

单词 born

US   UK  
be born vi + past p: (come into existence)
SC 出生 chū shēng
TC 出生
SC 生来 chū shēng,shēng lái
TC 生來
Jane was born in March.
Some people are born deaf.
简出生于 3 月。// 有些人生来就是聋的。

born adj: (brought into existence)
SC 出生 chū shēng
TC 出生
Born in Scotland, Rory moved with his family to Germany at the age of nine.
罗里出生于苏格兰,9 岁时和家人一起搬到了德国。

-born adj: as suffix (native to a place)
SC 出生于…的
The Brazilian-born author now lives in New York.

born adj: figurative (originated)
SC 开始,起始,诞生 kāi shǐ,qǐ shǐ,dàn shēng
TC 開始,起始,誕生
Ours is a country born of the revolution.

born adj: (innate)
SC 天生的 tiān shēng de
Tim is a born athlete.

be born to [sb] v expr: formal, literary (come from a family) (正式书面语)
SC 生于
TC 生於
SC 出生在
The lady was born to a mother and father of modest means.

bear n: (mammal: ursidae) (动物,统称)
SC 熊 xióng
America is home to many species of bear.

bear [sth] vtr: (support weight)
SC 支撑 zhī chēng
TC 支撐
SC 支持 zhī chēng,zhī chí
TC 支持
SC 承受 zhī chēng,chéng shòu
TC 承受
The bridge must bear the weight of the cars and trucks.

bear [sth] vtr: (endure [sth])
SC 承受 chéng shòu
TC 承受
SC 忍受 chéng shòu,rěn shòu
TC 忍受
He could hardly bear the suspense.

bear [sth] vtr: (produce flowers, fruit)
SC 结(果)
SC 开(花)
This plant bears pink flowers in the spring.

bear [sth] vtr: (give birth to: a child)
SC 生(孩子) shēng ( hái zi )
The queen bore fourteen children, but only three survived childhood.

bear [sb] [sth] vtr: (give [sb] with an heir)
SC 给…生(孩子)
The Queen bore her husband three daughters.

bear [sth] vtr: (withstand, stand up to)
SC 经得起(审查),经得住(推敲)
He knew his alibi would bear scrutiny, so he had no problem telling it to the detectives.

bear vi: (curve: left, right) (往左,往右)
SC 走向,转向,朝向 zǒu xiàng,zhuǎn xiàng,cháo xiàng
TC 走向,轉向
You need to bear left at the fork in the road.

bear n: US, informal, figurative (rude person)
SC 粗鲁的人,粗野的人,鲁莽的人 cū lǔ de rén,cū yě de rén,lǔ mǎng de rén
TC 粗魯的人
He is a bear first thing in the morning.

bear n: (business pessimist)
SC (对生意、业务等的)悲观态度 duì shēng yì yè wù děng de bēi guān tài dù
In the current recession, we're all bears.

bear n: informal (finance: short seller)
SC 通过卖空使(股票、证券等)行情下跌者,卖空者,做空头的人 tōng guò mài kōng shǐ gǔ piào zhèng quàn děng háng qíng xià diē zhě,mài kōng zhě,zuò kōng tóu de rén
A bear sells when he hopes prices will go even lower.

bear n: US, informal, figurative ([sth] difficult)
SC 难学的课
TC 難學的課
SC 棘手之事
Avoid taking economics with Professor Smith; his class is a bear! This tax form is a bear!

bear vi: (remain)
SC 坚持承担
He would bear true to the promises he made.

bear [sth/sb] vtr: (carry [sth], [sb])
SC 运送 yùn sòng
TC 運送
SC 携带 yùn sòng,xié dài
TC 攜帶
SC 负荷 yùn sòng,fù hè
TC 負荷
The donkey had to bear the load to the camp.

bear yourself vtr: (conduct: yourself)
SC 表现 biǎo xiàn
TC 表現
SC 行为 biǎo xiàn,xíng wéi
TC 行為
SC 持身 biǎo xiàn,chí shēn
He bore himself with courage and distinction.

bear [sth] vtr: (assume)
SC 承担 chéng dān
TC 承擔
SC 担负 chéng dān ,dān fù
TC 擔負
I will bear the responsibility for my decisions.

bear [sth] vtr: (ill will, resentment: harbor)
SC 怀有 huái yǒu
SC 持有 huái yǒu,chí yǒu
George doesn't bear any ill will towards people whose views are completely different from his own.

bear [sth] vtr: (display, show [sth])
SC 显示 xiǎn shì
TC 顯示
SC 显露 xiǎn shì,xiǎn lù
TC 顯露
SC 表现 xiǎn shì,biǎo xiàn
TC 表現
The warrior's face bore several deep scars.

bear [sth] vtr: (have: name, title)
SC 拥有(姓名、称号)
SC 以(某人的名字)命名
He bears his father's name.

bear [sth] vtr: (finance: attempt to lower price) (证券)
SC 卖空 mài kōng
The brokers were trying to bear the stocks.

bear [sth] away vtr phrasal insep: (carry off after winning)
SC 获得 huò dé
TC 獲得
SC 赢得 huò dé ,yíng dé
TC 贏得
The winning team bore away the trophy.

bear away vi phrasal: (nautical: change course) (航海)
SC 改变航向,改变航道 gǎi biàn háng xiàng

bear down vi phrasal: (labor: push baby out) (指女性自然分娩时)
SC 用力,使劲 yòng lì
TC 用力,使勁

bear down vi phrasal: US (apply pressure, concentrate)
SC 努力,尽力,发挥 nǔ lì,jìn lì,fā huī
TC 努力,盡力,發揮
You have to know when to conserve your strength and when to bear down with every bit of energy you have.

