

单词 blazing

US   UK  
blazing adj: (fire: burning brightly)
SC 炽燃的 chì rán de
TC 熾燃的
SC 熊熊的 chì rán de ,xióng xióng de
The neighborhood residents stared in horror at the blazing house fire.

blazing adj: (sun: bright, hot) (阳光)
SC 强烈的,炽热的 qiáng liè de ,chì rè de
You shouldn't stay out in the blazing sun like that without sunscreen.

blaze n: (fire)
SC 烈火 , 火焰 , 火堆 liè huǒ
TC 烈火
SC 火灾 huǒ zāi
TC 火災
Three fire engines were called to tackle the blaze at the factory.

blaze n: (bright light)
SC 亮光 liàng guāng
The soldiers could see the blaze of a lantern far ahead.

a blaze of [sth] n: figurative (anger, etc.: intense burst) (怒火等)
SC 爆发,迸发 bào fā ,bèng fā
TC 爆發
Graham yelled at his son in a blaze of anger.

blaze vi: (burn brightly)
SC 熊熊燃烧 xióng xióng rán shāo
TC 熊熊燃燒
The campfire blazed in the darkness.

blaze vi: (shine)
SC 闪耀 shǎn yào
SC 发光 shǎn yào,fā guāng
TC 發光
The stars blazed in the winter night sky.

blaze vi: (gun: fire continuously)
SC 连续射击 lián xù shè jī
TC 連續射擊
SC 连续开火
The outlaws emerged from their hiding place with their guns blazing.

blaze n: (brightness)
SC 光明 guāng míng
TC 光明
SC 强光 guāng míng,qiáng guāng
A sudden blaze lit up the sky.

blaze n: (mark indicating trail) (指路用的)
SC 刻下的记号
The Appalachian Trail is marked with white blazes.

blaze n: (marking on animal's face) (动物)
SC 脸上的条纹,脸上的斑纹
A black horse with a white blaze on its forehead galloped across the field.

blaze [sth] vtr: (mark a trail) (指路用)
SC 在...刻记号
The hiking trail was blazed by the Boy Scouts.

blaze [sth] vtr: literary, dated (make known) (过时用语,书面用语)
SC 宣告 xuān gào
TC 宣告
SC 公告 xuān gào ,gōng gào
TC 公告
Robert feared Valerie would blaze his secret.

blaze [sth] abroad vtr phrasal sep: (make known, broadcast)
SC 传播 chuán bō
TC 傳播

blaze away vi phrasal: (gun: shoot continuously)
SC 连续发射
SC 连续射击 lián xù shè jī
TC 連續射擊

blaze past vi phrasal: figurative (move fast)
SC 飞速经过
TC 飛速經過
The car blazed past in a cloud of exhaust fumes.

blaze up vi phrasal: UK, informal (light cigarette, cigar, etc.)
SC 燃烧 rán shāo
TC 燃燒

blazing fast, blazing-fast adj: US, figurative (rapid)
SC 极快的 jí kuài de
TC 極快的
SC 特别快的
The racehorse's pace was blazing fast.

blazing fire n: (fire: intense)
SC 烈火 liè huǒ
TC 烈火
SC 熊熊大火 liè huǒ ,xióng xióng dà huǒ
They sat outside the tent, swapping stories and toasting marshmallows over the blazing fire.

blazing fire n: (inside a home)
SC (家里)熊熊的炉火 jiā lǐ xióng xióng de lú huǒ
They gathered round the blazing fire for warmth.

blazing row n: UK, informal (fierce quarrel)
SC 激烈的争吵




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