单词 | homing |
释义 | homing home n: (house, apartment) SC 住宅 zhù zhái TC 住宅 SC 住所 zhù zhái,zhù suǒ TC 住所 They've just bought their first home. 他们刚买了他们的第一幢住宅。 home n: (household) SC 家 jiā TC 家 SC 家庭 jiā ,jiā tíng TC 家庭 His home is always noisy and happy. It's important for children to live in a loving home. 他家永远是闹哄哄乐呵呵的。 生活在一个有爱的家庭对孩子来说很重要。 home n: (residence) SC 住宅 zhù zhái TC 住宅 They have a second home on the Mediterranean. 他们在地中海有第二套住宅。 home n: uncountable (native place, homeland) SC 家乡 jiā xiāng TC 家鄉 SC 故乡 jiā xiāng ,gù xiāng TC 故鄉 SC 老家 jiā xiāng ,lǎo jiā TC 老家 I missed home a lot when I was studying abroad. 异国求学时,我时常怀念家乡。 home n: (place where [sth] is found) SC 发源地 fā yuán dì TC 發源地 SC 产地 fā yuán dì ,chǎn dì TC 產地 SC 发现地 Mars is home to the largest volcano in our solar system. Twickenham is the home of English rugby. 在整个太阳系中,火星拥有最大的火山。//特威克纳姆是英国橄榄球的发源地。 home n: (home base: headquarters, main office) SC 大本营 dà běn yíng TC 大本營 SC 总部 dà běn yíng,zǒng bù TC 總部 Detroit is the home of the US's automobile industry. 底特律是美国汽车业的大本营。 home n: uncountable (home page: website's main page) (网站) SC 主页 zhǔ xié When you click on 'home', a new window pops up. 点击“主页”就会弹出新的窗口。 home n: (institution) SC 收容所 shōu róng suǒ SC 福利院 Sean was born in the 1950s in a home for unwed mothers. 西恩生于20世纪50年代的一家单身母亲收容所中。 home adv: (toward or to home) SC 回家 huí jiā TC 回家 SC 往家里 huí jiā ,wǎng jiā lǐ SC 到家 huí jiā ,dào jiā TC 到家 Let's go home. 我们回家吧。 home n: uncountable (games: home base, objective) (游戏) SC 终点,目标 zhōng diǎn,mù biāo TC 終點,目標 I can make it to home with one more roll of the dice. 再掷一把骰子我就能到达终点了。 home n: uncountable (baseball: home base, home plate) (棒球术语) SC 本垒板 běn lěi bǎn TC 本壘 SC 本垒 He stole from third base to home. home n as adj: (domestic) SC 家的 jiā de SC 家用的 jiā de ,jiā yòng de SC 家居的 jiā de ,jiā jū de He's really into home decorating right now. 他现在真的很迷家居装饰。 home n as adj: (of, from your own country) SC 本国的 běn guó de TC 本國的 SC 国内的 běn guó de ,guó nèi de TC 國內的 When we travel abroad, it's good to find a home newspaper from time to time. home n as adj: (sports: local) (体育运动) SC 主场的 zhǔ chǎng de TC 主場的 The home team is going to win the game. 主队即将赢得这场比赛。 home n as adj: (sports: game played locally) SC 在主场进行的 zài zhǔ chǎng jìn xíng de It's a home game today. 今天是主场比赛。 home vi: (go or return to home) SC 回家 huí jiā TC 回家 SC 往家里 huí jiā ,wǎng jiā lǐ SC 到家 huí jiā ,dào jiā TC 到家 This pigeon always homes the quickest. 这只鸽子总是最快飞回家的。 home vi: (pigeon: navigate way back) SC 归巢 Pigeons that home can be used to send messages. 归巢的鸽子可以用来传递消息。 home on [sth] vi + prep: (military: go towards a target) SC 瞄准 miáo zhǔn SC 对准 miáo zhǔn,duì zhǔn TC 對準 The missiles are homing on their target. 导弹正瞄准着目标。 home [sth] vtr: (bring, send home) SC 带…回家 dài huí jiā TC 帶…回家 SC 送…回家 dài huí jiā,sòng huí jiā He managed to home a pigeon all the way from France to England. home [sth] vtr: (direct to a target) SC 对准 duì zhǔn TC 對準 SC 瞄准 duì zhǔn,miáo zhǔn The missile was homed to its target. home in vi phrasal: (move towards a target, etc.) SC 向...移动 SC 自动靠近目标 zì dòng kào jìn mù biāo(导弹等) Drug dealers beware: police are homing in. 毒贩意识到警察正在靠近。 