

单词 blown

US   UK  
blown adj: (swept by wind)
SC 被风吹起的
SC 被风刮起的
Lindsey's hair was blown and frizzy when she came in from the storm.

blown adj: slang (deal: failed) (俚语)
SC 失败的 shī bài de
TC 失敗的
SC 没谈成,没谈妥(生意,交易等)
The deal was blown when she said something that offended them.

blown adj: (glass: heated and shaped) (玻璃器皿)
SC 吹制的 chuī zhì de
TC 吹製的,吹成的
This store specializes in blown glass lamps.

blow vi: (air: move)
SC 吹 chuī
The winter wind blows from the west.

blow vi: (be swept by air)
SC 被吹走 bèi chuī zǒu
Sand blows across the beach.

blow [sth] vtr: (move with breath)
SC 向…吹气 xiàng chuī qì
TC 向…吹氣
Blow the pinwheel and watch it spin.

blow vi: informal (explode) (轮胎、炸弹等)
SC 炸,爆炸 bào zhà
TC 炸,爆炸
Watch out, the bomb is going to blow!

blow n: (punch) (拳头、武器等)
SC 一击,一打 yì jī,yì dá
The blow knocked him down, but he soon got back up.

blow n: figurative (shock) (比喻)
SC 冲击,打击 chōng jī,dǎ jī
TC 衝擊,打擊
The news that her husband had died was a serious blow.

blow [sth] vtr: (glass: shape using air) (玻璃)
SC 吹制
At the factory, we watched a man blowing glass into a vase shape.

blow n: informal (storm)
SC 暴风雨 bào fēng yǔ
TC 暴風雨
We are expecting a big blow tonight, and have closed the shutters of the beach house.

blow n: (blast of wind)
SC 吹风 chuī fēng
SC 刮风 chuī fēng,guā fēng
SC 阵风 chuī fēng,zhèn fēng
A blow of air pushed over the pile of papers.

blow n: slang (drug: cocaine) (毒品)
SC 可卡因 kě kǎ yīn
TC 古柯鹼
Rod asked me if I knew where he could score some blow.

blow vi: (play wind instrument)
SC 吹奏(管乐器) chuī zòu guǎn yuè qì
The trumpeter blows hard and loud.

blow vi: (fuse, bulb: burn out) (灯泡保险丝)
SC 熔断,烧断 róng duàn,shāo duàn
The electrical surge caused the fuse to blow.

blow vi: US, slang (depart)
SC 离开,忽然离去 lí kāi,hū rán lí qù
TC 離開
We are done here. Let's blow.

blow vi: US, slang (thing, situation: be bad)
SC 很糟糕,很烂 hěn zāo gāo
SC 很差
This movie blows. Let's change the channel.

blow on [sth] vi + prep: (direct breath onto [sth])
SC 对…吹气 duì chuī qì
Janine blew on her fingernails to dry her nail varnish.

blow [sth] vtr: (wind) (风)
SC 吹动 chuī dòng
SC 刮起(风)
The wind blew the papers off the table.

blow [sth] vtr: (horn, instrument: play) (喇叭、乐器等)
SC 吹,吹奏 chuī
TC 吹,吹奏
The flautist blew a sweet melody.

blow [sth] vtr: informal (make explode)
SC 炸毁
SC 使…爆炸 shǐ bào zhà
The army detonation team blew the bridge.

blow [sth] vtr: slang (squander money) (俚语)
SC 挥霍, 浪费
The musician had blown his entire fortune, and was poor again.

blow [sth] vtr: US, slang (bungle) (机会)
SC 浪费 làng fèi
TC 浪費
I bet he will blow this opportunity just as he did the last one.

blow [sth] on [sth] vtr: (squander money)
SC 把...挥霍在…上
Sophie blew all her wages on a new dress.

blow [sth] apart, blow apart [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (destroy)
SC 摧毁 cuī huǐ
TC 摧毀
The blast from the bomb blew the building apart.

blow [sb] away, blow away [sb] vtr phrasal sep: slang, figurative (impress greatly)
SC 给…留下深刻印象
The candidate blew her interviewer away.

