

单词 bleeding

US   UK  
bleeding n: (loss of blood)
SC 出血 chū xuè
TC 出血
SC 失血 chū xuè ,shī xiě / shī xuè
The bleeding has caused significant damage to the patient.

bleeding adj: (person: losing blood) (人)
SC 流血的,失血的,出血的 liú xuè de ,chū xuè de
The injured motorcyclist lay in the road, cut and bleeding.

bleeding adj: (wound: seeping blood) (伤口)
SC 出血的,流血的 chū xuè de ,liú xuè de
Apply pressure to the bleeding wound.

bleeding adj: figurative (colour: leaching out)
SC 渗色的 shèn sè de
Be careful, the dye in those pants seems to be bleeding.

bleeding adj: figurative, informal (suffering financially)
SC 亏本 , 大出血 kuī běn
The prolonged closures have left many firms bleeding.

bleeding adj: UK, figurative, vulgar, slang (intensifer: bloody)
SC 该死的 gāi sǐ de
TC 該死的
If you've got no money left, it's your own bleeding fault for spending it all!

bleed vi: (person, animal: lose blood)
SC 出血 chū xuè
TC 出血
SC 流血 chū xuè ,liú xuè
TC 流血
Lance fell down and now he is bleeding.

bleed vi: (injury: lose blood)
SC 流血 liú xuè
TC 流血
SC 失血 liú xuè ,shī xiě / shī xuè
My thumb is bleeding; I must have accidentally cut myself.
我的大拇指在流血。 肯定是不小心割伤了。

bleed vi: figurative (colour: fade, leach out)
SC 褪色 tuì shǎi
SC 渗色 tuì shǎi ,shèn sè
The red socks bled in the wash!

bleed [sb] vtr: historical (doctor: draw blood)
SC 给…放血
TC 給…放血
Physicians used to believe that bleeding a patient could cure an infection.

bleed [sth] vtr: (radiator, brake: remove air, fluid)
SC 给...放气
SC 从...排掉液体
It's nice and warm in here since I bled the radiators.

bleed vi: figurative (printing: extend over edge) (印刷)
SC 出血 chū xuè
TC 出血
The text bled onto the next page.

bleed n: (instance of bleeding)
SC 出血 chū xuè
TC 出血
SC 流血 chū xuè ,liú xuè
TC 流血
She died after suffering a bleed on the brain.

bleed vi: poetic (die, be injured for a cause)
SC 流血牺牲
TC 流血犧牲
SC 流血死亡
Thousands of men bled for their country during the war.

bleed vi: figurative (paint, etc.: run) (油漆、染料等)
SC 渗色,渗开 shèn sè ,shèn kāi
If you use too much paint on the brush, it may bleed.

bleed into [sth] vi + prep: figurative (start to affect [sth])
SC 渗透进
TC 滲透過
When you work from home, it is easy to let work bleed into your family time.

bleed [sth] vtr: (plants: seep sap, etc.) (植物)
SC 渗出(树液),流出(树液)
The branch was sticky because it was bleeding sap.

bleed [sth] vtr: informal, disapproving (acquire money or goods)
SC 榨取 zhà qǔ
TC 榨取
SC 骗取 zhà qǔ,piàn qǔ
The criminals bled thousands of dollars from unsuspecting elderly people.

bleed [sth] vtr: (draw substance from [sth])
SC 抽取 chōu qǔ
SC 提取 chōu qǔ,tí qǔ
TC 提取
The mechanic bled the brake lines.

the bleeding edge n: figurative (forefront)
SC 前沿 qián yán
TC 前沿

bleeding-edge n as adj: figurative (at the forefront)
SC 前沿的 qián yán de

bleeding heart n: (plant: dicentra) (原产于中国北部的一种花卉)
SC 荷包牡丹 hé bāo mǔ dān
The red flowers of bleeding heart brighten my garden in spring.

bleeding heart n: figurative, pejorative (person: liberal) (比喻,轻蔑语)
SC 软心肠的人,对弱者表示同情者 ruǎn xīn cháng de rén,duì ruò zhě biǎo shì tóng qíng zhě
Some bleeding heart will come and tell you you can't do that.

bleeding-heart n as adj: figurative, pejorative (humanitarian)
SC 人道主义的, 慈善的
He claims that bleeding-heart liberals are encouraging dependence on government handouts.

internal bleeding n: (haemorrhage inside the body)
SC 内出血




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