

单词 ils

IL n: written, abbreviation (US state: Illinois) (美国州名)
SC 伊利诺斯州
The package is addressed to IL.

in prep: (inside)
SC 在…内 zài … nèi
SC 在…中 zài … nèi ,zài … zhōng
SC 在…里面 zài … nèi ,zài … lǐ miàn
TC 在…裡面
I left your book in the car.

in prep: US (into)
SC 从外面进入 cóng wài miàn jìn rù
SC 进入…之内 cóng wài miàn jìn rù,jìn rù … zhī nèi
SC 入内 cóng wài miàn jìn rù,rù nèi
He came in the room after you left.

in prep: (in a geographical location) (地理位置)
SC 在…里 zài … lǐ
TC 在...裡
I live in a small town in France, but my family lives in London.
I'll take you to my favourite shop in the city centre.
我住在法国的一个小镇里,不过我的家人们住在伦敦。// 我要带你去我在这座城市里最喜欢的店。

in adv: (into a position)
SC 入 rù
SC 进入 rù,jìn rù
TC 進入
First put the batteries in and then turn it on.

in prep: (time: within) (时间)
SC 在…内,在…期间 zài … nèi ,zài … qī jiān
TC 在…期間
I'll be leaving in March.

in prep: (time: after) (时间)
SC 在…之后 zài … zhī hòu
TC 在...之後
Call me again in two days.

in prep: (time: within a period) (一段时间)
SC 在…内 zài … nèi
I haven't seen you in years! How have you been?
This window's a bit stiff; it hasn't been opened in at least a month.

in prep: (category) (介词,从事、专攻等)
SC 于 yú
She works in marketing.

in prep: (indicating language)
SC 用(某种语言)
She spoke to me in Spanish.

in prep: (condition)
SC 处于...状态
SC 处于…中 chǔ yú … zhōng
SC 在…情形下 zài … qíng xíng xià
The plate was lying in fragments on the ground.

in adv: (in style)
SC 时髦 shí máo
SC 流行 shí máo,liú xíng
TC 流行
Mini skirts are in this season.

in adv: (at home)
SC 在家 zài jiā
TC 在家
SC 在办公室 zài jiā ,zài bàn gōng shì
I'm afraid George isn't in right now.

in adv: (in office)
SC 在办公
TC 在辦公
SC 在办公室 zài bàn gōng shì
The doctor was not in, so I left a message.

in adv: (willing to be involved)
SC 算上的 suàn shàng de
SC 算入的 suàn shàng de,suàn rù de
A hike in the mountains? I'm in!

in adv: (into a place)
SC 进入某地, 进入某场所
He opened the door and they all walked in.

in adv: used in compounds (in power)
SC 执政中
SC 处于当权地位 chǔ yú dāng quán dì wèi
She was voted in by a large majority.

in adv: (baseball: closer to home)
SC 距本垒较近 jù běn lěi jiào jìn
The infielders play in when there is a runner on third.

in adv: (in favor with [sb])
SC 受某人宠爱 shòu mǒu rén chǒng ài
He's always in with the bosses.

in adv: (in season)
SC 应时的 yìng shí de
TC 應時的
SC 当季的 yìng shí de,dāng jì de
TC 當季的
You have to wait another month for raspberries to be in.

in adv: (sports: within bounds) (体育运动)
SC 在界内 zài jiè nèi
The ball was in! She's won the match!

in, in. n: written, invariable, abbreviation (inch)
SC 英尺 yīng chǐ
TC 英尺
I am 5 ft. 2 in. tall.

in n: informal (favorable position)
SC 有利 yǒu lì
TC 有利
SC 占据优势

in, im, il, ir prefix: (not, non) (前缀,意为“不是”,“非”)
SC in-
For example: insincere, imperfect, illegal, irregular

in, im, il, ir prefix: (into, towards) (前缀,意为“到…里”,“朝向”,“进入”)
SC in-
For example: immigrate, infiltrate

in, im, il, ir prefix: (causative function) (前缀,意为“使动作”)
SC in-
For example: inflame, imperil, irradiate, illuminate

in prep: (limit: within)
SC 在…范围内 zài fàn wéi nèi
The answer is in the normal range.

in prep: (with a specified manner)
SC 以某种方式 yǐ mǒu zhǒng fāng shì
SC 处于某种状态 yǐ mǒu zhǒng fāng shì,chǔ yú mǒu zhǒng zhuàng tài
He did it in anger.

