

单词 boat

US   UK  
boat n: (vessel)
SC 小船 xiǎo chuán
TC 小船
Jay likes to watch the boats on the lake.

boat, go boating vi: (travel by boat)
SC 乘船旅行 chéng chuán lǚ xíng
SC 坐船去游玩 chéng chuán lǚ xíng,zuò chuán qù yóu wán
Sam likes to boat off the cape during his summer vacations.

banana boat n: (banana-shaped inflatable)
SC 香蕉形的船

banana boat n: (cargo ship carrying bananas)
SC 运香蕉的船

boat deck n: (nautical)
SC 救生艇甲板

boat race n: (rowing competition)
SC 赛船,赛艇比赛,划船比赛 sài chuán,huá chuán bǐ sài
TC 划船比賽
The Ghent Student Regatta is a boat race for students.

the Boat Race n: UK (Oxford-Cambridge competition)
SC 牛津剑桥赛艇对抗赛
Oxford won the Boat Race last year.

boat race n: UK, regional, slang (Cockney rhyming slang: face)
SC 脸 liǎn
I've got a joke that will put a smile on your boat race.

boat ride n: (trip or outing in a water craft)
SC 乘船
SC 坐船
We went for a boat ride out to the island.

boat show n: (exhibition of boats)
SC 赛舟会,赛艇会 sài zhōu huì,sài tǐng huì
SC 船展 chuán zhǎn
This year, the boat show will feature antique wooden vessels.

boat slip n: (nautical: ramp)
SC 停船位

boat trip n: (excursion on water)
SC 乘船旅行 chéng chuán lǚ xíng
SC 乘船游览 chéng chuán lǚ xíng,chéng chuán yóu lǎn
TC 乘船遊覽

boathook, boat hook, boat-hook n: (pole with a hook)
SC 撑篙,钩杆

canal boat n: (vessel used on waterways)
SC 运河船

couta, couta boat n: (fishing boat: Australia)
SC 一种澳洲捕鱼船,现已变成休闲帆船

don't rock the boat interj: figurative (do not cause trouble) (比喻)
SC 别找麻烦了 bié zhǎo má fán le
The arrangements are already made, so don't rock the boat.

ferry boat n: (passenger boat on a short route)
SC 渡船 dù chuán
Ferry boats are the common mode of public transportation in Venice.

fishing boat n: (vessel: for fishing)
SC 渔船
TC 漁船

gravy boat n: (receptacle for pouring gravy)
SC 盛放调味肉汁的船形盘 chéng fàng tiáo wèi ròu zhī de chuán xíng pán
In our house, we only use the gravy boat on very special occasions.

in the same boat, all in the same boat expr: figurative (in a similar situation)
SC 处境相同
SC 同命相连

jet boat n: (small boat)
SC 喷气艇

miss the boat v expr: figurative (lose your chance for [sth])
SC 错过机会,坐失良机 cuò guò jī huì
TC 錯過機會

MTB n: UK, initialism (Royal Navy: motor torpedo boat)
SC 鱼雷艇

narrowboat, narrow boat n: UK (boat used on canals)
SC 运河船

paddle boat n: (small boat with pedals)
SC 脚踏船 jiǎo tà chuán
TC 腳踏船

pleasure boat n: (recreational vessel)
SC 游船,游艇 yóu chuán,yóu tǐng

rock the boat v expr: figurative (cause trouble)
SC 惹是生非
SC 招惹是非

rowing boat n: (wooden boat with oars)
SC 划艇 huá tǐng

sailboat, sail boat (US), sailing boat (UK) n: (yacht, small vessel with a sail)
SC 帆船 fān chuán
My dad took his new sailing boat out on the lake today for the first time.
From our window we watched sailboats in the harbor.

sauce boat, sauceboat n: (vessel for pouring sauce)
SC 船状调味碟 chuán zhuàng tiáo wèi dié
The maid placed a sauce boat on the dining table.
A sauce boat is pretty but it never keeps the gravy as hot as a jug does.

ski boat n: (speedboat used to pull waterskiers)
SC 滑水艇

trailer, boat trailer n: (trailer for transporting a boat)
SC 拖车 tuō chē
The car was towing a boat on a trailer.

tug, tugboat, tug-boat n: (small boat for pulling or pushing ships)
SC 拖船 tuō chuán
A tug was crossing the river.

U-boat n: (German submarine) (德国的潜水艇)
SC U型潜水艇

Whatever floats your boat. expr: slang, figurative (OK, whatever you'd like.) (俚语)
SC 你喜欢就好
SC 你开心就好
"I'd like to learn how to speak Japanese." "Whatever floats your boat."




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