单词 | bowed |
释义 | bowed UK ![]() bowed adj: (bent forward) SC 低头弓背的 dī tóu gōng bèi de SC 弯腰的 dī tóu gōng bèi de ,wān yāo de TC 彎腰的 Nathan left the room with his head bowed. bowed adj: figurative (submissive, deferential) SC 屈从的 qū cóng de TC 屈從的 SC 屈服的 qū cóng de ,qū fú de SC 让步的 qū cóng de ,ràng bù de bowed down adj: figurative (weighed down, oppressed) SC 被压弯的 bèi yā wān de TC 被壓彎的 SC 被压倒的 bèi yā wān de ,bèi yā dǎo de Jack was bowed down by troubles after he lost his job. 杰克在失去工作后,各种麻烦都压得他不能翻身。 bow vi: (nod, lean forward in greeting) SC 点头 diǎn tóu TC 點頭 SC 鞠躬 diǎn tóu ,jū gōng Instead of shaking hands, people in some Asian cultures prefer to bow. 在某些亚洲文化中,人们更喜欢鞠躬致意而不是握手。 bow to [sb] vi + prep: (gesture respectfully) (人) SC 向…鞠躬 xiàng jū gōng "Your majesty," said the man as he bowed to the Queen. “女王陛下,”那个人向女王鞠躬时说。 bow to [sth] vi + prep: figurative (yield) (某事) SC 向…屈服 SC 对…让步 duì … ràng bù The director bowed to the parents' demands and retracted his new policy. 校长向家长的意志屈服,收回了新政策。 bow n: (greeting: inclined head, body) SC 鞠躬,欠身 jū gōng,qiàn shēn The courtiers' bows showed deference to the king. 朝臣们向国王鞠躬,以示尊重。 bow n: (weapon: fires arrows) SC 弓 gōng TC 弓 A hunter's bow is often made of flexible wood. 猎人的弓通常用有弹性的木料制成。 bow n: (curve, bend) SC 弯曲 wān qū TC 彎曲 SC 弧形 wān qū ,hú xíng TC 弧形 This branch has a very pronounced bow to it. 这根树枝有一处非常明显的弯曲。 bow n: (rod for a stringed instrument) SC (弦类乐器的)琴弓 xián lèi yuè qì de qín gōng The violinist takes good care of her bow. 这名小提琴手很爱惜自己的琴弓。 bow n: (decorative ribbon) (装饰物) SC 蝴蝶结 hú dié jié TC 蝴蝶結 After they wrapped the present, they put a bow on it. 包好礼物后,他们在盒顶系了个蝴蝶结。 bow n: (front of a ship) SC (船或飞机的)前部 chuán huò fēi jī de qián bù SC 船头 chuán huò fēi jī de qián bù,chuán tóu SC 机首 chuán huò fēi jī de qián bù,jī shǒu The passengers gathered in the bow of the ship. 乘客们聚集在船头。 bow n: (bowman: [sb] who rows at bow of boat) SC 头桨手 SC 前桨手 The bow communicates to the rest of the crew using hand signals. bow vi: (curve downwards) SC 压弯 yā wān SC 成弧形向下弯曲 yā wān,chéng hú xíng xiàng xià wān qū The tree branch bowed under the weight of the snow. 积雪压弯了树枝。 bow your head vtr: (lower: your head) (头) SC 低下 dī xià TC 低下 SC 垂下 dī xià,chuí xià The parishioners bowed their heads in prayer. bow [sb] vtr: (force to submit) SC 使…俯首 shǐ fǔ shǒu SC 使…屈服 shǐ fǔ shǒu,shǐ qū fú The dictator bowed the people to his will. bow [sb] vtr: usually passive (cause to stoop) SC 使…弯腰 shǐ wān yāo TC 使…彎腰 He walks with a stoop, bowed by age. bow down vi phrasal: (bend, kneel in respect) SC 鞠躬 jū gōng SC 服从 jū gōng,fú cóng TC 服從 SC 顺从 jū gōng,shùn cóng TC 順從 She was asked to bow down in front of a statue of their god. 她被要求在他们信奉的神的雕像前鞠躬。 bow down before [sb] vi phrasal + prep: literal (bow in deference to) SC 向…鞠躬 xiàng jū gōng It is customary to bow down before the Emperor of Japan. bow down before [sb] vi phrasal + prep: figurative (show deference to) SC 对…表示敬意 duì biǎo shì jìng yì He is so arrogant that he thinks everyone should bow down before him. 他很傲慢,觉得所有人都需要向他表示敬意。 bow out vi phrasal: figurative, informal (withdraw) SC 辞职,退休 cí zhí,tuì xiū TC 辭職,退休 SC 恭敬地把(某人)送出 gōng jìng de bǎ ( mǒu rén ) sòng chū Williams had to bow out of the race after suffering a leg injury. bow and arrow n: (archery: weapon) SC 弓箭 gōng jiàn The crossbow replaced the bow and arrow as a weapon. bow saw: (carpentry) SC 弓锯 SC 弓形锯 bow tie n: (bow-shaped necktie) SC 蝴蝶结 hú dié jié TC 蝴蝶結 SC 蝴蝶形领带 hú dié jié ,hú dié xíng lǐng dài Alan was wearing a bow tie. 艾伦打了一个蝴蝶形领结。 bow window n: (window: curves outwards) SC 弓形窗 bow-tie n as adj: (dinner, etc.: formal) (晚宴等活动) SC 正式的 zhèng shì de He's been invited to a bow-tie dinner. bowlegged (US), bow-legged (UK) adj: (bandy, with legs bending outwards) SC 腿向外弯的 tuǐ xiàng wài wān de SC O型腿的 Look at the way that woman walks; she's bowlegged. Children are naturally bow-legged until the age of three. 看那个女人的走路方式,她是个O型腿。 三岁前,小孩自然而然腿会向外翻。 bowlegged (US), bow-legged (UK) adv: (with legs bending outwards) SC 罗圈腿地 The cowboys in old movies always walk bowlegged. bowwow (US), bow-wow (UK) n: infantile (dog, doggy) SC 狗 gǒu TC 狗 bowwow (US), bow-wow (UK) n: (dog's bark) SC 狗吠 gǒu fèi SC 狗叫声 gǒu fèi,gǒu jiào shēng d***ey, d***ey bow, d***y bow n: UK (bow tie) SC 蝶形领结 d***y bow n: UK, informal (bow tie) SC 蝶形领结,蝴蝶领结 hair bow n: (decorative hair tie) (装饰发带) SC 蝴蝶结 hú dié jié TC 蝴蝶結 loop back, hoop back, bow back n: (type of chair back) (椅子) SC 环状靠背 take a bow v expr: (bow for applause) SC 谢幕 xiè mù SC 鞠躬答谢 xiè mù,jū gōng dá xiè At the end of a play it's customary for the actors to take a bow at the front of the stage. violin bow n: (rod used to play violin) SC 小提琴弓 |
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