in prep: (with regard to)
SC 在某个方面
SC 关于 guān yú
SC 对于 duì yú
There was a decline in enrolment last quarter.

in prep: (indicating inclusion) (表示包含)
SC 在…中 zài … zhōng
Did you read that in a book?

in prep: (musical key) (音乐)
SC 以…(某个调)
If you can play it in F I can sing it.

in prep: (as a part of)
SC 在…过程中,作为…的一部分 zài … guò chéng zhōng ,zuò wéi de yí bù fèn
In planning your estate you should consider all possible heirs.

in prep: (out of) (表示某物的一部分)
SC 在…里,在…中 zài … lǐ,zài … zhōng
TC 在...裡
Two in five students admit to playing video games when they should be doing homework.

add [sth] in, add in [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (include)
SC 加上 jiā shàng
TC 加上
SC 加 jiā shàng ,jiā
Hot chocolate tastes especially good if you add in a little salt.

ask [sb] in vtr phrasal insep: (invite to enter)
SC 请…进来
TC 請…進來

barge in vi phrasal: informal (enter uninvited)
SC 闯入 chuǎng rù
SC 贸然闯入
They won't be happy if we just barge in.

barge in on [sth] vi phrasal + prep: informal (interrupt [sth]) (对事)
SC 打扰 dǎ rǎo
It was rude of you to barge in on their family reunion.

barge in on [sb] vi phrasal + prep: informal (interrupt [sb]) (对人)
SC 打扰 dǎ rǎo
She barged in on me while I was getting dressed!

barge in vi phrasal: informal, figurative (interrupt a conversation)
SC 插嘴 chā zuǐ
SC 打岔 chā zuǐ,dǎ chà
That boy has a habit of barging in whenever I am talking to my gardener.

barge in on [sth] vi phrasal + prep: informal, figurative (conversation: interrupt)
SC 打断(谈话)
What makes you think you can just barge in on someone else's conversation?

bash [sth] in, bash in [sth] vtr phrasal sep: informal (break by hitting)
SC 砸坏 zá huài
SC 打坏
As I couldn't find the key to the shed, I had to bash the door in.

bask in [sth] vtr phrasal insep: figurative (enjoy, take pleasure in) (温暖、爱等中)
SC 沐浴在
SC 处在令人愉快的氛围中
I bask in the warmth of my family's love.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. expr: (Don't risk what you have.) (谚语)
SC 一鸟在手胜于二鸟在林 yì niǎo zài shǒu shèng yú èr niǎo zài lín
I'm told I can do better if I keep looking for opportunities, but I'll stay at this job for now; after all, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

a drop in the bucket n: US, informal, figurative (amount: trivial) (非正式用语)
SC 九牛一毛,沧海一栗 jiǔ niú yì máo,cāng hǎi yí lì
TC 滄海一栗
The U.S. needs to redevelop passenger rail; Amtrak funding is just a drop in the bucket.

a drop in the bucket n: US, informal, figurative ([sth]: inconsequential)
SC 杯水车薪 bēi shuǐ chē xīn
TC 杯水車薪

a drop in the ocean (UK), a drop in the bucket (US) n: UK, figurative, informal (amount: trivial)
SC 沧海一栗 cāng hǎi yí lì
TC 滄海一栗
The money I give to charity is a drop in the ocean compared to some people.

a drop in the ocean n: UK, figurative, informal ([sth]: inconsequential)
SC 微不足道, 无足轻重

a feather in your cap n: figurative (achievement)
SC 值得骄傲的事
SC 引以为傲的成就

A friend in need is a friend indeed. expr: ([sb] who helps is real friend)
SC 患难见真情
When I was sick you certainly proved the old saying, "A friend in need is a friend indeed."

a match made in heaven n: figurative (lovers: perfect couple)
SC 天作地合的一对
SC 天生一对
It was a match made in heaven, and they lived happily ever after.

a match made in heaven n: figurative (things: perfect pairing)
SC 完美匹配
SC 相得益彰

a needle in a haystack n: figurative ([sth] impossible to find)
SC 大海捞针

a roll in the hay n: figurative, informal (sexual intercourse) (比喻发生性关系)
SC 滚床单

a stitch in time saves nine expr: figurative (best to act without delay)
SC 亡羊补牢,为时不晚
SC 尽快补救

in abeyance adv: (in a suspended state)
SC 暂时搁置 zàn shí gē zhì
TC 暫時擱置
The government will keep the new law in abeyance for two years.

