

单词 gave

give [sb] [sth] vtr: (hand, pass: [sb] [sth])
SC 给予 jǐ yǔ
TC 給予
SC 递给 dì gěi
Could you give me that book over there, please?

give [sth] to [sb] vtr: (hand, pass: [sth] to [sb])
SC 把…给予 bǎ … jǐ yǔ
TC 把…給予
SC 把…交给 bǎ … jǐ yǔ ,bǎ jiāo gěi
SC 递给 bǎ … jǐ yǔ ,dì gěi
Can you give that book to me?

give [sb] [sth] vtr: (as a gift)
SC 赠予 zèng yǔ
SC 赠送 zèng yǔ ,zèng sòng
TC 贈送
SC 送给 zèng yǔ ,sòng gěi
She gave me a tie for my birthday.

give [sb] [sth] vtr: (provide)
SC 提供...给
TC 提供…給
SC 向...供应
SC 给某人某物
Can you give me something to eat?

give [sb] [sth], give [sb] [sth] for [sth] vtr: (pay)
SC 支付某人某物
SC 付款给
SC 向...缴纳
I'll give you five hundred dollars for that car.

give [sth] vtr: (supply)
SC 供应 gōng yìng
TC 供應
SC 供给 gōng yìng ,gōng jǐ
TC 供給
The furnace gives heat to the entire house.

give [sb] [sth] vtr: (assign, allot)
SC 将...分配给
SC 指派...给
After three interviews she was given the job.

give n: informal (tendency to yield)
SC 弯曲 wān qū
TC 彎曲
SC 凹下 wān qū ,āo xià
The floor has a bit of give in it.

give vi: (contribute)
SC 施舍 shī shě
SC 捐助 shī shě ,juān zhù
SC 捐赠 shī shě ,juān zèng
Please give generously.

give vi: (compromise)
SC 妥协 tuǒ xié
TC 妥協
SC 退让 tuǒ xié,tuì ràng
Someone has to give or we'll be here all night.

give vi: (yield under pressure)
SC 支撑不住 zhī chēng bú zhù
TC 支撐不住
SC 断裂 zhī chēng bú zhù,duàn liè
TC 斷裂
This door gives when you lean on it.

give vi: (collapse)
SC (在压力下)倒塌 zài yā lì xià dǎo tā
SC 塌下 zài yā lì xià dǎo tā,tā xià
The chair gave underneath him.

give [sth] vtr: (present, perform)
SC 表演 biǎo yǎn
TC 表演
SC 演出 biǎo yǎn,yǎn chū
TC 演出
She's giving a piano concert tonight.

give [sb] [sth] vtr: (place in [sb]'s care)
SC 将某物交付…保管
I gave them the house keys for the week.

give [sth] vtr: (utter) (声音)
SC 发出 fā chū
TC 發出
SC 叫出 fā chū,jiào chū
He gave a shout and ran towards her.

give [sb] [sth] vtr: (cause)
SC 使得…感到
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you tonight.

give [sth] to [sth], give [sth] for [sth] vtr: (donate)
SC 将...捐赠给
SC 捐出...给
He gave his heart and lungs to science.

give [sb] [sth] vtr: (infect) (疾病)
SC 传染 chuán rǎn
TC 傳染
SC 感染 chuán rǎn,gǎn rǎn
TC 感染
SC 传给 chuán rǎn,chuán gěi
She's given me her cold.

give [sb] [sth] vtr: (deliver)
SC 将...传递给
SC 将...传达给
Give them our fondest regards.

give [sth] to [sb] vtr: (inflict)
SC 使...遭受
SC 使...承受
He gave detention to the whole class.

give [sb] [sth] vtr: (administer) (药物)
SC 给…服用
How much aspirin should I give her?

give [sth] to [sth], give [sth] for [sth] vtr: (devote)
SC 将...奉献给
SC 向...付出
SC 为了...牺牲
She gave her life to the human rights movement.

give [sb] [sb] vtr: (make pregnant) (指怀孕)
SC 使...怀上
Her husband gave her two boys within three years of the wedding.

give [sth] away vtr phrasal sep: (make a gift)
SC 将…捐出去
She put her old clothes in a bag and gave them away.

give [sth] away vtr phrasal sep: figurative (reveal)
SC 把…泄露出去 bǎ … xiè lù chū qù
When you tell a joke, you can't give away the punch line until the end.

give [sb] away vtr phrasal sep: figurative (reveal incriminating information about)
SC 透露...的定罪信息
SC 发布...的有罪信息
The boy insisted he wasn't responsible for the graffiti, but the paint spatters on his sweater gave him away.

