

单词 pan

US   UK  
pan n: (saucepan, frying pan)
SC 煎锅 jiān guō
SC 平底锅 jiān guō,píng dǐ guō
The bacon is sizzling in the pan.

pan, pan- prefix: (all, every) (前缀)
SC 全部的,整个,泛 quán bù de ,zhěng gè
TC 整個,泛
We ate dinner at a pan-Asian restaurant.

pan n: (sifting dish)
SC 筛盘
The miners used pans to look for gold in the riverbed.

pan n: (depression)
SC 洼地 wā dì
SC 凹地 wā dì ,āo dì
A low-lying area of land is sometimes referred to as a pan.

pan n: slang (face) (俚语)
SC 脸 liǎn
He took a smack in the pan, right on his nose.

pan n: US (container for roasting)
SC 烤盘 kǎo pán
Edward heated some oil in the pan, before adding the potatoes.

pan n: US (container for baking)
SC 烤盘 kǎo pán
We baked the cake in a square pan.

pan n: (makeup container)
SC 盘 pán
There is only a small amount of eye shadow left in the pan.

pan vi: (wash gravel)
SC 用淘金盘淘金 yòng táo jīn pán táo jīn
The man had been panning all day, without finding any gold at all.

pan vi: (move a camera) (摄像机的)
SC 摇动拍摄,摇摄 yáo dòng pāi shè,yáo shè
The camera panned over the audience.

pan [sth] vtr: informal (criticize) (非正式用语)
SC 严厉批评 yán lì pī píng
TC 嚴厲批評
A poor quality performance will be panned by the critics.

Pan n: (Greek god)
Pan was the Greek god of pastures, flocks and woods.

saucepan, pan n: (cooking pot with handle)
SC 有柄平底锅 yǒu bǐng píng dǐ guō
SC 有柄炖锅 yǒu bǐng píng dǐ guō,yǒu bǐng dùn guō
Warm the mixture in a saucepan for a few minutes.

pan out vi phrasal: informal (end up, result)
SC 取得成功 qǔ dé chéng gōng
SC 有结果
I had hoped to move to Paris if everything went well but my investments didn't pan out.

pan out vi phrasal: (movie camera: move backwards) (电影镜头)
SC 拉远
The camera slowly pans out and the figure of the old man becomes smaller and smaller.

baking pan (US), baking tin (UK) n: (for bread, cake)
SC 烘盘
SC 烘烤盘
The new trend in baking is to use a silicone baking pan.

cake pan (US), cake tin (UK) n: (tin for baking a cake)
SC 蛋糕烤盘 dàn gāo kǎo pán
TC 蛋糕烤盤
SC 烤制蛋糕的模具 dàn gāo kǎo pán,kǎo zhì dàn gāo de mó jù
Line the bottom of the cake pan with parchment paper.

drip pan, dripping pan n: (for collecting liquid waste)
SC 集油盘
SC 接油盘

evaporating pan n: (for measuring evaporation)
SC 蒸发盘 zhēng fā pán
TC 蒸發盤
SC 蒸发锅 zhēng fā pán,zhēng fā guō
The farmer uses the evaporation pan to calculate how much water his crops will need.

flash in the pan n: idiom ([sth] promising which then disappoints)
SC 空欢喜一场 kōng huān xǐ yì chǎng
SC 好景不长 kōng huān xǐ yì chǎng,hǎo jǐng bù cháng
SC 昙花一现 kōng huān xǐ yì chǎng,tán huā yí xiàn
After four weeks of rain we had a sunny morning yesterday, but it turned out to be just a flash in the pan.

frying pan, skillet (mainly US), also US: frypan, fry pan n: (shallow pan for frying)
SC 平底煎锅 píng dǐ jiān guō
TC 平底煎鍋
She served the potatoes right out of the skillet.

frypan, fry-pan n: US, Aus (skillet)
SC 煎锅 jiān guō

go down the pan v expr: UK, slang, figurative (fail or go wrong)
SC 毁掉 huǐ diào
SC 泡汤(比喻义)
All our holiday plans have gone down the pan.

loaf pan (US), loaf tin (UK) n: (metal container for baking bread)
SC 面包烤盘
TC 麵包烤盤
Put the dough into a loaf pan and bake for one hour.

muffin pan (US), muffin tin (UK) n: (pan for baking muffins)
SC 马芬烤盘

oil pan n: US (mechanics)
SC 承油盘

out of the frying pan, into the fire expr: figurative (from one danger to another)
SC 才出龙潭,又入虎穴
By changing jobs, Jeremy risked jumping out of the frying pan, into the fire.

pan for gold v expr: (extract gold from gravel)
SC 洗金砂取金
SC 淘金
He panned for gold near San Francisco.

pan-American adj: (relating to all of the Americas)
SC 泛美的
Slavery was a pan-American phenomenon.

pan-European adj: (across all of Europe)
SC 泛欧洲的
SC 泛欧的
The Commission has launched a pan-European initiative.

pan-fried adj: (cooked in a frying pan)
SC 用煎锅煎的

pan-fry [sth] vtr: (cook in a frying pan)
SC 用煎锅煎

pan-seared adj: (fried briefly in a very hot pan)
SC 煎的 jiān de
The chef was preparing pan-seared salmon.

panpipe n: often plural (music: wind instrument)
SC 潘神笛
SC 芦杆排箫

roasting pan (US), roasting tin (UK) n: (large metal dish for oven cooking)
SC 烤盘 kǎo pán
It is best to use a roasting pan when cooking your meat and vegetables in the oven.

saltpan, salt pan n: (geography: basin with salt deposits)
SC 盐场,盐田

sauté pan n: (pan for stir-frying)
SC 煎锅 jiān guō

sautéing pan, sauté pan, sauteing pan, sauteeing pan n: (shallow frying pan)
SC 浅平煎锅 qiǎn píng jiān guō
TC 淺平煎鍋
Place the chicken fillets in a sauté pan and dry-fry for 5 minutes on both sides.

springform pan n: (metal cake pan)
SC 弹簧烤模

steel pan n: (steel drum: percussion instrument)
SC 钢鼓
Derrick plays steel pan for a band.

warming pan n: (pan for warming bedsheets)
SC 长柄暖床炉
SC 暖穿器




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