

单词 sweeting

sweet adj: (sugary)
SC 甜的 tián de
SC 有甜味的 tián de ,yǒu tián wèi de
SC 有甜味的 tián de ,yǒu tián wèi de
This dessert is very sweet.

sweet adj: (not salted)
SC 不咸的 bù xián de
TC 不鹹的
SC 非咸的 bù xián de,fēi xián de
I prefer sweet snacks to salty ones.

sweet adj: figurative (lovable)
SC 可爱的 kě ài de
TC 可愛的
SC 逗人喜爱的 kě ài de ,dòu rén xǐ ài de
SC 惹人爱怜的 kě ài de ,rě rén ài lián de
You have a sweet dog.

sweet adj: figurative (pleasing to the ear)
SC 动听的 dòng tīng de
TC 動聽的
SC 悦耳的 dòng tīng de,yuè ěr de
The band played a sweet melody.

sweet adj: figurative (pleasing to the smell) (气味)
SC 芳香的,香甜的,芬芳的 fāng xiāng de,xiāng tián de,fēn fāng de
A sweet odour came from the kitchen.

sweet n: UK, often plural (piece of candy)
SC 糖 táng
SC 糖果 táng,táng guǒ
SC 糖块
We don’t keep any sweets in the house.

sweet n: UK (dessert)
SC 点心 diǎn xīn
TC 點心
SC 餐后甜点
Which would you like for sweet - ice cream or chocolate cake?

sweet adj: (water: drinkable) (指水)
SC 甘甜的,甜丝丝的 gān tián de ,tián sī sī de
This fountain delivers sweet water.

sweet adj: (amiable, kind)
SC 和蔼的 hé ǎi de
TC 和藹的
SC 友善的 hé ǎi de ,yǒu shàn de
James is a sweet man.

sweet adj: (beloved)
SC 受喜爱的 shòu xǐ ài de
TC 受喜愛的
SC 被爱的 shòu xǐ ài de,bèi ài de
Happy birthday to my dear, sweet mother!

sweet adj: (air: clean) (指空气)
SC 清新的,纯净的 qīng xīn de,chún jìng de
TC 純淨的
We breathed the sweet air of the forest.

sweet adv: informal (sweetly)
SC 甜蜜地
SC 温柔地 wēn róu de
TC 溫柔地
He talked sweet to his sister so she would help him with his homework.

Sweet! interj: slang (great, cool)
SC 太棒了!
SC 太好了! tài hǎo le
You've got tickets for the gig? Sweet!

sweet n: (taste: sweetness)
SC 甜 tián
SC 甜味 tián,tián wèi
TC 甜味
James prefers salty to sweet.

bell pepper, also UK: sweet pepper n: (vegetable: mild pepper)
SC 青椒 qīng jiāo
SC 柿子椒 qīng jiāo,shì zi jiāo
Bell peppers are often used in a salad.

bell pepper, also UK: sweet pepper n: (plant: bears peppers) (植物)
SC 青椒,柿子椒 qīng jiāo,shì zi jiāo
I planted tomatoes, hot peppers, and bell peppers in my garden last year.

boiled sweet n: (hard candy)
SC 硬糖 yìng táng
SC 硬糖块

candy store (US), sweet shop (UK) n: (confectioner's shop)
SC 糖果屋 táng guǒ wū
SC 糖果商店 táng guǒ wū,táng guǒ shāng diàn
I am going to the candy store to buy some chocolate.

chestnut tree, sweet chestnut tree n: (sweet chestnut)
SC 栗树 lì shù
SC 板栗树 lì shù,bǎn lì shù
Most of America's chestnut trees died from disease in the 20th century.

cicely, sweet cicely n: (white-flowered herb)
SC 没药属植物

cough drop, also UK: cough sweet n: often plural (throat lozenge)
SC 止咳糖 zhǐ ké táng
TC 喉糖
The cough drops helped to relieve Mac's sore throat.
I prefer cherry-flavored cough drops.

everlasting pea, perennial pea, also UK: everlasting sweet pea, perennial sweet pea n: (plant)
SC 宽叶山黧豆

Home sweet home. expr: (preference for own home)
SC 金窝银窝
TC 金窩銀窩
SC 不如自家的草窝

my sweet n: informal (term of affection)
SC 甜心 tián xīn
SC 宝贝 tián xīn,bǎo bèi
TC 寶貝
SC 心肝 tián xīn,xīn gān
I miss you, my sweet.

semisweet, UK: semi-sweet adj: (slightly sweetened)
SC 半甜的 bàn tián de
TC 半糖的
SC 不太甜的 bàn tián de,bú tài tián de

short and sweet adj: (brief, concise)
SC 短暂而甜蜜 duǎn zàn ér tián mì
SC 简明扼要 duǎn zàn ér tián mì,jiǎn míng è yào
He kept his answers to the police short and sweet.

sickly sweet adj: figurative (overly sentimental) (比喻)
SC 甜腻腻的,甜得发腻的 tián nì nì de ,tián de fā nì de
TC 甜膩膩的
That movie was so sickly sweet that I had to leave before it finished.

sickly sweet adj: (cloying, too sugary)
SC 甜腻腻的 tián nì nì de
TC 甜膩膩的
SC 甜得发腻的 tián nì nì de ,tián de fā nì de
Her apple pie was so sickly sweet it made my teeth hurt! The smell of jasmine at night in the tropics is sickly sweet.

