

单词 brown

US   UK  
brown n: (color)
SC 棕色 zōng sè
TC 棕色
SC 褐色 zōng sè ,hè sè
Which do you prefer? Black or brown?

brown adj: (color: in general)
SC 棕色的 zōng sè de
SC 褐色的 zōng sè de ,hè sè de
Jane lives in the brown house.

brown adj: (hair color)
SC 棕色头发的
SC 棕发的
Dan's hair is brown.
Maria has light brown hair.

brown adj: (eye color)
SC 棕色眼睛的
SC 棕眼的
I can't remember if Lisa's eyes are brown or blue.

brown adj: (person: with brown skin)
SC 棕色皮肤的
SC 棕肤的

brown adj: (suntanned) (皮肤)
SC 晒黑了的
I can't believe how brown you got at the beach.

brown vi: (become brown)
SC 枯黄 kū huáng
SC 变成褐色 kū huáng,biàn chéng hè sè
The oak leaves browned and fell from the trees.

brown [sth] vtr: (make brown from heat)
SC 把…烤得焦黄 bǎ kǎo de jiāo huáng
SC 使…变成褐色 bǎ kǎo de jiāo huáng,shǐ biàn chéng hè sè
SC 把…烤成棕色 bǎ kǎo de jiāo huáng,bǎ kǎo chéng zōng sè
The heat of the oven browned the turkey.

brown [sth] vtr: (sauté, fry)
SC 煎 jiān
SC 炒 jiān,chǎo
First you need to brown the potatoes.

brown [sb] off, brown off [sb] vtr phrasal sep: UK, figurative, informal (annoy or anger)
SC 惹恼 rě nǎo

brown [sth] off, brown off [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (cook until brown)
SC 把…烹饪至棕色

brown out vi phrasal: US (electricity: be reduced)
SC 使电力不足
The high use of air conditioners during the heat waves caused the electricity to brown out.

brown bear n: (North American mammal)
SC 棕熊 zōng xióng
Kodiak bears and grizzly bears are species of the brown bear.

brown belt n: (karate rank) (空手道的级别)
SC 棕带 zōng dài
It took me three years to earn my brown belt.

brown belt n: (karate student)
SC 棕带武术师 zōng dài wǔ shù shī
SC 棕带选手
I wouldn't mess with her if I were you, she's a brown belt.

brown bread n: (bread made of darker flour)
SC 黑面包 hēi miàn bāo
TC 黑麵包

brown bread n: (Boston brown bread)
SC 波士顿黑面包

brown butter n: (roasted butter)
SC 褐色黄油,棕色黄油

brown eyes npl: (eyes with brown irises)
SC 褐色的眼睛 hè sè de yǎn jīng
I have brown eyes.

brown hair n: (brunette or chestnut hair)
SC 褐色的头发 hè sè de tóu fà
SC 棕色的头发 hè sè de tóu fà,zōng sè de tóu fà
She wore a brown shirt to match her brown hair.

brown-nose n: vulgar, figurative, pejorative, slang (sycophant)
SC 马屁精 mǎ pì jīng
TC 馬屁精
What a brown-nose - always sucking up to the boss, hoping for a promotion.

brown-nose [sb] vtr: vulgar, figurative, pejorative, slang (be obsequious)
SC 拍马屁,谄媚讨好 pāi mǎ pì,chǎn mèi tǎo hǎo
You got that promotion because you brown-nosed the boss.

brown owl, tawny owl, wood owl n: (nocturnal bird of prey)
SC 褐枭

brown rice n: (whole rice)
SC 糙米 cāo mǐ
Brown rice takes longer to cook than white rice, unless you have a pressure cooker.

brown sugar n: US (sugar coated in molasses)
SC 红糖 hóng táng
This cookie recipe calls for one cup of brown sugar.

brown sugar n: UK (unrefined or partially unrefined sugar)
SC 半成品糖
SC 黄糖

brown-eyed adj: (having brown eyes)
SC 眼睛为褐色的 yǎn jīng wéi hè sè de
I prefer brown-eyed girls.

brown-haired adj: (having brunette or chestnut hair)
SC 棕发的
Samantha is a brown-haired girl.

brown-noser, brown-nose n: pejorative, vulgar, slang (obsequious person)
SC 奉承的人 fèng chéng de rén
SC 溜须拍马的人

brown-skinned adj: (person: with brown skin)
SC 棕色皮肤的
Anita is a brown-skinned girl.

chestnut brown n: (reddish brown)
SC 粟褐色 sù hè sè

chestnut brown, chestnut-brown adj: (reddish brown)
SC 粟褐色的 sù hè sè de
The chestnut-brown horse ran like the wind.

dark brown n: (color: deep shade of brown)
SC 深棕色
SC 深褐色 shēn hè sè

dark brown, dark-brown adj: (color: deep shade of brown)
SC 深棕色的
TC 深咖啡色的
SC 深褐色的 shēn hè sè de

golden brown n: (warm light-brown color)
SC 棕金色 zōng jīn sè
TC 金棕色的
SC 金褐色 zōng jīn sè,jīn hè sè
Her hair was a beautiful shade of golden brown.

golden brown, golden-brown adj: (warm light brown in color)
SC 棕金色的 zōng jīn sè de
TC 淡咖啡色的
SC 金褐色的 zōng jīn sè de,jīn hè sè de
Her golden brown hair shone in the sunlight.

hazel brown n: (light-brown colour)
SC 浅棕色 qiǎn zōng sè
TC 淺棕色
SC 浅褐色 qiǎn zōng sè ,qiǎn hè sè
TC 淺褐色
Hazel brown is what my mother always called my hair, though I thought it was darker.

hazel brown adj: (light brown in color)
SC 浅棕色的 qiǎn zōng sè de
TC 淺棕色的
SC 浅褐色的 qiǎn zōng sè de ,qiǎn hè sè de
TC 淺褐色的
Her hair was hazel brown, much lighter than mine.

kraft paper, brown paper, wrapping paper, parcel paper n: (brown wrapping paper)
SC 牛皮纸 niú pí zhǐ
Kraft paper is strong enough to make a kite.

light brown n: (pale brown color)
SC 浅棕色 qiǎn zōng sè
TC 淺棕色
SC 淡棕色 qiǎn zōng sè ,dàn zōng sè
The old leather bag had faded to light brown.

light brown, light-brown adj: (pale brown in color)
SC 浅棕色的 qiǎn zōng sè de
TC 淺棕色的
SC 淡棕色的
The police described the attacker as tall, with short, light-brown hair.

nut-brown, nut brown n: (medium brown color)
SC 栗色, 深棕色

nut-brown, nut brown adj: (medium brown in color)
SC 栗色的, 深棕色的

red-brown n: (color: brown tinged with red)
SC 红褐色,棕红色,红棕色 hóng hè sè

red-brown adj: (brown tinged with red)
SC 红褐色的,棕红色的,红棕色的 hóng hè sè de ,hóng zōng sè de
TC 紅褐色的,紅棕色的

reddish brown, reddish-brown, red brown, red-brown n: (russet, auburn color)
SC 红棕色, 红褐色

reddish brown, reddish-brown, red brown, red-brown adj: (russet, auburn in color)
SC 红褐色的 hóng hè sè de
TC 紅褐色的
Her hair was reddish-brown and really set off her fine green eyes.




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