give [sb] away vtr phrasal sep: figurative (reveal true identity)
SC 泄露...的真实身份
SC 透露...的真实身份

give [sb] away vtr phrasal sep: (give bride to groom) (新娘)
SC 将...交给新郎
Jane's father is no longer alive, so her brother is going to give her away.

give [sth] back, give [sth] back to [sb] vtr phrasal sep: (return: [sth] to [sb])
SC 归还,交还,还 guī huán ,jiāo huán
TC 歸還,還
Did you give me back the pen I lent you? You took my sweater? Give it back!

give in vi phrasal: (surrender, admit defeat)
SC 投降 tóu xiáng
TC 投降
SC 认输 tóu xiáng ,rèn shū
I give in; it's just too difficult.

give in vi phrasal: (yield: to feeling, temptation)
SC 屈服 qū fú
TC 屈服
SC 让步 qū fú ,ràng bù
TC 讓步
She is trying to avoid sweets, but if you tempt her with chocolate, she always gives in.

give in to [sth] vi phrasal + prep: (yield: to feeling, temptation) (感觉,诱惑)
SC 屈服于, 向…屈服
The children wanted to stay up until midnight, but one by one, they gave in to sleep.

give a big hand v expr: (applaud enthusiastically)
SC 热烈鼓掌

couldn't-give-a-damn attitude n: slang, potentially offensive (apathy, lack of concern) (俚语,可能无礼)
SC 一点都不在意的态度,根本不在乎的态度 yì diǎn dōu bú zài yì de tài dù,gēn běn bú zài hū de tài dù
There's no way I'd hire him with his couldn't-give-a-damn attitude.

credit where it's due, to give credit where it's due expr: (expressing reluctant praise)
SC 该赞扬还得赞扬,这点还是要承认
She wasn't the nicest boss, but credit where it's due, she did increase profits.

cut [sb] some slack, give [sb] some slack v expr: informal, figurative (make allowances for [sb])
SC 放...一马
SC 对...网开一面
I'll have to cut my new employee some slack; this is all new to her.

Don't give me that! interj: informal (Stop making excuses)
SC 别再找借口了!
'I'm sorry, I forgot.' 'Don't give me that!'.

flip [sb] the bird, flip the bird at [sb], give [sb] the bird v expr: US, slang (make vulgar middle-finger gesture)
SC 竖中指 shù zhōng zhǐ
TC 豎中指

give [sb] a bad name v expr: figurative (damage [sb]'s reputation)
SC 损坏某人名声 sǔn huài mǒu rén míng shēng
Your behaviour is giving me a bad name in the neighbourhood!

give [sb] a bell v expr: UK, slang (phone [sb])
SC 给…打电话 gěi dǎ diàn huà
Give me a bell when you need picking up from the station.

give a boost to [sth/sb], give [sth/sb] a boost v expr: (assist, encourage)
SC 促进,推进 cù jìn,tuī jìn
TC 促進,推進
SC 激励 jī lì
TC 激勵
The advertisement gave a boost to the company's sales.

give [sb] a call v expr: informal (phone [sb])
SC 给…打电话 gěi dǎ diàn huà

give [sb] a complex v expr: (make self-conscious)
SC 让…感到难为情
If you keep mentioning her weight, you'll give her a complex.

not give a crap v expr: vulgar, slang (not care)
SC 不管 bù guǎn
TC 不管

give a crap v expr: vulgar, slang (care)
SC 关心 guān xīn
TC 關心
I doubt James gives a crap whether I'm at the party or not.

not give a damn v expr: potentially offensive, slang (not care)
SC 不在乎, 不在意
I don't give a damn that my ex has a new girlfriend!

give a damn v expr: potentially offensive, slang (care)
SC 在乎 zài hu
SC 关心 zài hu ,guān xīn
TC 關心
If you give a damn about me, tell me the truth.

not give a darn v expr: US, informal, euphemism (not care)
SC 不关心 bù guān xīn
TC 不關心
SC 不在意 bù guān xīn,bú zài yì
Frankly, I don't give a darn about politics.

give [sb] a dirty look v expr: informal (look resentfully at)
SC 厌憎地看...一眼

give a dog a bad name and hang him expr: (a bad reputation is hurtful)
SC 有事说事,别拿狗撒气
SC 欲加之罪,何患无辞

not give a fig v expr: figurative, informal (not care, be unconcerned) (口语)
SC 毫不在乎,完全不放在心上 háo bú zài hū

give a fig v expr: figurative, informal (care, be concerned)
SC 在乎 zài hu
SC 关心 zài hu ,guān xīn
TC 關心

give [sth/sb] a flick v expr: (flip lightly with finger)
SC 轻弹 qīng tán
SC 轻击 qīng tán ,qīng jī

not give a f*** v expr: vulgar, offensive, slang (not care)
SC 不在乎, 不关心, 不在意
I don't give a f*** what you think.