in abeyance adv: (law: without an owner) (法律)
SC 所有权未定 suǒ yǒu quán wèi dìng
The estate is in abeyance until the court case is settled.

abound in [sth] vi + prep: (have a plentiful amount of [sth])
SC 充满 chōng mǎn
TC 充滿
The fields in this area abound in wildflowers.

absorbed in [sth] adj + prep: figurative (person: concentrating)
SC 集中精力于
SC 全神贯注于 quán shén guàn zhù yú
She was so absorbed in the novel that she didn't hear the telephone ring.

absorbed in doing [sth] adj + prep: figurative (person: engrossed in) (人)
SC 全神贯注于,全神贯注地做某事 quán shén guàn zhù yú
Fiona was absorbed in painting a portrait.

ace in the hole n: figurative, slang (asset, trump)
SC 杀手锏
SC 最后王牌
Gloria's ace in the hole is her fantastic singing voice.

ace in the hole n: figurative, slang (hidden advantage)
SC 秘密武器,暗藏的王牌 àn cáng de wáng pái
The manager decided it was time to reveal his ace in the hole, and brought on striker Wayne Rooney.

acquiesce in [sth] vi + prep: formal (submit, consent to: an event)
SC 默认 mò rèn
If you don't oppose what's happening, you acquiesce in it.

act in concert v expr: (do [sth] together)
SC 一致行动 yí zhì xíng dòng
TC 一致行動
SC 共同行动 yí zhì xíng dòng,gòng tóng xíng dòng
The criminals were acting in concert to scam hundreds of people out of their life savings.

act in the interests of [sb/sth] vtr: (act to protect or help)
SC 为了…的利益而采取行动 wèi le de lì yì ér cǎi qǔ xíng dòng
An attorney will always act in the best interests of her client.

advantage in n: (tennis: server's point) (网球)
SC 发球占先
SC 发球人领先

agreement in principle n: (accept an idea in theory)
SC 原则上的共识 yuán zé shàng de gòng shí
SC 原则上达成的一致意见 yuán zé shàng de gòng shí,yuán zé shàng dá chéng de yí zhì yì jiàn

aid [sb] in doing [sth] v expr: (help)
SC 帮助某人做某事
Rosa aided her brother in starting his business. Her parents' financial contribution aided Joy in buying the house.

all in adv: (risking all money)
SC 筹码押上
SC 全力押注

all in adv: figurative (act: risking everything)
SC 压上所有身家
SC 放手一搏
We have decided to jump all in and buy the house in France!

all in adv: (in all, overall)
SC 全部包含地
Taking into account the purchase price and all the repairs needed, the car cost us £10,000 all in.

all in adj: slang (exhausted, very tired) (俚语)
SC 筋疲力尽,疲惫不堪 jīn pí lì jìn ,pí bèi bù kān
TC 筋疲力盡,疲憊不堪

all in a day's work expr: informal, figurative (routine activity)
SC 日常工作 rì cháng gōng zuò
SC 分内之事
There's no need to thank me - it's all in a day's work for me.

all in all adv: (on the whole)
SC 总的来说,总而言之 zǒng de lái shuō ,zǒng ér yán zhī
TC 總的來說,總而言之
All in all, I think you did a fine job. The trip wasn't perfect, but all in all, I'm glad we went.

all in good time expr: (be patient)
SC 耐心点 nài xīn diǎn
TC 耐心點
SC 别着急 nài xīn diǎn,bié zháo jí
SC 要有耐心 nài xīn diǎn,yào yǒu nài xīn
The doctor assured the family that the patient would be out of hospital the next day, all in good time.

all the time in the world n: figurative (as much time as needed)
SC 充裕的时间,足够的时间

all the way in adv: (completely in)
SC 全进去
TC 全進去
SC 全插进去
To get the card to work, you have to put it all the way in.

all-in-one adj: (combined, comprehensive)
SC 多合一的 duō hé yī de
TC 綜合的
I have an all-in-one printer; it prints, scans, and photocopies.

all-in-one, one-piece n: UK (bodysuit, catsuit)
SC (胸罩和腰带连一起的)紧身内衣 xiōng zhào hé yāo dài lián yì qǐ de jǐn shēn nèi yī
SC 紧身胸衣 xiōng zhào hé yāo dài lián yì qǐ de jǐn shēn nèi yī,jǐn shēn xiōng yī
TC 緊身胸衣
Gloria was wearing an all-in-one.

