

单词 ices

ice n: (solid water)
SC 冰 bīng
There was a dangerous layer of ice on the roads.

ice n: (ice cubes) (可食)
SC 冰块 bīng kuài
Is there any ice left for the drinks?

ice n: (dessert)
SC 冰糕 bīng gāo
SC 冰冻甜点 bīng gāo,bīng dòng tián diǎn
I can't decide between the cheesecake and the strawberry ice.

ice n: (unfriendliness)
SC 冷若冰霜 lěng rě bīng shuāng
TC 冷若冰霜
SC 不友好 lěng rě bīng shuāng,bù yǒu hǎo
SC 冷冰冰 lěng rě bīng shuāng,lěng bīng bīng
There was ice in the other woman's manner.

ice vi: (freeze)
SC 结冰 jié bīng
SC 冻结 jié bīng,dòng jié
TC 凍結
The waterfall will slowly ice in winter.

ice vi: (be ice-coated)
SC 覆有糖衣 fù yǒu táng yī
TC 覆有糖衣
The arctic seas begin to ice over again.

ice [sth] vtr: (cover with ice)
SC 使表面结冰 shǐ biǎo miàn jié bīng
SC 使表面冻结 shǐ biǎo miàn jié bīng,shǐ biǎo miàn dòng jié
The cold winter iced the river.

ice [sth] vtr: (freeze)
SC 冻住 dòng zhù
SC 冻结 dòng zhù,dòng jié
TC 凍結
The blizzard iced the airplane's wings.

ice [sth] vtr: (cool with ice)
SC 用冰给…降温 yòng bīng gěi jiàng wēn
SC 冰敷 yòng bīng gěi jiàng wēn,bīng fū
You need to ice that sprained ankle to reduce the swelling.

ice [sth] vtr: Can (hockey) (加拿大)
SC 越过对方球门线
The home team missed an opportunity because they iced the puck.

ice [sth] vtr: (refrigerate)
SC 冷冻 lěng dòng
TC 冷凍
SC 冷藏 lěng dòng,lěng cáng
She wanted to ice the excess meat.

ice [sth] vtr: mainly UK (cake: add thin sugary coating) (糕饼)
SC 给…覆糖衣,给…滚上糖霜
Will you ice my wedding cake, please?

ice over, ice up vi phrasal: (freeze on surface)
SC (表面)结冰的 biǎo miàn jié bīng de
In winter the river generally ices over for two months or more.

ice up vi phrasal: (become covered or blocked with ice)
SC 表面被冰覆盖 biǎo miàn bèi bīng fù gài
SC 结冰 biǎo miàn bèi bīng fù gài,jié bīng
The lake usually begins to ice up in January.

black ice n: (thin ice layer on ground)
SC 地面薄冰 dì miàn báo bīng / dì miàn bó bīng
TC 地面薄冰
I skidded on the black ice and ran into a fence.

break the ice v expr: figurative (start a conversation)
SC 打破沉默 dǎ pò chén mò
Party games are an effective way to break the ice at a gathering.

chocolate chip ice cream n: (ice cream: chocolate bits)
SC 巧克力屑的冰淇淋
SC 巧克力片冰淇淋

cold as ice adj: (very cold)
SC 冰冷的 bīng lěng de
The sodas from the vendor on the beach were as cold as ice.

deice [sth], de-ice, de-ice [sth] vtr: (thaw, defrost)
SC 为…除冰 wèi chú bīng
TC 為…除冰
SC 解冻 wèi chú bīng,jiě dòng
TC 解凍

dry ice n: (CO2: used for refrigeration)
SC 干冰
I need some dry ice to ship these crawfish to Cuba.

dry ice n: (artificial smoke effect)
SC 干冰雾化后的烟雾
Dry ice covered the stage as the band appeared.

ice age n: (cold prehistoric period)
SC 冰川时代 bīng chuān shí dài
TC 冰川時代
SC 冰川时期 bīng chuān shí dài,bīng chuān shí qī
SC 冰河时代 bīng chuān shí dài,bīng hé shí dài
Mammoths lived at the end of the last ice age.
Another ice age is due to begin within 1000 years or so.

ice ax (US), ice axe (UK) n: (mountaineering pick) (登山用)
SC 破冰斧 pò bīng fǔ
You must take an ice ax if you're planning to walk on the glacier.