give a f*** v expr: vulgar, offensive, slang (care)
SC 在乎 zài hu
SC 在意 zài hu ,zài yì
TC 在意
Who gives a f*** about fashion? I wear what I like!

give [sb] a good telling-off, give [sb] a good telling off v expr: informal (reprimand)
SC 将某人狠骂一通 jiāng mǒu rén hěn mà yì tōng
When the boss found out what had happened, Sally was taken into the office and given a good telling-off.

give [sb] a hand v expr: informal (help [sb])
SC 对...伸出援手,帮助 bāng zhù
TC 幫助
SC 给...搭把手
I needed help carrying the wardrobe and the neighbour gave me a hand.

give [sb] a hand, give a hand to [sb] v expr: informal (applaud)
SC 给...献上掌声
SC 为...鼓掌
Let's give a big hand to our next act.

give [sb] a handout, give a handout to [sb], also UK: give [sb] a hand-out, give a hand-out to [sb] v expr: (give financial aid)
SC 提供资金援助 tí gōng zī jīn yuán zhù

give [sb] a hard time v expr: informal (treat harshly)
SC 跟...过不去
SC 为难
TC 為難
They gave me a hard time at the interview.

give [sb] a hard time about [sth], give [sb] a hard time over [sth] v expr: informal (berate)
SC 责备 zé bèi
TC 責備
SC 责骂 zé bèi,zé mà
My dad gave me a hard time about not finishing my homework.

give [sb] a heads-up, give [sb] a heads up, give a heads-up to [sb], give a heads up to [sb] v expr: informal (inform, warn [sb])
SC 提前通知 tí qián tōng zhī
SC 警告 tí qián tōng zhī ,jǐng gào
TC 警告

give [sb] a helping hand, give a helping hand to [sb] v expr: (assist, help)
SC 帮助 bāng zhù
TC 幫助
SC 援助 bāng zhù,yuán zhù
TC 援助
SC 协助 bāng zhù,xié zhù
TC 協助
You should give a helping hand to the needy.

not give a hoot v expr: figurative, informal (not care)
SC 关心 guān xīn
TC 關心
SC 在乎 guān xīn,zài hu
I don't give a hoot if you don't like the way I dress--I'll wear whatever I like!

give a hoot v expr: figurative, informal (care)
SC 关心 guān xīn
TC 關心
SC 在乎 guān xīn,zài hu
Do you think I give a hoot about your opinion?

give [sb] a kicking v expr: informal (attack physically, beat)
SC 踢(某人)一脚
SC 踢打

give [sb] a kicking v expr: figurative, informal (defeat [sb])
SC 打败 dǎ bài
TC 打敗
SC 击败 dǎ bài,jī bài
TC 擊敗

give [sb] a kicking v expr: figurative, informal (criticize [sb] heavily)
SC 猛烈抨击 měng liè pēng jī
TC 猛烈抨擊
The film critic gave the director a kicking for the boring film.

not give a monkey's v expr: UK, regional, slang (not care)
SC 一点不在乎
SC 无所谓 wú suǒ wèi
TC 無所謂

give a monkey's v expr: UK, regional, slang (care, be concerned)
SC 关心 guān xīn
TC 關心
SC 在乎 guān xīn,zài hu

give [sb] a piece of your mind v expr: (scold harshly)
SC 辱骂 rǔ mà
SC 斥责 rǔ mà,chì zé
TC 斥責

give a piggyback, give a piggyback to [sb], give [sb] a piggyback v expr: informal (carry [sb] on your back)
SC 背着 bēi zhe
SC 背在肩上
My ankle hurts - please give me a piggyback.

give [sb] a raise, give a raise to [sb] (US), give [sb] a rise, give a rise to [sb] (UK) v expr: informal (increase [sb]'s pay)
SC 给…加薪,给…涨工资

give a reading v expr: (read [sth] publicly)
SC 公开朗读

give [sb] a ride, give a ride to [sb] (US), give [sb] a lift, give a lift to [sb] (UK) v expr: informal (take in car)
SC 送…
SC 让…搭车
I'll give you a ride to the airport.

give [sb] a rocket v expr: UK, informal (reprimand [sb] severely)
SC 严厉斥责 yán lì chì zé
TC 嚴厲斥責
SC 痛骂 yán lì chì zé,tòng mà
Jim's boss gave him a rocket for losing the data.