home in on [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep: (go towards: a target, etc.) SC 导向目标追踪 Airplane pilots use radar, wind speed and direction, and air traffic reports to home in on the destination airport. home in on [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep: figurative (focus attention on) SC 集中注意力于 jí zhōng zhù yì lì yú all the comforts of home npl: (amenities, facilities) SC 各种舒适的设施 gè zhǒng shū shì de shè shī The hotel room has all the comforts of home. at home adv: (in own house) (本义) SC 在家(里) zài jiā lǐ I left my wallet at home. 我将钱包落在家里了。 at home adv: (sport: in own ground) (运动) SC 主场 The team have never lost at home. 这支球队主场比赛从未败过。 at home, at-home adj: (in own house) SC 在家的,家里的 SC 家庭的,家用的 jiā tíng de ,jiā yòng de Josie is hoping to have an at-home birth. 乔茜希望在家中生产。 at-home n: US (reception in own house) SC 在家接待客人 zài jiā jiē dài kè rén SC 家庭招待会 zài jiā jiē dài kè rén,jiā tíng zhāo dài huì Charles is hosting an at-home in his new apartment. 查尔斯正在他的新公寓举办一场家庭招待会。 away from home expr: (not where you live) SC 离家 lí jiā SC 背井离乡 lí jiā ,bèi jǐng lí xiāng back home adv: informal (in your town or country of origin) SC 在故乡 TC 在家鄉 SC 在故土 SC 在祖国 Doris missed her life back home in Australia. 多丽丝想念在自己祖国澳大利亚时的生活。 back home adv: (to your house again) SC 回家 huí jiā TC 回家 Steve drove us back home after the party. be home alone v expr: (child: be left unsupervised) (儿童) SC 独自在家,一个人在家 Since Billy's parents were out for the day, he was left home alone. bring [sb] home v expr: informal (introduce to parents) (带男/女朋友回家见自己的父母) SC 见家长 We're nervous because she's bringing her boyfriend home tonight. 我们很紧张,因为她今晚会带她男朋友回家见家长。 bring [sth] home to [sb] v expr: (with object: make clear) SC 使...清楚地认识到... My car accident really brought home to me the importance of wearing a seat belt. bring home to [sb] that v expr: (with clause: make clear) SC 使...清楚地认识到 bring home the bacon v expr: figurative, informal (support family) SC 养家 yǎng jiā Dean was glad to graduate so he could finally help bring home the bacon. bring home the bacon v expr: figurative, informal (be successful) SC 成功 chéng gōng TC 成功 broken home n: (family: parents separated) SC 夫妻离异的家庭 fū qī lí yì de jiā tíng SC 破碎的家庭 fū qī lí yì de jiā tíng,pò suì de jiā tíng My parents divorced when I was a baby, so I grew up in a broken home. care home n: (assisted living facility) SC 护理中心 SC 照护机构 children's home n: (care institution for minors) SC 儿童福利院 close to home expr: figurative (affecting [sb] personally) SC 触到痛处,感同身受,引起共鸣 gǎn tóng shēn shòu I was upset by the film; the issues raised in it were very close to home. close to home expr: (locally) SC 家门口,本地地 I like to shop close to home to support local businesses. come home v expr: (return to your home) SC 回家 huí jiā TC 回家 Come straight home after school today, young man! Finn's parents were anxious when he failed to come home after going to the pub with his friends. come home to roost v expr: figurative (become a problem) SC 得到报应 SC 恶有恶报 è yǒu è bào TC 惡有惡報 The company's financial problems came home to roost and it nearly went bankrupt. convalescent home n: (sanatorium) SC 疗养院 liáo yǎng yuàn TC 療養院 SC 休养院 liáo yǎng yuàn,xiū yǎng yuàn SC 康复医院 liáo yǎng yuàn,kāng fù yī yuàn After surgery, I needed six weeks of rehabilitation in a convalescent home. down-home adj: US, informal (simple, rural) SC 淳朴的, 乡村的 drive [sb] home vtr + adv: (take [sb] home in car) SC 开车送...回家 drive [sth] home vtr + adv: (propel into place) SC 将...