单词 | practiced |
释义 | practiced US ![]() ![]() practiced (US), practised (UK) adj: (person: experienced) SC 有经验的 yǒu jīng yàn de TC 有經驗的 SC 熟练的 yǒu jīng yàn de ,shú liàn de TC 熟練的 Liam is a practised speaker and is good at engaging his audience. practiced at [sth], practiced in [sth] (US), practised at [sth], practised in [sth] (UK) adj + prep: (person: experienced in [sth]) SC 在…上有经验 Holly is extremely practiced in business development. practiced (US), practised (UK) adj: (skill: learned practically) SC 习得的 xí dé de TC 習得的 SC 通过练习获得的 xí dé de ,tōng guò liàn xí huò dé de After several years of hard work, the actor developed a practiced English accent. practice n: (training) SC 练习 liàn xí TC 練習 Orchestra practice begins immediately after school. 管弦乐队的练习一放学就开始。 practice n: (sports: training) (体育运动) SC 训练 xùn liàn TC 訓練 Our team has practice on Tuesdays and plays games on Thursdays. 我们队星期二进行训练,星期四打比赛。 practice n: (rehearsal) SC 排练 pái liàn TC 排練 I need to go to band practice after school today to prepare for the concert. 今天放学后我得去乐队排练,准备接下来的音乐会。 practice n: (repeated performance) SC (反复的)练习 fǎn fù de liàn xí The students' drawing practice helped them improve their skill. 绘画练习帮助学生们提高了绘画技巧。 practice n: (use) SC 实践 shí jiàn TC 實踐 SC 应用 shí jiàn,yìng yòng TC 應用 You need to put your knowledge into practice. 你需要把所学知识投入到实践演练中去。 practice n: (custom) SC 惯例 guàn lì TC 慣例 SC 习惯 guàn lì,xí guàn TC 習慣 The local practice of spending the afternoons in cafes is spreading to other provinces. 当地人下午到咖啡馆消磨时间的习惯正在向其他的省份蔓延。 practice [sth] (US), practise [sth] (UK) vtr: (perform repeatedly) SC 反复练习 fǎn fù liàn xí TC 反復練習 SC 反复锻炼 The six year olds practiced writing the letter C. 这个六岁的孩子反复练习写字母C。 practice [sth] (US), practise [sth] (UK) vtr: (train in) SC 训练 xùn liàn TC 訓練 SC 练习 xùn liàn,liàn xí TC 練習 Our team practices blocking on Tuesdays and plays games on Thursdays. 我们队星期二训练封球,星期四打比赛。 practice [sth] (US), practise [sth] (UK) vtr: (repeat, rehearse) SC 练习 liàn xí TC 練習 SC 排练 liàn xí,pái liàn TC 排練 Practice your piano etudes to gain dexterity. 练习你的钢琴协奏曲,改善你的敏捷度。 practice n: (music: study) (音乐) SC 练习 liàn xí TC 練習 As part of my music studies, I have flute practice for three hours every Friday. 作为我音乐学习的一部分,每周五,我都会有三小时的长笛练习时间。 practice n: (profession) SC 职业 zhí yè TC 職業 SC (律师、医生的)行业 zhí yè,lǜ shī yī shēng de háng yè He was in practice as the only dentist in a small town. 他是小镇上唯一的牙科医生。 practice n: (doctor's business) SC 诊所 zhěn suǒ SC 行医场所 zhěn suǒ,xíng yī chǎng suǒ Dr. Mills opened her practice recently, but she already has many patients. practice n: (lawyer's business) SC 律师事务所 lǜ shī shì wù suǒ SC 执业场所 lǜ shī shì wù suǒ,zhí yè chǎng suǒ I want to work for the best law practice in town. 我想为镇上最好的律师事务所效力。 practice n: (law: method) (法律) SC 诉讼程序,法律手续 sù sòng chéng xù,fǎ lǜ shǒu xù TC 訴訟程序 In copyright matters, you must follow the traditional practice to contest a claim. 面对版权问题,你必须严格按照传统的诉讼程序来针对索赔提出异议。 