ice bag, ice pack n: (ice-filled compress for pain relief) (镇痛用的)
SC 冰袋 bīng dài
For an hour after the fight, he sat with an ice bag over his right eye.

ice blue n: (light blue color)
SC 冰蓝色
SC 浅蓝色 qiǎn lán sè
TC 淺藍色

ice blue, ice-blue adj: (very light blue)
SC 淡蓝色的,冰蓝色的 dàn lán sè de
TC 淡藍色的

ice bucket n: (receptacle for chilling drinks)
SC (冰镇酒或饮料用的)小冰桶 bīng zhèn jiǔ huò yǐn liào yòng de xiǎo bīng tǒng

ice cap, ice-cap n: (small ice mass in high area)
SC 冰帽 bīng mào
SC 冰冠 bīng mào,bīng guān
SC 冰盖 bīng mào,bīng gài
An ice cap sat atop Mt. Kilimanjaro.

ice chest: (ice box)
SC 冰箱 bīng xiāng
SC 冰柜

ice climbing n: (sport: scaling icy cliffs) (运动)
SC 攀冰

ice core n: (sample taken of ice layers)
SC 冰芯
Ice cores are useful for climatic research.

ice cream n: (frozen dessert)
SC 冰激凌 bīng jī líng
TC 冰淇淋
SC 冰淇淋 bīng jī líng,bīng qí lín
My favourite dessert is strawberry ice cream.

ice cream maker, ice-cream maker n: (appliance: makes ice cream)
SC 冰淇淋制造机 bīng qí lín zhì zào jī
SC 冰淇淋机 bīng qí lín zhì zào jī,bīng qí lín jī
I am thinking of buying an ice cream maker this summer, so we can make our own.

ice cream man, ice-cream man n: (travelling ice-cream seller)
SC 卖冰淇淋的人 mài bīng qí lín de rén
SC 冰淇淋叫卖者 mài bīng qí lín de rén,bīng qí lín jiào mài zhě
I am waiting for the ice cream man to come so that I can buy some ice cream.

ice cream sandwich, ice cream cookie sandwich n: US (dessert)
SC 冰淇淋三明治

ice cream sundae, ice-cream sundae n: (dessert) (一种顶层加有糖浆等料的混合冰淇淋)
SC 圣代冰淇淋
Knickerbocker glory is a popular type of ice cream sundae.

ice crusher n: (appliance that crushes ice for drinks)
SC (做冷饮用的)刨冰机 zuò lěng yǐn yòng de páo bīng jī
SC 碎冰机 zuò lěng yǐn yòng de páo bīng jī,suì bīng jī
I need to borrow an ice crusher to make the margaritas for my cocktail party.

ice crystals npl: (ice formations)
SC 冰晶 bīng jīng
It was so cold that ice crystals were forming on his beard and hair.

ice cube n: often plural (small block of ice)
SC 冰块 bīng kuài
I like at least three ice cubes in my gin and tonic.

ice field: (floating ice) (浮冰)
SC 冰原 bīng yuán

ice fishing n: (angling for fish through a hole in ice) (通过冰面上凿开的洞进行)
SC 冰上垂钓,冰钓 bīng shàng chuí diào,bīng diào
In winter we used to go ice-fishing when the lake froze over, but we never caught any fish.

ice floe n: (floating sheet of ice)
SC 浮冰 fú bīng
I saw a polar bear and two cubs sitting on an ice floe.

ice hockey n: (team sport played on ice)
SC 冰球(运动) bīng qiú yùn dòng
SC 冰上曲棍球 bīng qiú yùn dòng,bīng shàng qū gùn qiú
Ice hockey is Canada's most popular sport.

ice lolly n: UK (popsicle: frozen lolly)
SC 冰棍,冰棒 bīng gùn,bīng bàng
SC 雪糕 xuě gāo
Summertime is a good time for ice lollies.

ice machine n: (machine that makes ice cubes)
SC 制冰机 zhì bīng jī
TC 製冰機
The ice machine was broken so we had to drink warm lemonade.

ice maker n: (machine that makes ice cubes)
SC 制冰机 zhì bīng jī
TC 製冰機
The refrigerator with an ice maker only costs a few dollars more.