give a second thought to [sth/sb], give [sth/sb] a second thought v expr: informal (consideration)
SC 再次考虑 zài cì kǎo lǜ
TC 再次考慮
SC 再三思量
Most people don't give a second thought to the problems of the homeless.

not give a s*** v expr: vulgar, slang (not care)
SC 不在乎 bú zài hu
TC 不在乎
SC 不管 bú zài hu ,bù guǎn
TC 不管
Sally said she doesn't give a s*** what her unfaithful ex-husband does with his time.

give a s*** v expr: vulgar, slang (care)
SC 在乎 zài hu
SC 在意 zài hu ,zài yì
TC 在意
It's a long time since I gave a s*** what people thought of me!

give [sth] a shot v expr: figurative, informal (try)
SC 试…,尝试… cháng shì
He gave the auditions a shot, but ultimately failed.
I gave that book a shot, but I stopped reading it because I wasn't interested.

give [sb] a shout-out, give a shout-out to [sb] v expr: informal (acknowledge by name)
SC 公开向某人致意
SC 对某人表示感谢 duì mǒu rén biǎo shì gǎn xiè
During his speech, the student gave a shout-out to the teachers who had encouraged him.

give [sb/sth] a standing ovation v expr: (audience: rise to applaud [sb/sth])
SC 起立鼓掌 qǐ lì gǔ zhǎng
The crowd gave the film a standing ovation.

give a talk v expr: (conduct a speech or lecture)
SC 作报告 zuò bào gào
TC 報告
SC 作演讲 zuò bào gào,zuò yǎn jiǎng
TC 做演講
On Monday I have to give a talk about the work I did over the summer.

give [sb] a taste of his/her/their own medicine, give [sb] a dose of his/her/their own medicine v expr: figurative (punish [sb] using their own methods)
SC 自食苦果

give a tinker's damn, give a tinker's dam, give a tinker's cuss v expr: informal (not care at all)
SC 一点不在乎
SC 无所谓 wú suǒ wèi
TC 無所謂

give a tinker's damn v expr: informal (care, be concerned)
SC 关心 guān xīn
TC 關心
SC 在乎 guān xīn,zài hu

not give a toss v expr: UK, vulgar, slang (not care) (俚语,粗俗)
SC 在乎 zài hu
SC 关心 zài hu ,guān xīn
TC 關心
SC 在意 zài hu ,zài yì
TC 在意
I don't give a toss why you're late; you're fired anyway!

give a toss v expr: UK, vulgar, slang (care) (俚语,粗俗)
SC 在乎 zài hu
SC 关心 zài hu ,guān xīn
TC 關心
Do I look like someone who gives a toss?

give [sth] a try v expr: informal (attempt)
SC 试试
If you've never gone skiing, you should give it a try.

give [sth] a try v expr: informal (sample)
SC 尝试 cháng shì
TC 嘗試
SC 尝尝
You shouldn't say you hate sushi without giving it a try first.

give [sb] a wedgie v expr: slang (pull [sb]'s underpants up hard) (恶作剧)
SC 内裤卡屁眼

give [sth] a whirl v expr: informal, figurative (try [sth] new)
SC 尝试 cháng shì
TC 嘗試
Judith had never been surfing before, but she thought she'd give it a whirl.

give a wide berth to [sb/sth], give [sb/sth] a wide berth v expr: figurative (keep away from)
SC 避开 bì kāi
TC 避開
SC 保持距离
TC 保持距離

give advice v expr: (suggest or recommend [sth])
SC 建议 jiàn yì
TC 建議

give aid to [sb/sth] v expr: (provide charity)
SC 捐款 juān kuǎn
SC 捐赠(物品) juān kuǎn,juān zèng ( wù pǐn )
Some criminals ease their conscience by giving aid to the poor.

give [sb/sth] airtime, give airtime to [sb/sth] v expr: (TV, radio: publicize) (电视台)
SC 播放,播映 bō fàng
SC 广播 guǎng bō
TC 廣播(电台)

give and take, give-and-take n: informal (compromise) (非正式用语)
SC 互相让步妥协,互相让步 hù xiāng ràng bù tuǒ xié,hù xiāng ràng bù
Marriage is all about give and take between the partners.