sweet [sb] off their feet, sweep [sb] off his feet, sweep [sb] off her feet v expr: (make [sb] fall in love with you)
SC 使...倾心
SC 让...爱上自己

sweet as honey adj: (very sugary)
SC 甜如蜜的 tián rú mì de
TC 甜如蜜的
These cupcakes are as sweet as honey!

sweet as honey adj: figurative (adorable, very cute)
SC 可爱的 kě ài de
TC 可愛的
Your innocent face was as sweet as honey the very first time I met you.

sweet chestnut, sweet chestnut tree n: (tree with edible nuts)
SC 甜栗,甜栗树

sweet chestnut n: (edible nut)
SC 甜栗

sweet chocolate n: (cocoa product with high sugar content)
SC 甜巧克力 tián qiǎo kè lì
TC 甜巧克力
Mrs Reese likes to use sweet chocolate in her recipe for cookies.

sweet corn, sweetcorn n: (maize)
SC 甜玉米 tián yù mǐ
Sweetcorn can be eaten on the cob, or the kernels can be cut off.

sweet dish n: (dessert)
SC 甜食 tián shí
SC 甜点 tián shí,tián diǎn
Normally we eat sweet dishes after the savoury ones.

sweet dreams interj: informal (sleep well) (非正式用语)
SC 好梦 hǎo mèng
Sweet dreams, my love; see you in the morning.

sweet flag, sweet calamus n: (plant: Acorus calamus)
SC 菖蒲

sweet nothings npl: (terms of endearment)
SC 情话 qíng huà

be sweet on [sb] v expr: informal (be romantically interested in [sb])
SC 爱上

sweet pea, sweetpea n: (sweet-smelling flowering vine)
SC 香豌豆 xiāng wān dòu
SC 麝香豌豆花 xiāng wān dòu,shè xiāng wān dòu huā
Sweet pea blossoms are very fragrant.

sweet pea, sweetpea n: informal, figurative (term of affection)
SC 甜心,宝贝 tián xīn,bǎo bèi
TC 寶貝
My little sweet pea kissed me before he went to bed for the night.

sweet potato n: (root vegetable)
SC 甘薯 gān shǔ
TC 甘薯
SC 地瓜 gān shǔ,dì guā
SC 红薯 gān shǔ,hóng shǔ
Sweet potato pie is a common dish in the cuisine of the American South. I like sweet potatoes with grated cheese on them.

sweet roll: (bun)
SC 甜卷面包

sweet seller n: UK ([sb] who sells confectionery)
SC 糖果卖家

sweet sixteen n: informal (girl's 16th birthday) (非正式用语)
SC 16岁花季,女孩儿的16岁生日 nǚ hái ér de suì shēng rì

sweet sixteen adj: informal (girl: 16 years old) (非正式用语,指女孩儿)
SC 16岁的
Amy was sweet sixteen and had never been kissed.

sweet spot n: figurative (most favourable point)
SC 最佳的地方
SC 最好的位置

sweet talk n: figurative, informal (cajolery, persuasion by flattery)
SC 甜言蜜语 tián yán mì yǔ
TC 甜言蜜語
Sweet talk will sometimes help you get what you want.

sweet tempered, sweet-tempered adj: (mild mannered, good natured)
SC 脾气好的
SC 脾气温和的

sweet tooth n: figurative (fondness for sugary foods) (比喻)
SC 爱吃甜食,喜好甜食 ài chī tián shí,xǐ hǎo tián shí
My little boy has a very sweet tooth: he'll eat anything sugary.

sweet wine n: (wine with high sugar content)
SC 甜酒 tián jiǔ
Sweet wines are usually served with dessert.

sweet words npl: (terms of affection)
SC 甜言蜜语 tián yán mì yǔ
TC 甜言蜜語

sweet-and-sour, sweet and sour adj: (combining salty and sugary flavours)
SC 糖醋的
Sweet-and-sour pork is a popular dish at Chinese restaurants.

sweet-and-sour sauce n: (Oriental sauce of honey and vinegar)
SC 酸甜调味汁 suān tián tiáo wèi zhī
Cubes of meat are battered and deep-fried and put in a sweet-and-sour sauce.

sweet-natured adj: (pleasant personality)
SC 脾气好的

sweet-scented adj: (having a pleasant smell)
SC 芳香的,芬芳的 fāng xiāng de,fēn fāng de

sweet-smelling adj: (with pleasing scent)
SC 芳香的, 香甜的

sweet-talk [sb] vtr: (persuade by flattery)
SC 奉承 fèng cheng
SC 谄媚 fèng cheng ,chǎn mèi
SC 用甜言蜜语骗诱 fèng cheng ,yòng tián yán mì yǔ piàn yòu
SC 给...说好话
Whenever my daughter starts trying to sweet-talk me, I know she's after something.

sweet-talk [sb] into doing [sth] v expr: (persuade to do by flattery)
SC 用花言巧语哄...做...
She was unable to sweet-talk her teacher into giving her a better grade.
She batted her eyes at me and then sweet-talked me into buying her a new pair of shoes.

sweet-talking adj: (using flattery)
SC 甜言蜜语讨好的,巧言哄骗的

take the bitter with the sweet v expr: figurative (accept negative things as part of life)
SC 甜和苦一起吞下
SC 既能享受也能吃苦
Life isn't always easy; you have to take the bitter with the sweet.




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