ice milk n: (frozen milk dessert)
SC 冰牛奶 bīng niú nǎi
SC 冻奶 bīng niú nǎi,dòng nǎi
Ice milk was the low-fat ice cream of the 60's and 70's.

ice pack, icepack, ice block n: (freezable pack used in coolers) (用于冰箱中的)
SC 冰袋 bīng dài

ice pack, icepack n: (ice-filled compress for pain relief) (镇痛用)
SC 冰袋 bīng dài
I applied an ice pack to my twisted ankle to relieve the pain.

ice pack, icepack n: (floating ice mass)
SC 大型浮冰
SC 积冰 jī bīng
The size of the permanent Arctic ice pack is diminishing.

ice pick n: (pointed tool for breaking ice)
SC 碎冰锥

ice pop n: (frozen dessert)
SC 冰棒,冰棍 bīng bàng,bīng gùn
She liked the peach ice pops best.

ice rink n: (arena with ice-covered floor)
SC 滑冰场 huá bīng chǎng
TC 滑冰場
SC 溜冰场 huá bīng chǎng,liū bīng chǎng
TC 溜冰場
Every weekend we go skating at the local ice rink.

ice scraper n: (tool that removes ice from windows)
SC 刮冰工具 guā bīng gōng jù
TC 刮冰工具
SC 刮冰器 guā bīng gōng jù,guā bīng qì
SC 刮冰机 guā bīng gōng jù,guā bīng jī
He tried to use his ice scraper like a hammer to break the ice and he broke his windshield.

ice sheet n: (layer of ice)
SC 冰层 bīng céng
SC 冰原 bīng céng,bīng yuán
SC 冰原 bīng céng,bīng yuán
At one time an ice sheet covered most of the Northern part of the North American continent, now ice sheets only exist in Greenland and Antarctica.

ice shelf n: (sheet ice that extends over water)
SC (从陆地延伸到海面的)冰架 cóng lù dì yán shēn dào hǎi miàn de bīng jià
SC 冰棚 cóng lù dì yán shēn dào hǎi miàn de bīng jià,bīng péng
The breaking up of the huge Antarctic ice shelf is a sure sign of global warming.

ice skate n: usually plural (boot with blade for skating on ice)
SC 冰鞋 bīng xié
SC 溜冰鞋 bīng xié,liū bīng xié
Get your ice skates and go skating with us.

ice-skate vi: (go skating on ice)
SC 滑冰 huá bīng
SC 溜冰 huá bīng,liū bīng
There were people ice-skating on the frozen pond.

ice skater n: (person who skates on ice)
SC 溜冰者
SC 滑冰者 huá bīng zhě

ice skating, ice-skating n: (activity: skating on ice)
SC 滑冰,溜冰 huá bīng,liū bīng
Ice skating in Rockefeller Center is fantastic.
Ice skating is the most popular sport here in winter.

ice skating, ice-skating n as adj: (relating to skating on ice)
SC 滑冰 huá bīng
SC 溜冰 huá bīng,liū bīng
Olga has gone to her ice skating lesson.

ice skating, ice-skating n: (sport: figure skating on ice) (体育运动)
SC 滑冰,溜冰 huá bīng,liū bīng
Ice skating is my favorite sport to watch during the Winter Olympics.

ice storm: (meteorology) (天气)
SC 冰暴

ice tea, iced tea n: (tea served with ice cubes)
SC 冰茶 bīng chá
A glass of iced tea is very refreshing in the summer time.
In the southern US, iced tea is usually served sweetened and called "sweet tea.".

ice tray n: (container for freezing water into cubes)
SC 冰格

ice water n: (melted ice)
SC (冰融化而成的)冰水 bīng róng huà ér chéng de bīng shuǐ
When the snows melt in spring, the rivers are swollen with ice water.

ice water n: (drinking water served with ice)
SC (加了冰块的)冰水 jiā le bīng kuài de bīng shuǐ
I would like a glass of ice water to cool me down.

ice-cold adj: (extremely cold to touch)
SC 冰冷的 bīng lěng de

ice-cold adj: (without emotion)
SC 冷漠的 lěng mò de

ice-cream cone n: (conical wafer)
SC 蛋卷冰淇淋 dàn juǎn bīng qí lín
SC 甜筒 dàn juǎn bīng qí lín,tián tǒng
All the children were licking ice-cream cones, so we knew there was an ice-cream seller somewhere nearby.
Gelato may be served in an ice-cream cone or a cup.

