

单词 bottoms

bottom n: (container, ocean: deepest part) (容器、海洋等的)
SC 底部,最低处 dǐ bù,zuì dī chù
He found the toy at the bottom of the box.

bottom n: (thing, place: lowest part)
SC 底部 dǐ bù
SC 最低处 dǐ bù,zuì dī chù
The bathroom is at the bottom of the stairs. How do I set the page numbers to appear at the bottom of the page?

bottom n: informal (buttocks) (人)
SC 屁股,臀部 pì gǔ,tún bù
TC 屁股
The angry mother spanked her child's bottom.

bottom n: (seat, boat: underside) (座椅的)
SC 底部 dǐ bù
The bottom of your seat can be used as a flotation device.

bottom n: (part furthest away)
SC 尽头 jìn tóu
SC 末端 jìn tóu ,mò duān
The theatre is at the bottom of the street.

bottom adj: (lowest)
SC 最低的 zuì dī de
SC 底层的 zuì dī de ,dǐ céng de
TC 底層的
The lobby is located on the bottom floor.

bottom n: (lowest level) (成绩)
SC 倒数,末名,垫底 dào shǔ,mò míng
TC 倒數
James never studied, so it's no surprise that he's at the bottom of his class.

bottom n: (lowest rank) (职务)
SC 低级,底层 dǐ céng
TC 低級,底層
He started at the bottom and ended up as CEO.

bottom n: (lowest priority)
SC 最次要
SC 末位 mò wèi
That chore is at the bottom of my list.

bottom n: figurative (cause)
SC 原因 yuán yīn
TC 原因
SC 根源 yuán yīn,gēn yuán
We need to work out what's at the bottom of this problem.

bottom n: (baseball: second half of inning) (棒球)
SC 后半局 hòu bàn jú
TC 後半局
Ruth hit a home run in the bottom of the ninth inning.

bottom n: vulgar (gay sex position) (粗俗语)

bottoms npl: informal (pajamas, etc.: trousers, pants)
SC 睡裤
Natalie was wearing a pair of pink pyjama bottoms.

bottom vi: (vessel: hit ocean or lake floor)
SC 触及(湖、海等的)底部 chù jí hú hǎi děng de dǐ bù
SC 触底 chù jí hú hǎi děng de dǐ bù,chù dǐ
The ship bottomed on the coral reef.

bottom vi: (reach lowest point)
SC 接近最低点 jiē jìn zuì dī diǎn
SC 达到最底处 jiē jìn zuì dī diǎn,dá dào zuì dǐ chù
The submarine bottomed at nine fathoms.

bottom [sth] vtr: (bring to lowest point)
SC 使…达到最低点 shǐ dá dào zuì dī diǎn
The pilot bottomed the plane at a thousand feet.

bottom [sth] vtr: US (work out)
SC 探明…的原因 tàn míng de yuán yīn
SC 查明…的真相 tàn míng de yuán yīn,chá míng de zhēn xiàng
SC 把…弄个水落石出 tàn míng de yuán yīn,bǎ nòng gè shuǐ luò shí chū
Let's bottom this matter once and for all.

bottom [sth] vtr: (put a bottom on)
SC 给…装上底面 gěi zhuāng shàng dǐ miàn
SC 安装底部于
I've nearly finished making the crate - I've just got to bottom it.

bottom out vi phrasal: (reach lowest point)
SC 达到低谷 dá dào dī gǔ
TC 達到低谷
It appears that the recession has bottomed out, and we are seeing an improvement in economic conditions. Drug addicts may have to bottom out before they accept that they need help.

at bottom adv: (basically, in reality)
SC 基本上 jī běn shàng
TC 基本上
SC 实际上 jī běn shàng,shí jì shàng
TC 實際上
SC 归根结底

be at the bottom of [sth] v expr: figurative (be the cause of [sth])
SC 是…的原因 shì de yuán yīn
SC 是造成…的原因 shì de yuán yīn,shì zào chéng de yuán yīn
Childhood experiences are often at the bottom of adult complexes.

be at the bottom of [sth] v expr: (be at the lowest part of [sth])
SC 在…底部
The village is at the bottom of the mountain.

bell-bottoms npl: (clothing: flared pants)
SC 喇叭裤 lǎ bā kù
TC 喇叭褲

bell-bottom, bell-bottomed adj: (clothing: having flared legs)
SC 喇叭裤的

bet your bottom dollar v expr: US, figurative, informal (be certain)
SC 敢打包票
TC 敢打包票
SC 敢拿最后一块钱来打赌
You can bet your bottom dollar I'll get home in time for supper.