be anchored in [sth] v expr: figurative (have a strong link to)
SC 扎根于
SC 立足于

any port in a storm expr: figurative (Any aid will be helpful)
SC 危机时不管好坏的出路
SC 任何可以摆脱困境的方法

appear in [sth] vi + prep: (play a role, perform) (电影、电视)
SC 在…里扮演角色,在…里参与演出,在…上公开露面
He has appeared in several television shows.

appear in [sth] vi + prep: (be published)
SC 发表于,在…上发表
The picture appeared in many newspapers.

appear in print v expr: (be printed, be published)
SC (作品)已出版 zuò pǐn yǐ chū bǎn
My sister wrote a novel ten years ago, but I don't think it will ever actually appear in print.

arm in arm adj: (with arms linked)
SC 手挽手的 shǒu wǎn shǒu de
TC 臂挽臂的
The lovers were arm in arm as they walked along the beach.

arm in arm adv: (with arms linked)
SC 手挽手 shǒu wǎn shǒu
They walked arm-in-arm down the street.

array [sb] in [sth] vtr: often passive (dress)
SC 给...穿上华美服饰
SC 盛装装扮...
The geisha was arrayed in a deep purple kimono with intricate embroidery.

arrayed in [sth] adj + prep: literary (dressed in, wearing)
SC 穿着 chuān zhe
TC 穿著 / 穿着
SC 打扮着
SC 装饰着

artist-in-residence adj: (artist temporarily at an institution)
SC 驻场艺术家的 zhù chǎng yì shù jiā de
This summer, the artist-in-residence is an installation artist who has exhibited all over the world.

assist in [sth] vi + prep: (help with)
SC 帮助...,为...提供协助
Officer Blue assisted in the recent murder investigation.

assist in doing [sth] v expr: (participate, help with)
SC 帮助做...,协助做...
A passerby assisted in giving the woman medical attention.

assist [sb] in doing [sth] v expr: (help to do)
SC 帮助某人做某事,协助某人做某事
Naomi's cousins assisted her in making preparations for the wedding.

at the forefront, in the forefront adv: (in the vanguard)
SC 在前沿

at the forefront of [sth], in the forefront of [sth] adv: (in the vanguard)
SC 在…的前沿 zài de qián yán
Yves Saint Laurent was at the forefront of haute couture for years.

at the vanguard, in the vanguard adv: figurative (at the forefront)
SC 在前列
In terms of technological innovation, the company is definitely marching in the vanguard.

at the vanguard of [sth], in the vanguard of [sth] expr: figurative (at the forefront of)
SC 处于...的前沿
This writer is at the vanguard of modern English literature.
We've always been in the vanguard of technological innovation.

at this moment in time expr: (now, at present)
SC 在目前情况下 zài mù qián qíng kuàng xià
SC 在此时此刻 zài mù qián qíng kuàng xià,zài cǐ shí cǐ kè
I am not studying English at this moment in time.

at this point in time expr: (currently, now)
SC 此时此刻 cǐ shí cǐ kè
TC 此時此刻
SC 在这个时候 cǐ shí cǐ kè,zài zhè gè shí hòu

attire [sb] in [sth] vtr + prep: formal (dress)
SC 为...穿上
The ladies-in-waiting attired the queen in a lavish silk ball gown.

attorney-in-fact n: US (lawyer acting on behalf of [sb])
SC 委任代理人

babe in the woods n: figurative, often plural (innocent, naive person)
SC 天真无邪的人
SC 单纯的人

back in action adj: informal (functioning or performing again)
SC 恢复状态,恢复运作
The doctor said I will be back in action in a few days, as soon as the scarring heals.

back in action adj: figurative, informal (at work again)
SC 重回工作岗位,回来工作
After being away so long, we are all happy to see her back in action.

back in the day expr: (introduces reminiscence)
SC 过去,以前 guò qù,yǐ qián
TC 過去,以前
SC 想当初(书面)

back in the saddle adv: figurative, informal (at work again)
SC 重新开始工作
It felt good to be back in the saddle after three months of sick leave.