ice-cream parlor (US), ice-cream parlour (UK) n: (café: serves ice cream)
SC 冰淇淋店
The ice cream parlor offers more than 20 different sundae toppings.

ice-cream truck (US), ice-cream van (UK) n: (vehicle: ice cream)
SC 冰淇淋车
I think I can hear the ice-cream van coming!

ice-cube tray n: (container for freezing water into blocks)
SC 冰盘

ice-free adj: (having no ice)
SC 无冰的

ice-free adj: (harbor: never freezes up) (海港)
SC 不冻的

ice-hockey arena n: (ice rink used as sports venue)
SC 冰球场

icebreaker, also UK: ice-breaker n: figurative (conversation starter)
SC 开场白 kāi chǎng bái
TC 開場白
SC 活跃气氛的话
On the first day of the job, we used icebreakers to get to know each other.

icebreaker, also UK: ice-breaker n: (ship that breaks ice)
SC 破冰船 pò bīng chuán

iced coffee, also US: ice coffee n: (cold coffee with ice)
SC 冰咖啡
Sophie was drinking a glass of iced coffee.

iced tea, ice tea n: (tea served with ice cubes)
SC 冰茶 bīng chá
SC 冰镇茶 bīng chá,bīng zhèn chá

lolly stick, ice-lolly stick n: UK (stick used as popsicle handle)
SC 冰棒棍

Neapolitan, Neapolitan ice cream n: (three-flavor ice cream)
SC 三味冰淇淋
SC 三色冰淇淋

on ice adv: (drink: with ice cubes) (饮料等)
SC 冰镇地,加冰块地 bīng zhèn de,jiā bīng kuài de
I think I'll have a scotch on ice.

on ice adv: (on an ice rink)
SC 滑冰场上 huá bīng chǎng shàng
TC 溜冰場上
SC 在冰上(滑冰) huá bīng chǎng shàng,zài bīng shàng huá bīng
At Christmas, we're going to see Peter Pan on ice.

on ice adj: figurative (set aside, in readiness)
SC 备用的,待用的 bèi yòng de
TC 備用的
SC 预备着的
Our plans are on ice while we wait to find out the results.

be on thin ice, skate on thin ice v expr: figurative (do [sth] risky)
SC 如履薄冰 rú lǚ bó bīng
TC 如履薄冰

pack ice n: (ice mass, ice floe) (海上的)
SC 浮冰块,浮冰群 fú bīng kuài,fú bīng qún
Their ship was crushed after becoming trapped in pack ice.

Popsicle, popsicle (US), ice lolly (UK) n: US, ® (ice lolly) (商标名)
SC 冰棒,冰棍 bīng bàng,bīng gùn
The kids' favorite summertime treat is a Popsicle.

put [sth] on ice v expr: figurative (postpone [sth], stop [sth] temporarily)
SC 将…搁置
She decided to put the wedding plans on ice after her fiance lost his job.

rime, rime ice n: literary (layer of ice or frost)
SC 结霜 jié shuāng
SC 雾凇 jié shuāng,wù sōng
SC 雾凇 jié shuāng,wù sōng
The rime sparkled in the sunshine.

sea ice n: (frozen ocean water)
SC 海上浮冰

shaved ice n: (ice-based dessert)
SC 刨冰

sheet of ice n: (layer of ice) (冰)
SC 薄层, 薄片
After the freezing rain, there is a sheet of ice covering the car.

skating rink, ice-skating rink, ice skating rink n: (arena for ice skating)
SC 滑冰场 huá bīng chǎng
TC 滑冰場
In winter the ponds are used as skating rinks.

soft serve ice cream n: (frozen dessert with soft consistency)
SC 软冰淇淋 ruǎn bīng qí lín
TC 軟冰淇淋
For dessert we had soft serve ice cream in a cone.

walk on thin ice, skate on thin ice, be on thin ice v expr: figurative (take a risk)
SC 如履薄冰 rú lǚ bó bīng
TC 如履薄冰
You're walking on thin ice if you keep insulting Katie.




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