

单词 pring

pre, pre- prefix: (before, earlier, prior)
SC 在…前 zài qián
SC 在…之前 zài qián,zài … zhī qián
For example: pre-existing, preamble

pre-Columbian, pre-Hispanic adj: (before 1492)
SC 前哥伦布时期的

pre-dentistry n: (studies taken prior to dentist training)
SC 牙医预科,牙医学预科

pre-established adj: (form or establish in advance)
SC 预先建立的, 预先设立的

pre-filled adj: (provided with contents)
SC 预填充的,已装满的

pre-made adj: (ready-prepared)
SC 预制的 yù zhì de
TC 預製的
SC 预先制作的

pre-op adj: (before operation)
SC 术前的 shù qián de

pre-order [sth] vtr: (pay for [sth] before available)
SC 预定 yù dìng
TC 預定
The library pre-orders its books so they are ready by publication day.

pre-order n: (advance payment for [sth])
SC 预定 yù dìng
TC 預定
SC 预付 yù dìng,yù fù

pre-owned adj: (used, owned before)
SC 二手的 èr shǒu de
SC 旧的 èr shǒu de ,jiù de

pre-plan [sth] vtr: (arrange for future)
SC 预先计划,事先计划 yù xiān jì huà
TC 預先計劃

pre-plan vi: (arrange for future)
SC 预先计划,事先计划 yù xiān jì huà
TC 預先計劃

pre-qualify for [sth] vi + prep: (already be approved as eligible for)
SC 已具有...的资格

Pre-Raphaelite n: (member of artists' group)
SC 拉菲尔前派画家

Pre-Raphaelite adj: (relating to Pre-Raphaelite art)
SC 拉菲尔前派的

pre-selling n: (taking orders for [sth] not yet available)
SC 预售

precooked, pre-cooked adj: (food: already cooked) (食物)
SC 做熟的,预先烹调的 zuò shú de

preeclampsia, also UK: pre-eclampsia n: (toxic condition in pregnant women)
SC 先兆子痫

preeminence, pre-eminence n: (distinction, greatness)
SC 杰出 jié chū n
TC 傑出
SC 优秀 jié chū,yōu xiù
TC 優秀

preeminent, pre-eminent adj: (notable)
SC 显著的 xiǎn zhù de
TC 顯著的
SC 卓越的 xiǎn zhù de ,zhuó yuè de
SC 杰出的 xiǎn zhù de ,jié chū de
TC 傑出的
Professor Bernstein is the preeminent physicist of this decade.

preeminently, pre-eminently adv: (in a superior way)
SC 卓越地, 杰出地, 出类拔萃地
Dr Burton is preeminently qualified to teach this class.

preempt [sth], pre-empt [sth] vtr: (prevent)
SC 预先阻止 yù xiān zǔ zhǐ
TC 預先阻止
The rival company preempted our takeover bid by selling its stock.

preempt [sb], pre-empt [sb] vtr: (act before [sb] else)
SC 抢在…之前做 qiǎng zài zhī qián zuò
SC 先发制人 qiǎng zài zhī qián zuò,xiān fā zhì rén
TC 先發制人
I was about to make a suggesting during the company meeting, but my coworker preempted me.

preempt [sth], pre-empt [sth] vtr: (anticipate)
SC 预防 yù fáng
TC 預防
The company held a training session in order to preempt any further issues.

preempt [sth], pre-empt [sth] vtr: (acquire before others)
SC 先占 xiān zhàn
SC 先取得
Customers who called in advance have already preempted most of the seats.

preempt [sth], pre-empt [sth] vtr: (supplant)
SC 代替 dài tì
TC 代替
SC 取代 dài tì,qǔ dài
TC 取代
Normal programming was preempted by a breaking news bulletin.

preemption, pre-emption n: (prior claim to property)
SC 先买权 xiān mǎi quán
TC 先買權
SC 优先购买权 xiān mǎi quán,yōu xiān gòu mǎi quán
After this contract is up, we will no longer have the right of preemption.

preemption, pre-emption n: (preventative action)
SC 先发制人,先占 xiān fā zhì rén,xiān zhàn
TC 先發制人
SC 率先行动
The troops had no time for preemption and advanced quickly on the enemy.

preemptive, also UK: pre-emptive adj: (anticipatory)
SC 先发制人的 xiān fā zhì rén de
SC 先占的 xiān fā zhì rén de,xiān zhàn de
SC 抢下的 xiān fā zhì rén de,qiǎng xià de
The military instigated a preemptive air strike.

