

单词 woman

US   UK  
woman n: (adult female)
SC 女人 nǚ rén
TC 女人
SC 妇女 nǚ rén,fù nǚ
TC 婦女
She is a beautiful woman.

woman n: slang (female partner)
SC 情人,女朋友,恋人 qíng rén,nǚ péng yǒu,liàn rén
TC 情人
My woman treats me right.

woman, little woman n: pejorative, informal (wife)
SC 妻子,老婆 qī zǐ ,lǎo pó
TC 妻子,老婆
I have to go home to the little woman.

advertising woman n: dated (female who works in advertising)
SC 女性广告从业者
SC 女广告人

adwoman n: informal (female who works in advertising)
SC 女广告人
SC 女性广告从业者

as the next man, as the next woman, as the next person expr: (just as much as anyone else)
SC 和平常人一样
SC 跟别人一样

black woman, Black woman n: (dark-skinned female)
SC 黑肤色的女性

black woman, Black woman n: (female of African descent)
SC 黑人女性

blind woman n: (female who cannot see)
SC 盲女
SC 眼盲女性

career woman n: (professional female)
SC 职业女性,事业型女性 zhí yè nǚ xìng
TC 職業女性

cavewoman, cave woman n: (prehistoric woman) (史前时代)
SC 穴居女人

cleaning woman n: (female cleaner)
SC 清洁女工 qīng jié nǚ gōng
TC 清潔女工
My grandmother always tidies up before her cleaning woman arrives.

common woman n: (female commoner, without title)
SC 女平民
SC 女百姓

company woman n: (loyal female worker)
SC 公司女性
SC 公司女职员

con woman, conwoman n: informal (female confidence trickster)
SC 女骗子

countrywoman, country woman n: (female who lives in countryside)
SC 村姑 cūn gū
SC 村妇 cūn gū,cūn fù

deliverywoman, delivery woman n: (female who delivers goods)
SC 女快递员
SC 女外卖员

fallen woman n: dated, figurative (prostitute)
SC 娼妓,妓女 chāng jì,jì nǚ

fancy woman n: (immoral woman)
SC 轻浮的女人
SC 情妇 qíng fù

fancy woman n: dated (prostitute) (过时用语)
SC 妓女 jì nǚ

free woman n: (female: not captive or incarcerated)
SC 自由女性

grown woman n: (adult female)
SC 成年女人 chéng nián nǚ rén
She dresses like a grown woman, but she's still a young girl.

hitwoman, hit woman n: (female hired murderer)
SC 职业女杀手

honest woman n: dated, humorous (married adult female) (指已出嫁的女性)
SC 有名分的女人
Jon proposed to me today. After ten years of living together, finally I'll be an honest woman!

kept woman n: dated (lives off rich man)
SC 被包养的女人

make an honest woman of [sb] v expr: dated, humorous (marry)
SC 娶...为妻
Sara's father was happy because Tom had made an honest woman of her.

man of the world, woman of the world n: (experienced man or woman)
SC 阅历丰富的人
SC 饱经世故的人

married woman n: (woman who is [sb]'s wife)
SC 已婚女人 yǐ hūn nǚ rén
SC 已出嫁的女人 yǐ hūn nǚ rén,yǐ chū jià de nǚ rén
Julia is a married woman with two children.

mature woman n: (middle-aged female)
SC 成熟女人 chéng shóu nǚ rén / chéng shú nǚ rén

Neanderthal woman n: (early female)
SC 尼安德特女人

old woman n: (elderly lady)
SC 老妇人 lǎo fù rén
TC 老婦人
SC 老太太 lǎo fù rén,lǎo tài tài
TC 老太太
Every day I see the same little old woman sitting on that park bench feeding pigeons.

one-woman show n: (performance by one woman)
SC 独角戏

poor woman n: (woman who lacks money)
SC 没钱的女人
SC 贫穷的女人

poor woman n: (woman who is unfortunate)
SC 不幸的女人
SC 可怜的女人

post-menopausal woman n: (female who no longer menstruates)
SC 绝经后的妇女

right-hand person, right-hand man, right-hand woman n: (trusted aide or advisor)
SC 得力助手 dé lì zhù shǒu
SC 左膀右臂 dé lì zhù shǒu,zuǒ bǎng yòu bei
Mary was my right-hand woman on this assignment.
The president's right-hand man ensured that his day would go smoothly.

scarlet woman n: dated (prostitute, promiscuous female)
SC 妓女 jì nǚ
SC 荡妇 jì nǚ ,dàng fù
Sadly, because of her unfaithfulness to her husband, she was called a scarlet woman.

showwoman, show-woman n: (female performer)
SC 女表演者

single woman n: (adult female without a partner)
SC 单身女人 dān shēn nǚ rén
TC 單身女人
She broke up with her boyfriend and is now a single woman again.

stuntwoman, stunt woman n: (female: performs dangerous feats)
SC 女特技替身演员

the other woman n: figurative (married person's female lover) (指女人)
SC 情妇, 第三者
SC 小三(口语)

trans woman n: (transgender woman)
SC 女变性人
TC 女變性人

white woman n: (adult Caucasian female)
SC 白人女性
SC 白人女子

woman of the world n: (sophisticated woman)
SC 惯于社交的妇
SC 饱经世故的女人 bǎo jīng shì gù de nǚ rén
My Aunt Charlotte was really a woman of the world.

womanlike, woman-like adj: (resembling female)
SC 女人似的
SC 女性化的

workingwoman, working woman n: (adult female in paid employment)
SC 劳动妇女 láo dòng fù nǚ
TC 勞動婦女
SC 女工 láo dòng fù nǚ,nǚ gōng
TC 女工

young woman n: (youthful adult female)
SC 年轻女士 nián qīng nǚ shì
TC 年輕女士




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