

单词 bubbles

bubble n: often plural (liquid, soap)
SC 泡沫 pào mò
TC 泡沫
SC 泡泡 pào mò,pào pào
Bubbles rose to the surface of the fizzy drink.
Wilma relaxed in the bathtub, surrounded by bubbles.

bubble n: (gas globule in solid)
SC 固体中的气泡
There were bubbles trapped in the glass.

bubble n: figurative (protection from reality) (比喻)
SC 象牙塔 xiàng yá da
These students will be in for a shock when they leave the bubble of their life on campus and try to find jobs.

bubble n: (blown using gum) (口香糖吹出的)
SC 泡泡 pào pào
The girl stopped chewing to blow an enormous pink bubble.

bubble n: figurative (economy) (经济)
SC 泡沫 pào mò
TC 泡沫
After the end of the bubble, consumer spending decreased.

bubble n: (support bubble)
SC 可以起泡的
SC 可以冒泡的

bubble vi: (liquid: froth, form bubbles) (汽酒等)
SC 起泡,冒泡 qǐ pào ,mào pào
TC 起泡
If the water starts to bubble, turn down the heat.

bubble vi: (soap: froth, form bubbles)
SC 冒肥皂泡
This eco-friendly dish soap doesn't bubble.

bubble vi: (liquid: gurgle) (液体)
SC 汩汩流淌 gǔ gǔ liú tǎng
TC 汩汩流淌
A small stream bubbled nearby.

bubble n: (sound of liquid) (液体)
SC 汩汩流淌声
I could hear the faint bubble of a stream.

bubble n: (clear dome)
SC 透明穹顶
TC 透明穹頂

bubble n: (group of people)
SC 一群人 yì qún rén
SC 群体 yì qún rén,qún tǐ
TC 群體
During the pandemic, you should only mix with people who are in your bubble.

bubble over vi phrasal: (boil until spilling out of pan)
SC 冒泡溢出
The saucepan of boiling water bubbled over.

bubble over vi phrasal: figurative (be extremely happy or enthusiastic)
SC 兴高采烈 xìng gāo cǎi liè
TC 興高采烈
The crowd's joy bubbled over when Dembele scored the winning goal.

air bubble n: (pocket of air in a liquid)
SC 气泡 qì pào
TC 氣泡
That little pump creates hundreds of air bubbles in the aquarium.

bubble and squeak n: UK (vegetable dish)
SC 卷心菜煎土豆,油煎土豆卷心菜
Bubble and squeak originated as a way to use up leftover cabbage and potatoes.

bubble bath n: (liquid soap: for bath)
SC 泡沫剂 pào mò jì
TC 泡沫劑

bubble bath n: (bath: with soap bubbles)
SC 泡泡浴 pào pào yù
I take a bubble bath after exercising in order to relax my muscles.

bubble gum n: (confectionery)
SC 泡泡糖 pào pào táng
You've got some bubble gum stuck to the sole of your shoe.

bubble-gum adj: figurative, informal (sweet, insubstantial)
SC 泡泡糖 pào pào táng

bubble tea n: (drink containing tapioca)
SC 珍珠奶茶

bubble up vi + adv: (move up in bubbles)
SC 冒泡 mào pào

bubble up vi + adv: figurative (feelings, ideas: develop) (想法)
SC 酝酿 yùn niàng
TC 醖釀
SC 增进 yùn niàng,zēng jìn
TC 增進(感情)

bubble wrap: (protective padding)
SC 气泡衬垫
TC 氣泡襯墊
SC 包装气泡膜

soap bubble n: (bubble of soap suds)
SC 肥皂泡 féi zào pào

soap bubble n: figurative ([sth] not permanent)
SC 泡沫 pào mò
TC 泡沫
SC 泡影 pào mò,pào yǐng

speech bubble n: (cartoon: spoken text in a balloon)
SC 对话泡泡

spirit level, bubble level n: (device for determining a horizontal)
SC 水平仪 shuǐ píng yí

support bubble n: (group in contact during pandemic)
SC 社交泡泡
SC 支援泡泡

tennis bubble, tennis air dome n: (inflated dome over tennis courts) (网球场)
SC 充气顶棚

thought bubble n: (comic: balloon showing thoughts) (漫画)
SC 想法气泡,想法泡泡

travel bubble, travel corridor n: (countries allowing travel between) (相互开放边境刺激旅游的国家)
SC 旅行气泡
SC 旅行泡泡
During the pandemic, citizens can travel to other countries that are in their bubble without having to quarantine.




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