preemptive, also UK: pre-emptive adj: (with prior right)
SC 先买权的 xiān mǎi quán de
TC 先買權的
SC 先占权的 xiān mǎi quán de,xiān zhàn quán de
The first bidder has the preemptive right to the purchase.

preemptively, pre-emptively adv: (before [sth] expected)
SC 先发制人地
Receiving intelligence of the enemy's plans, the commander ordered the air force to strike preemptively.

preexist [sth], also UK: pre-exist [sth] vtr: (exist prior to)
SC 先于…存在 xiān yú cún zài

preexist, also UK: pre-exist vi: (exist beforehand)
SC 预先存在 yù xiān cún zài
TC 預先存在
SC 事先存在 yù xiān cún zài,shì xiān cún zài

preexisting, pre-existing adj: (prior, already in effect)
SC 先前的 xiān qián de
SC 早先存在的
The congress overturned the preexisting law.

preflight, also UK: pre-flight adj: (before a plane journey)
SC 起飞前的
The pilot did his preflight check prior to leaving the gate.

preindustrial (US), pre-industrial (UK) adj: (before the industrial age)
SC 工业化前的
SC 未工业化的

premed, pre-med n: UK, informal, abbreviation (premedication) (缩略语,非正式用语)
SC 术前用药 n

premedication, pre-medication n: (drugs given before anesthesia)
SC 麻醉前用药

preprandial, pre-prandial adj: formal (before a meal)
SC 餐前的
SC 饭前的

preproduction, also UK: pre-production n: (before formal production phase)
SC 生产前阶段
SC 预生产阶段

prerecorded, also UK: pre-recorded adj: (recorded at previous time)
SC 预先录制的

prerecorded broadcast, also UK: pre-recorded broadcast n: (tv, radio: transmission recorded in advance) (电视、广播等)
SC 播放预先录制好的节目 bō fàng yù xiān lù zhì hǎo de jié mù
Today we'll be replaying a pre-recorded broadcast.

preregistration, pre-registration n: (early registration, in advance of event or general registration)
SC 预先注册 yù xiān zhù cè
TC 預先註冊
SC 预先登记 yù xiān zhù cè,yù xiān dēng jì

prerelease (US), pre-release (UK) adj: (film, etc: not yet widely released)
SC 预发布的

prerelease (US), pre-release (UK) n: (film, etc., advance showing)
SC 预发布版本

presale, pre-sale n: (private advance sale)
SC 预售

presale, pre-sale n: (period before a sale)
SC 预售期

presale, pre-sale adj: (before a sale)
SC 售前的

preschool, pre-school n: (nursery school)
SC 幼儿园 yòu ér yuán
TC 幼兒園
SC 幼稚园 yòu ér yuán,yòu zhì yuán
TC 幼稚園(新加坡)
The children started preschool at age 3.

preschool, pre-school n as adj: (of a preschool)
SC 幼儿园的 yòu ér yuán de
TC 幼兒園的
SC 幼稚园的 yòu ér yuán de ,yòu zhì yuán de(新加坡)
Several of the preschool teachers had no qualifications.

preschool, pre-school n as adj: (of early childhood)
SC 学龄前的 xué líng qián de
TC 學齡前的
SC 学前的 xué líng qián de ,xué qián de(新加坡)
What educational activities work with preschool kids?

preschool child, pre-school child n: (child under 5)
SC 学龄前儿童 xué líng qián ér tóng
Pre-school children must be accompanied by both parents.

preschool teacher, pre-school teacher n: (educator at nursery school)
SC 幼儿教师,幼师

preselect [sth/sb], pre-select vtr: (choose [sth/sb] in advance)
SC 预选,预先选择

pretax, also UK: pre-tax adj: (profits, etc.: before tax)
SC 税前的 shuì qián de

preteen, pre-teen n: (child just under 13) (13岁以下)
SC 青春期之前的孩子

preteen, pre-teen adj: (child: just under 13) (13岁以下)
SC 青春期之前的
SC 快到青春期的

preteen, pre-teen adj: (relating to children just under 13)
SC 不满13岁的

pretrial, pre-trial adj: (before a legal trial)
SC 审判前的 shěn pàn qián de
TC 審判前的
SC 审理前的 shěn pàn qián de,shěn lǐ qián de

pretrial, also UK: pre-trial n: (court hearing before trial)
SC 预审 yù shěn




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