at the back of your mind, in the back of your mind expr: (in background thought processes)
SC 心里不自觉地
SC 脑袋后面(比喻)

be in a bad place, be in a dark place v expr: figurative, informal (be in a poor state of mind, unhappy)
SC 不开心 bù kāi xīn
SC 糟糕的心情

bad turn in the weather n: (change to unpleasant weather)
SC 天气转坏 tiān qì zhuǎn huài
TC 天氣轉壞
SC 天气变糟糕 tiān qì zhuǎn huài,tiān qì biàn zāo gāo
The meteorologists are predicting a bad turn in the weather this weekend.

bag-in-box n: (container for liquids)
SC 盒中袋

bag-in-box n as adj: (relating to container for liquids)
SC 盒中有袋的
SC 盒中带袋子的

bake [sth] in vtr + adv: (computing: integrate) (计算机)
SC 植入 zhí rù
SC 加入 zhí rù,jiā rù
TC 加入

be based in v expr: (having work base)
SC 以…为工作基地
SC 被派驻在
The consultant was based in Miami but worked all over the country.

be based in v expr: (film: take place) (电影)
SC 发生在 fā shēng zài
TC 發生在
The movie is based in Seattle, but sometimes episodes take place in Portland.

bask in [sth] vi + prep: (enjoy exposure to: light, warmth) (阳光下)
SC 沐浴在
SC 晒太阳 shài tài yáng
Meerkats enjoy basking in the sun.

bathe [sth] in [sth] vtr + prep: (immerse)
SC 在…里浸泡
SC 将…浸泡在…中
Bathe the chicken in a mixture of water, salt, vinegar, and brown sugar.

bathe [sth] in [sth] vtr + prep: figurative, usually passive (immerse in sunlight) (比喻说法,指在阳光中)
SC 沐浴 mù yù
The room was bathed in warm sunlight.

bathe in [sth] vi + prep: figurative (relish)
SC 沐浴在...
SC 被笼罩在...
Lena bathed in the praise showered upon her after her performance in the play.

bathed in tears adj: figurative, poetic (face: wet from crying) (脸)
SC 满是泪痕 mǎn shì lèi hén
TC 滿是淚痕
She looked up, her face bathed in tears, and said: "Please don't go."

be bogged down in/by [sth] v expr: figurative (encumbered or oppressed) (比喻)
SC 陷入,被陷在 xiàn rù
TC 陷入
The lawyer was bogged down in paper work.

be in a good place, be in a happy place v expr: figurative, informal (be happy, contented)
SC 开心 kāi xīn
SC 感到满足

be in a sulk v expr: informal (be in sullen mood, pout)
SC 生闷气 shēng mèn qì
TC 生悶氣

be in contact v expr: (be communicating)
SC 保持联系 bǎo chí lián xì
TC 保持聯繫
SC 时常联系
Do you know how Steve's doing these days? Are you two still in contact?

be in contact with [sb/sth] v expr: (communicate with)
SC 与...联系
TC 與…聯繫
The man suspected of the bombing attack had been in contact with a foreign terrorist organization.

be in contact with [sth] v expr: (touch)
SC 与...接触
TC 與…接觸
I develop a rash if my skin is in contact with nickel for too long.

be in for the long haul, be in [sth] for the long haul v expr: (be committed to [sth] long-term)
SC 长期投入
SC 长期专注

be in labor (US), be in labour (UK) v expr: (be in process of giving birth)
SC 在分娩中
SC 临盆

be in the driver's seat, take the driver's seat, have the driver's seat, be in the driving seat v expr: figurative (have control)
SC 掌控 zhǎng kòng
SC 处于控制地位
If he thinks he can lead the team better, let him have the driver's seat.

be in touch v expr: informal (stay in contact)
SC 联系 lián xì
TC 聯繫
SC 保持联系 lián xì ,bǎo chí lián xì
TC 保持聯繫
Are you two still in touch?

be in touch v expr: informal (make contact)
SC 联系 lián xì
TC 聯繫
SC 联络 lián xì ,lián luò
TC 聯絡
We'll be in touch soon.

be in touch with [sb] v expr: informal (make contact)
SC 与…联系 yǔ … lián xì
TC 與…聯繫
SC 与…联络
Have you been in touch with her recently?

be in touch with [sb] v expr: informal (habitually be in contact)
SC 与…一直保持联系
SC 与…一直保持联络
Are you still in touch with your friends from high school?

be in with [sb] v expr: informal (be friendly with)
SC 对...友好
TC 對…友好
SC 与...是朋友

be in [sb]'s shoes v expr: figurative (be in another person's situation)
SC 站在...的角度思考
SC 替...着想




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