推至应有的位置 A sharp blow of the hammer drove the nail home. drive [sth] home vtr + adv: figurative (instil or impress the truth of [sth]) SC 令人意识到 SC 加深了…的印象 My dad's funeral really drove home the fact that he was gone forever. eat [sb] out of house and home v expr: (eat so much as to strain [sb]'s funds) SC 把...吃穷 feel right at home v expr: informal, figurative (be comfortable) SC 感觉怡然自得 SC 感觉宾至如归(书面语) This is such a welcoming village - I feel right at home here. foster home n: (child's temporary home) SC 寄养家庭 jì yǎng jiā tíng TC 寄養家庭 SC 收养家庭 jì yǎng jiā tíng,shōu yǎng jiā tíng Before being adopted she spent three years in a foster home. from home adv: (away from where one lives) SC 从家而来 cóng jiā ér lái TC 從家而來 It was beginning to snow and I was still an hour from home. funeral home, funeral parlor (US), funeral parlour (UK), funeral chapel n: (mortuary: burials and cremations) SC 殡仪馆 bìn yí guǎn TC 殯儀館 get home vi: (arrive at one's house) SC 回家 huí jiā TC 回家 SC 到家 huí jiā ,dào jiā TC 到家 I just got home from work. Call me when you get home. 我才下班回家。 到家的时候给我打个电话。 go home v expr: (to house) SC 回家 huí jiā TC 回家 The party's over, it's time to go home. 派对结束了,是时候回家了。 go home v expr: (to country) SC 回国 huí guó Lisa had spent five years working overseas and was looking forward to going home. 丽萨在海外工作了五年,十分期待回国。 group home n: (for people with special needs) SC 教养院 jiào yǎng yuàn TC 教養院 SC 福利院 Lucy lives in a group home for adults with developmental disabilities. harvest home n: (celebration of the end of the harvest) SC (庆祝丰收的)收获节 qìng zhù fēng shōu de shōu huò jié Harvest home is one of the great traditions of the agricultural cycle. hearth and home n: (domestic realm) SC 家园 jiā yuán TC 家園 hit close to home v expr: figurative (affect [sb] personally) SC 说到痛处 SC 感同身受 gǎn tóng shēn shòu Even though he wasn't talking about me, the speaker's comments about being sympathetic to your children hit close to home. hit home vtr + n: informal, figurative (make impact) SC 戳到了痛处,让人猛醒 The extent of Ruth's weight problem really hit home when she saw a picture of herself on a night out. home address n: (address of where you live) SC 住址 zhù zhǐ SC 家庭住址 zhù zhǐ,jiā tíng zhù zhǐ home and dry expr: UK, informal (having achieved your goal) SC 达到目标 SC 大功告成 home away from home n: (place [sb] feels comfortable) SC 另一个家 Although it's not my country, Japan is my home away from home. home base, home plate n: (baseball: home plate) (棒球) SC 本垒 A pitcher must throw the ball over home base for it to be declared a 'strike'. home base n: (headquarters, center of action) SC 总部 zǒng bù TC 總部 home base n: (games: destination, objective) (游戏) SC 基地 jī dì TC 基地 In this game, home base is a large yellow square at the center of the board. home brew, homebrew n: (beer: home-produced) SC 家酿的(啤酒) jiā niàng de ( pí jiǔ ) Peter had made some home brew which we drank together. home brew, home-brew, homebrew n: (alcoholic drink made at home) SC 家酿酒 home brew, home-brew, homebrew n as adj: US, informal, figurative (made at home) SC 自制的 zì zhì de home brew, home-brew, homebrew n: Can, informal (athlete born in Canada) (加拿大,非正式用语) SC 本土运动员 home center n: US (large store) SC 家用建材中心 Home Counties npl: UK (counties surrounding London) SC 伦敦周围各郡 home crowd n: (supporters at sports team's own ground) SC 主场观众 home ec: abbreviation (home economics) (缩略语) SC 家庭经济 home economics n: (school: cookery, textiles, etc.) SC 家政 jiā zhèng Home economics was only required for young women when I was a child; but it was the boys who needed