practice (US), practise (UK) vi: (rehearse) (美式拼写,英式拼写为:practise) SC 排练 pái liàn TC 排練 The band practiced for three weeks before the concert. practice [sth] (US), practise [sth] (UK) vtr: (work at: a profession) (美式拼写,英式拼写为:practise) SC 从事某行业 cóng shì mǒu háng yè This doctor has practised medicine for years. practice [sth] (US), practise [sth] (UK) vtr: (religion: observe rules) SC 修行, 修持 Going to confession is one of the ways in which people practice their Catholicism. band practice n: (music group's rehearsal) SC 乐队排练,练团 I have band practice after school from 4pm to 6pm. best practice n: (most professional conduct) SC 最佳做法 zuì jiā zuò fǎ SC 最佳实践 zuì jiā zuò fǎ,zuì jiā shí jiàn Best practice in the medical or mental health field is to take a thorough history from the patient. common practice n: ([sth] customary, [sth] often done) SC 惯例 guàn lì TC 慣例 SC 一般做法 guàn lì,yì bān zuò fǎ It is common practice to speak softly in a library. It's common practice to shake hands in business affairs. family practice n: (medical specialization) SC 家庭医学 football practice (UK), soccer practice (US) n: (soccer training) SC 足球训练 TC 足球訓練 football practice (US), American football practice (UK) n: (American football training) SC 橄榄球训练 good practice n: (recommended procedure) SC 推荐做法 It is good practice to start with a simple activity. group practice n: (medical practice) SC (医生)联合开业 yī shēng lián hé kāi yè My chiropractor is part of a group practice with 2 Massage Therapists, a Physical Therapist and an Accupunturist. in practice expr: (from a practical point of view) SC 事实上,实际上 shì shí shàng ,shí jì shàng TC 事實上,實際上 SC 在熟悉过程中 zài shú xī guò chéng zhōng SC (医师等)开业的 yī shī děng kāi yè de In practice, it doesn't always go smoothly. make a practice of doing [sth] v expr: (be in the habit of) SC 常常 cháng cháng TC 常常 Most doctors do not make a practice of calling on patients in their homes. medical practice n: (doctor's business) SC 行医 xíng yī SC 看病 xíng yī,kàn bìng TC 看病 His medical practice was a short distance from the hospital. out of practice adj: (not used to doing [sth] anymore) SC 疏于练习的 SC 很久不练的 practice drill n: (rehearsal of emergency response) SC 演习 yǎn xí TC 演習 practice law (US), practise law (UK) vtr + n: (work as a lawyer) SC 做律师 zuò lǜ shī TC 做律師 SC 从事法律工作 zuò lǜ shī,cóng shì fǎ lǜ gōng zuò Sean has been practising law for five years. practice medicine (US), practise medicine (UK) v expr: (work as a doctor) SC 行医 xíng yī He practices medicine at St. Patrick Hospital. practice nurse n: UK (healthcare worker) (英联邦体系) SC 诊所护士 practice of medicine n: (work of a doctor) SC 行医 xíng yī SC 医学实践 xíng yī,yī xué shí jiàn The practice of medicine has made great advances in recent years. practice philosophy n: (company's ethos) SC 从业理念,公司理念 private practice n: (profession: independent) (职业) SC 私人执业,私人开业 sī rén zhí yè,sī rén kāi yè My doctor no longer works at that big clinic; he has gone into private practice. private practice n: (freelance work) SC 私人自己干 SC 私人执业 sī rén zhí yè If you become a Certified Public Accountant, you can do private practice. put [sth] in practice, put [sth] into practice v expr: (carry [sth] out) SC 将…付诸实践 The new regulations have still to be put into practice. We have worked out the plan, and now it's time to put it into practice. target practice n: (practice shooting guns, etc.) SC 射击训练 SC 打靶训练 unfair practice n: (plagiarism, cheating) SC (剽窃、欺骗等)不正当行为 piāo qiè qī piàn děng bú zhèng dāng xíng wéi |
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