blow [sb] away, blow away [sb] vtr phrasal sep: slang, figurative (kill by shooting)
SC 射杀
SC 枪杀 qiāng shā
The gunman blew away his victim from close range.

blow [sb] away, blow away [sb] vtr phrasal sep: slang, figurative (thoroughly defeat)
SC 大败 dà bài
TC 大敗
SC 彻底战胜
The first time he ran, he blew away the competition and came home with a gold medal.

blow by vi phrasal: (be swept past)
SC 吹去 chuī qù
SC 吹走 chuī qù,chuī zǒu
A paper bag blew by in the wind.

blow in vi phrasal: figurative, informal (arrive unexpectedly)
SC 突然来访,偶然造访,意外到来 tū rán lái fǎng,ǒu rán zào fǎng,yì wài dào lái
TC 突然來訪
He just blows in without any warning and expects dinner.

blow kisses at [sb] vtr phrasal sep: (kiss hand and blow)
SC 冲…飞吻

blow off vi phrasal: UK, slang (pass intestinal gas)
SC 放屁 fàng pì
I think the dog blew off; it smells horrible.

blow [sb] off vtr phrasal sep: US, slang (reject or ignore [sb])
SC 赶走,不希望…陪伴 gǎn zǒu,bù xī wàng péi bàn
TC 趕走
I smiled at Rita and said hi, but she blew me off; maybe she didn't recognise me.

blow [sth] off, blow off [sth] vtr phrasal sep: US, slang (cancel: plan, obligation)
SC 取消 qǔ xiāo
TC 取消
Since I was feeling better, I blew off my appointment with the doctor.

blow [sth] out, blow out [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (extinguish)
SC 将…熄灭 jiāng xī miè
TC 將…熄滅
SC 吹灭 jiāng xī miè,chuī miè
She blew out the candles on her birthday cake.

blow [sb] out vtr phrasal sep: UK, slang, figurative (reject) (俚语)
SC 拒绝 jù jué
TC 拒絕
A well-known movie star spent the night chasing after her, but she blew him out.

blow over vi phrasal: (clouds: pass, disappear) (云)
SC 消散 xiāo sàn
The clouds blew over and the sun came out.

blow over vi phrasal: figurative (argument, etc.: be forgotten) (争执等)
SC 被逐渐淡忘,随风而去 bèi zhú jiàn dàn wàng
Let's hope that the dispute will soon blow over.

blow through vi phrasal: Aus, informal, figurative (place: leave)
SC 离开 lí kāi
TC 離開

blow up vi phrasal: (explode)
SC 爆炸 bào zhà
TC 爆炸
SC 被炸飞
I watched the Hindenburg blow up.

blow [sth] up, blow up [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (detonate)
SC 引爆 yǐn bào
SC 炸掉,爆破 zhà diào,bào pò
TC 爆破
They blew up the enemy's ammunition dump.

blow [sth] up, blow up [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (inflate)
SC 给...充气
TC 給…充氣
Karen blew up the airbed for her guests.

blow [sth] up, blow up [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (photograph: enlarge) (照片)
SC 放大 fàng dà
TC 放大
Small photos may have to be blown up if they are not identifiable.

blow up vi phrasal: figurative, informal (get angry)
SC 发脾气 fā pí qì
TC 發脾氣
SC 发作 fā pí qì,fā zuò
TC 發作
She blew up when I told her about the car.

blown up, blown-up adj: informal (image: enlarged)
SC 放大的 fàng dà de
The blown-up pictures were grainier than the originals.

blown up, blown-up adj: informal (thing: by explosion)
SC 被轰炸的
SC 被炸毁的
The town was a mess of blown-up buildings and rubble.

blown up adj: informal (person: by explosion)
SC 被炸死的
He is one of several politicians blown up last year by terrorists.

blown up, blown-up adj: informal (balloon, etc.: inflated)
SC 吹足气的,吹起来的
SC 充过气的,打足气的
Pass me a blown-up balloon and I'll make you an animal.

full-blown, full blown adj: (fully developed)
SC 充分发展的,完全发展的
SC 完全成熟的 wán quán chéng shóu de / wán quán chéng shú de
It usually takes years for the HIV virus to develop into full-blown AIDS.
It started as a minor political scandal but the constitutional crisis is now full blown.




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