give and take, give-and-take n: informal (conversation)
SC 讨论 tǎo lùn
TC 討論
SC 谈话 tǎo lùn ,tán huà
TC 談話

give approval, give your approval v expr: (support, endorse [sth])
SC 支持 zhī chí
TC 支持
SC 赞成 zhī chí,zàn chéng
TC 贊成

give approval for [sth], give your approval for [sth] v expr: (permit, agree to [sth])
SC 允许 yǔn xǔ
TC 允許
SC 赞同 yǔn xǔ ,zàn tóng
TC 贊同
SC 批准 yǔn xǔ ,pī zhǔn
TC 批准

give as a pretext vtr: (make an excuse of)
SC 以…为借口 yǐ wéi jiè kǒu
SC 以…为托词 yǐ wéi jiè kǒu,yǐ wéi tuō cí
She gave being tired as a pretext for escaping from the boring party.

give assurance that vtr + n: (with clause: guarantee)
SC 保证 bǎo zhèng
TC 保證 / 保証

give assurance of [sth] v expr: (guarantee [sth])
SC 保证...

give your assurance that, give [sb] your assurance that v expr: (with clause: guarantee)
SC 向...保证...

give birth v expr: (have a baby)
SC 生孩子 shēng hái zi
SC 生产 shēng hái zi ,shēng chǎn
TC 生產
Sarah gave birth on Tuesday.

give birth to [sb] v expr: (woman: to baby) (人)
SC 生(孩子) shēng ( hái zi )
Emily gave birth to twin girls last Saturday.

give birth v expr: (animal: have offspring) (动物)
SC 产仔 chǎn zǎi
Our cat crept to a quiet corner of the garden to give birth.

give birth to [sth] v expr: (animal: to young) (动物)
SC 产仔 chǎn zǎi
Labradors usually give birth to between six and eight puppies.

give birth to [sth] v expr: figurative (create, bring about)
SC 催生 cuī shēng
SC 开创 cuī shēng,kāi chuàng
TC 開創
Henry Ford gave birth to the automotive industry.

give [sb] comfort, give comfort to [sb] vtr + n: (console, reassure)
SC 安慰 ān wèi
TC 安慰
SC 安抚 ān wèi,ān fǔ
Religion often gives comfort to people in times of trouble.

give consent vtr + n: (agree to [sth])
SC 应允 yīng yǔn
SC 同意 yīng yǔn,tóng yì
TC 同意
SC 许可 yīng yǔn,xǔ kě
TC 許可
If you're aged 18 or under, your parents or guardians will need to give their consent.

give credence to [sth] v expr: (accept as the truth)
SC 相信 xiāng xìn
TC 相信
SC 给予…以信任 xiāng xìn ,gěi yǔ yǐ xìn rèn
You can't possibly give credence to the word of a man who's a notorious liar!

give [sb] credit, give [sb] credit on [sth] vtr + n: (allow delayed payment)
SC 让…赊账
TC 讓…賒賬
I soon regretted giving him credit on that purchase.

give [sb] credit for [sth], give [sb] credit for doing [sth] v expr: (acknowledge)
SC 为…而称赞某人
Teresa gave Simon credit for admitting responsibility for the mistake.

give credit to [sb] for [sth], give credit to [sb] for doing [sth] v expr: (acknowledge)
SC 为…而称赞某人
Many commentators have given credit to Karzai for leading the country to recovery.

give [sb] credit, give [sb] some credit vtr + n: (recognize worth)
SC 赏识,赞许 shǎng shí ,zàn xǔ
SC 承认 chéng rèn
TC 承認
I'm not that stupid; give me some credit!

give directions vtr + npl: (describe a route)
SC 指路 zhǐ lù
They give directions to tourists looking for the mausoleum.

give directions vtr + npl: (explain how to do [sth])
SC 指导 zhǐ dǎo
TC 指導
SC 指示 zhǐ dǎo,zhǐ shì
TC 指示
I gave him directions on how to fix the tap but it's still leaking.

give encouragement to [sb] v expr: (offer moral support, cheer [sb] on)
SC 鼓励 gǔ lì
TC 鼓勵
SC 激励 gǔ lì,jī lì
TC 激勵
Mary always gives encouragement to her students.

give evidence vtr + n: (testify in a court of law)
SC 提供证据 tí gōng zhèng jù
TC 提供證據
SC 作证 tí gōng zhèng jù ,zuò zhèng
TC 作證 / 作証
The witness gave evidence that the defendant was indeed guilty of murder.

give ground vtr + n: figurative (concede, yield)
SC 退却 tuì què
TC 退卻
SC 让步 tuì què,ràng bù
TC 讓步
He was so stubborn he would never give ground on any argument.

give [sb] hell vtr + n: slang (reprimand [sb] severely)
SC 狠狠数落某人 hěn hěn shǔ luò mǒu rén
If you keep doing the opposite of what dad tells you, he's going to give you hell one day.

give [sb] help vtr + n: (assist)
SC 给某人帮忙 gěi mǒu rén bāng máng
SC 协助某人




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