bear down on [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep: (push, press on)
SC 用力压在…上 yòng lì yā zài … shàng
SC 加压力于 yòng lì yā zài … shàng ,jiā yā lì yú
Bear down on the pen to make clear carbon copies.

bear down on [sb] vi phrasal + prep: figurative (weigh heavily upon)
SC 沉重地压在…心头
SC 让...难以承受
Emma felt the full weight of her financial worries bearing down on her.

bear down on [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep: UK (rush towards)
SC 冲向,撞向 chōng xiàng
The truck came bearing down on the brothers as they were crossing the street.

bear down on [sb] vtr phrasal insep: (approach threateningly)
SC 气势汹汹地向…进逼
The man was bearing down on Jim along the path.

bear on [sth], bear upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep: formal (be relevant to)
SC 与…有关 yǔ … yǒu guān
TC 與…有關

bear [sth] out, bear out [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (confirm: a fact)
SC 支持 zhī chí
TC 支持
SC 证实 zhī chí,zhèng shí
TC 證實 / 証實
SC 证明 zhī chí,zhèng míng
TC 證明 / 証明
These figures bear out the fact that more children are becoming obese nowadays.

bear out [sb], bear [sb] out vtr phrasal sep: (support: [sb]'s assertion) (某人的说法,看法,观点)
SC 证实,印证,证明 zhèng shí ,zhèng míng
TC 證實 / 証實,證明 / 証明
He said it was a job for younger men, and the statistics bear him out.

bear up vi phrasal: (endure [sth] difficult)
SC 承担 chéng dān
TC 承擔
She is bearing up well despite the pressure she is under.

bear up vi phrasal: (remain strong in adversity) (指在困难中)
SC 挺住,撑住,保持振作 tǐng zhù,chēng zhù

bear with [sb] vtr phrasal insep: (be patient)
SC 对…耐心点
SC 对…有耐心
I asked them to bear with me while I checked the details of their booking.

born into [sth] adj + prep: (having from birth)
SC 出身于,生来具有

born leader n: (good manager)
SC 天生的领袖 tiān shēng de lǐng xiù
SC 天生的领导者 tiān shēng de lǐng xiù,tiān shēng de lǐng dǎo zhě
A born leader is so charismatic that she can influence people to work harder and longer willingly.

born lucky adj: figurative (fortunate)
SC 生来有福 shēng lái yǒu fú
TC 生來有福
SC 生来幸运 shēng lái yǒu fú,shēng lái xìng yùn
I've never had any major problems in life. I guess I was born lucky.

born of desperation adj: (done as a last resort)
SC 最后手段的 zuì hòu shǒu duàn de
SC 最后一搏的 zuì hòu shǒu duàn de,zuì hòu yì bó de
His vegetable garden was born of desperation during tough economic times.

born out of wedlock adj: dated (illegitimate)
SC 私生的 sī shēng de
SC 非婚生的 sī shēng de,fēi hūn shēng de
"Bastard" is the legal term for a child born out of wedlock.

born to [sth], born to do [sth] adj: (having natural talent for [sth])
SC 生来注定,天生要
She was born to sing.

born with a silver spoon in your mouth adj: figurative (have a wealthy upbringing)
SC 生在富贵之家
SC 出身高贵 chū shēn gāo guì
TC 出身高貴
She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.

born-again Christian n: (person: evangelical)
SC 再生基督徒 zài shēng jī dū tú
SC 重生基督徒 zài shēng jī dū tú,chóng shēng jī dū tú
My sister is a born-again Christian at the Alliance Church in our town.

born-again Christian n: (person: converted)
SC 由其他信仰转为基督徒的人 yóu qí tā xìn yǎng zhuǎn wéi jī dū tú de rén
Sarah is a born-again Christian since she joined the Pentecostal church.

country-born adj: (born in countryside)
SC 生在乡下的,生于乡村的

firstborn, also UK: first-born n: (eldest child in family)
SC 头胎 tóu tāi
SC 长子 tóu tāi,zhǎng zǐ
TC 長子
SC 长女 tóu tāi,zhǎng nǚ
Are you your parents' first-born?

firstborn, also UK: first-born adj: (child: eldest in family)
SC 头胎的 tóu tāi de
TC 頭胎的
SC 最早出生的 tóu tāi de,zuì zǎo chū shēng de
Their first-born child is a boy.

highborn, also UK: high-born adj: (born into the aristocracy)
SC 出自名门的 chū zì míng mén de
SC 出身高贵的 chū zì míng mén de,chū shēn gāo guì de
SC 出身高贵的 chū zì míng mén de,chū shēn gāo guì de

native-born, native born adj: (born in the place indicated)
SC 土生土长的, 本土出生的

natural-born adj: (showing ability from the beginning)
SC 天生的,与生俱来的 tiān shēng de ,yǔ shēng jù lái de

true-born adj: (since birth)
SC 正统的,真正的 zhèng tǒng de ,zhēn zhèng de
TC 正統的
Ben was born in South Carolina; he's a true-born Southerner.

true-born adj: figurative (natural)
SC 天生的 tiān shēng de
Malcolm is a true-born pianist; he can play any piece by ear.

well-born adj: (born into a noble family)
SC 出身名门的, 出身高贵的




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