

单词 honoured

honor (US), honour (UK) n: (honesty, integrity) (诚信、道德)
SC 节操,气节,正义感,高尚的品德 jié cāo ,qì jié ,zhèng yì gǎn,gāo shàng de pǐn dé
The community knew him as a man of honor.

honor (US), honour (UK) n: (privilege)
SC 荣幸 róng xìng
SC 光荣 róng xìng,guāng róng
TC 光榮
SC 荣誉 róng xìng,róng yù
TC 榮譽
She had the honour of leading the parade.

honor (US), honour (UK) n: (virtue)
SC 贞操,节操 zhēn cāo ,jié cāo
The squire would have violated the young woman's honour, had her father not returned.

honor (US), honour (UK) n: (award)
SC 勋章 xūn zhāng
SC 徽章 xūn zhāng,huī zhāng
SC 奖章 xūn zhāng,jiǎng zhāng
The honour was conferred by the Queen.

honor (US), honour (UK) n: (esteem, glory)
SC 敬意 jìng yì
TC 敬意
SC 尊敬 jìng yì,zūn jìng
TC 尊敬
The fireman won great honor for his bravery.

honor [sb/sth] (US), honour [sb/sth] (UK) vtr: (show respect) (给予尊重)
SC 尊重,尊敬 zūn zhòng ,zūn jìng
TC 尊重,尊敬
The university honoured the professor because of his groundbreaking research.

honor [sb/sth] with [sth] (US), honour [sb/sth] with [sth] (UK) vtr + prep: (do [sth] to show respect)
SC 很荣幸…
She was honored with a special dinner at the school.

honor [sb/sth] with [sth] (US), honour [sb/sth] with [sth] (UK) vtr + prep: (treat with honour)
SC 使荣耀
TC 使榮耀
SC 以…给予…荣耀
The princess honored us with her presence.

honor [sb] by doing [sth] (US), honour [sb] by doing [sth] (UK) v expr: (treat with honour)
SC 用…来纪念…
The army honoured the officer by giving him a special medal for bravery.

honors (US), honours (UK) n as adj: (harder course, degree)
SC 荣誉学位的,优等生学位的
SC 荣誉课程的

honors (US), honours (UK) npl: (high academic distinction)
SC 荣誉学位,优等生学位
SC 荣誉课程

honors (US), honours (UK) npl: (social courtesies)
SC 屈膝礼 qū xī lǐ
TC 屈膝禮

honors (US), honours (UK) npl: (military: ceremony showing respect) (军队)
SC 仪仗,仪队

honors (US), honours (UK) npl: (Bridge game: highest cards) (桥牌)
SC 大牌

honor [sth] (US), honour [sth] (UK) vtr: (revere)
SC 崇敬 chóng jìng
SC 敬畏 chóng jìng,jìng wèi
SC 尊敬 chóng jìng,zūn jìng
TC 尊敬
One should honour one's national flag.

honor [sth] (US), honour [sth] (UK) vtr: (show courtesy)
SC 礼待 lǐ dài
We hope to honour all requests for advice.

honor [sth] (US), honour [sth] (UK) vtr: (uphold: promise) (承诺等)
SC 遵守 zūn shǒu
TC 遵守
Joe honoured his promise to pay for the meal.

honored (US), honoured (UK) adj: (greatly esteemed)
SC 受尊敬的

honored (US), honoured (UK) adj: (feeling: privileged)
SC 荣幸的 róng xìng de
TC 榮幸的
SC 有幸的

badge of honor (US), badge of honour (UK) n: (award, medal)
SC 荣誉勋章,荣誉奖章 róng yù xūn zhāng

badge of honor (US), badge of honour (UK) n: figurative (symbol of pride)
SC 荣誉的象征

debt of honor (US), debt of honour (UK) n: (moral obligation)
SC 仅在道义上有约束力的债务(尤指赌债) jǐn zài dào yì shàng yǒu yuē shù lì de zhài wù ( yóu zhǐ dǔ zhài )

guest of honor (US), guest of honour (UK) n: (person for whom gathering is held)
SC 贵宾 guì bīn
TC 貴賓
SC 贵客 guì bīn,guì kè
Prince Faisal was the guest of honor at today's presidential dinner.

honor killing (US), honour killing (UK) n: (murder of [sb] who disgraces family)
SC 荣誉处决
TC 榮譽處決

honor roll n: US (list: top students)
SC (学生的)荣誉榜 xué shēng de róng yù bǎng
Chris often got on the honor roll in high school.

honor society n: US (student society)
SC 优秀学生协会
SC 优等生联合会

Honor student, Honors student, honor student, honors student n: US (academic high achiever)
SC 荣誉生

honor system n: US (promise to be honest)
SC 荣誉制度
TC 榮譽制度

in honor of [sb] (US), in honour of [sb] (UK) prep: (as a tribute to [sb])
SC 以向某人致意
SC 为了向某人表示敬意
They prepared a large banquet in honour of the King.

in honor of [sth/sb] (US), in honour of [sth/sb] (UK) prep: (to mark, acknowledge [sth] or [sb])
SC 为向…致敬
SC 为纪念…
Saigon was renamed in honour of Ho Chi Minh in 1976.

lap of honor (US), lap of honour (UK) n: (sport: winner's extra lap)
SC 光荣的一圈
The winning racer took a lap of honour around the track while the crowd cheered.

maid of honor n: US (bride's main female attendant)
SC 伴娘 bàn niáng
Her best friend served as maid of honor and the rest of us were bridesmaids.

matron of honor (US), matron of honour (UK) n: (chief bridesmaid)
SC 主要伴娘 zhǔ yào bàn niáng
Victoria was the matron of honour at her best friend's wedding.

roll of honor (US), roll of honour (UK) n: (list of heroes)
SC 荣誉名册 róng yù míng cè
TC 榮譽名冊
Soldiers killed during the First World War have been commemorated in a roll of honour.




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