
New energy-efficient cars, which will help reduce global warming, are now in production.

mass production n: uncountable (large-scale manufacturing)
SC 大规模生产 dà guī mó shēng chǎn
Henry Ford brought the techniques of mass production to the motor car.

means of production n: (resources: equipment, workers)
SC 生产资料 shēng chǎn zī liào
TC 生產資料
Third-world countries need to develop their means of production.

pilot production n: ([sth] produced on a trial basis)
SC 试制生产 shì zhì shēng chǎn
TC 試制生產

preproduction, also UK: pre-production n: (before formal production phase)
SC 生产前阶段
SC 预生产阶段

Production Designer n: (TV, cinema: [sb] who oversees visuals) (电视、电影)
SC 美术指导,艺术指导 měi shù zhǐ dǎo,yì shù zhǐ dǎo

production line: (manufacturing)
SC 生产线 shēng chǎn xiàn
TC 生產線
SC 流水线 shēng chǎn xiàn,liú shuǐ xiàn

Production Manager n: (supervises manufacture)
SC 生产经理
The Production Manager is the most important person in the Production Department.

shop floor, production floor n: (factory: production area) (工厂中的)
SC 生产现场
SC 车间 chē jiān
TC 車間

shop floor, production floor n: (staff in production area)
SC 生产员工
SC 车间员工




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