bottom drawer n: (lowest drawer in a chest)
SC 最下面的一层抽屉 zuì xià miàn de yì céng chōu tì
I keep sweaters in the bottom drawer of my bureau.

bottom drawer n: figurative, dated, UK (for things in married life)
SC 女人为结婚用而存储的物品 nǚ rén wèi jié hūn yòng ér cún chǔ de wù pǐn
As a girl, my great-grandmother put all her embroidery samplers in the bottom drawer of the blanket chest that she would take into her marriage.

bottom end n: (engine: larger end of rod) (发动机)
SC 底端

bottom feeder n: (fish, etc.: on river, sea bed)
SC 底栖鱼
These fish are bottom feeders and not kept by fishermen.

bottom left corner, bottom left-hand corner n: (lower corner on the left-hand side)
SC 左下角
The page is numbered in the bottom left corner.

the bottom line n: figurative, informal (crucial fact)
SC 关键情况,重要因素 guān jiàn qíng kuàng,zhòng yào yīn sù
The bottom line is you cannot be late for work anymore.

bottom line n: figurative, informal (business: profit, loss)
SC 盈亏一览结算线 yíng kuī yì lǎn jié suàn xiàn
SC 盈亏底线
Subtract a company's expenses from its revenue to find its bottom line.

bottom lip n: informal (lower external part of mouth)
SC 下唇 xià chún

bottom of the barrel n: figurative, informal (poor quality)
SC 最差的 zuì chà de
Her last boyfriend was really the bottom of the barrel.

bottom of the heap n: informal, figurative ([sth] or [sb] very lowly)
SC 社会最底层 shè huì zuì dǐ céng

bottom right, the bottom right n: (lower right-hand area)
SC 右下角

bottom right adv: (at the lower right-hand area)
SC 右下方

bottom right corner, bottom right-hand corner n: (lower corner on the right-hand side)
SC 右下角
The time and date are displayed at the bottom right corner of your screen.

bottom surgery n: (gender transition: surgical procedure)
SC 变性手术

bottom-line n as adj: (business: of profit, loss)
SC 账本底线
SC 盈亏一览结算线 yíng kuī yì lǎn jié suàn xiàn
We will go bankrupt if we have another year with these bottom-line results.

bottom-right adj: (at lower right-hand area)
SC 右下方的

bottom-up adj: (hierarchical: working upwards) (等级制度)
SC 自下而上的

bottom-up adj: (design, programming approach: strategic) (设计、编程等)
SC 逆向的,反推的

bottomland, bottom land n: (geology: area of lowland)
SC 洼地,滩涂 wā dì ,tān tú

bottommost, bottom-most adj: ([sth] at the very bottom)
SC 最底部的,最末端的

from the bottom of [sb]'s heart expr: (with deep sincerity)
SC 发自内心地 fā zì nèi xīn de
SC 发自肺腑地

from top to bottom adv: (highest point to lowest)
SC 从顶到底
TC 從頂到底
SC 从最高处到最下面
You should apply paint from top to bottom.

from top to bottom adv: figurative, informal (completely)
SC 彻底地 chè dǐ de
TC 徹底地
SC 彻头彻尾地 chè dǐ de ,chè tóu chè wěi de
The current owners are ruining the football club from top to bottom.

get to the bottom of [sth] v expr: figurative, informal (solve [sth])
SC 弄清,弄清楚 nòng qīng,nòng qīng chǔ
TC 弄清
Nobody will be allowed to go home until we get to the bottom of this and discover who gave the order to sell the shares.

groundfish, bottom fish, ground fish, bottomfish n: (fish living near bottom)
SC 底栖鱼,底鱼

groundfish, bottom fish vi: (fish for bottom fish)
SC 捕底栖鱼,捕底鱼

hit rock bottom, hit bottom, reach rock bottom v expr: figurative, informal (reach lowest, worst level) (比喻义)
SC 跌到谷底
Mike hit rock bottom when he failed all his exams.

ocean bottom n: (sea bed)
SC 海底 hǎi dǐ
TC 海底
SC 洋底 hǎi dǐ,yáng dǐ
When ships sink, they fall to the ocean bottom.

rock bottom n: figurative (lowest point)
SC 谷底
SC 最差的状态
SC 最糟糕的情况
Dave was at rock bottom when his girlfriend left him.

rock-bottom prices npl: informal (extremely low costs)
SC 最低价 zuì dī jià
TC 最低價
I don't know how they make any money with such rock-bottom prices.

scrape the bottom of the barrel v expr: figurative, informal (resort to [sth], [sb] inferior)
SC 退而求其次
SC 不得不在剩余中选择




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