it the most. home equity loan n: (second mortgage) SC 房屋净值贷款 SC 房屋二次抵押贷款 home free adj: informal (sure of safety, success) (安全、成功等) SC 肯定能,确保 què bǎo home fries npl: US (pan-fried potatoes) SC 大包装炸薯条 dà bāo zhuāng zhá shǔ tiáo home front: (warfare) SC 后方 hòu fāng TC 後方 SC 国土防线 home furnishings npl: (furniture, décor for house) SC 家庭装修 jiā tíng zhuāng xiū TC 家庭裝修 SC 家装 jiā tíng zhuāng xiū,jiā zhuāng Your choice of home furnishings says a lot about you to your visitors. home ground n: (sports team's stadium or field) SC 主场 SC 主方赛场 home ground n: (familiar surroundings) SC 熟悉的地盘 SC 自己的地盘 home ground n: figurative (area of competence) SC 擅长的领域 shàn cháng de lǐng yù home guard n: (volunteer army) SC 英国地方军 yīng guó dì fāng jūn SC 地方志愿军 yīng guó dì fāng jūn,dì fāng zhì yuàn jūn During the war, the Home Guard was composed mainly of men who weren't eligible for conscription. home help n: (domestic assistant) SC 家政工 SC 护理工 home improvement (US), do-it-yourself (UK) n: US (do-it-yourself) SC 家居装饰,家装 jiā zhuāng SC 家居装潢 After he retired and had time to spare, Bob got into home improvement. The problem with do-it-yourself is that people often make mistakes and need to hire a professional later. home improvement (US), do-it-yourself (UK) n as adj: US (do-it-yourself) SC 自己动手的 SC 自主完成的 I'm going to the home improvement store for a screwdriver, some concrete blocks, and a can of paint. Did you see that patio? It must have been a do-it-yourself job! home institution n: (university that awards a qualification) SC 原就读学校 home life n: (life at home) SC 家庭生活 jiā tíng shēng huó home office n: (working area in one's house) SC 家庭办公室 jiā tíng bàn gōng shì She shut the door to her home office to drown out the kids' noise. Home Office n: UK (government: domestic affairs department) (英国) SC 内政部 nèi zhèng bù The Home Office deals with immigration and passport applications. home office n: (business: company's central location) (商务) SC 总部,总公司所在地 zǒng bù,zǒng gōng sī suǒ zài dì TC 總部 Microsoft has its home office in Seattle. home page, homepage n: (home: website's introductory page) (网站) SC 主页,首页 zhǔ xié,shǒu yè Click here to return to our home page. home plate n: (baseball: batter's station) (棒球术语) SC 本垒板 běn lěi bǎn TC 本壘 A pitcher must throw the ball over home plate for it to be declared a "strike.". home remedy n: (treatment using household items) SC 家庭疗法 My grandma´s home remedy for a cough is a big spoonful of honey. home rule, Home Rule n: (self-government) SC 家规 jiā guī SC 家庭约法制度 jiā guī,jiā tíng yuē fǎ zhì dù Greenland achieved home rule in 1979. home run n: (baseball: run scored by batter on single hit) (棒球术语) SC 本垒打 běn lěi dǎ TC 全壘打 The batter hit a home run and began his ceremonial trot around the bases. 击球手打出一记本垒打,然后便开始了他的跑垒。 home screen n: (on computer device) (计算机设备) SC 主界面 home screen n: US (television) SC 电视 diàn shì TC 電視 Home Secretary n: UK (minister for immigration and security) (英国) SC 内政大臣 The new Home Secretary has addressed a conference of chief police officers. home site n: (main web page) SC 主页 zhǔ xié home soil n: (one's native country) SC 本土 běn tǔ The Army has never lost a battle on its home soil. home study: (education) SC 家庭教学 SC 居家学习 Home sweet home. expr: (preference for own home) SC 金窝银窝 TC 金窩銀窩 SC 不如自家的草窝 home teacher n: (private tutor) SC 家教老师 SC 私人教师 sī rén jiào shī TC 私人教師 home teacher n: (religion: Mormon priest) (摩门教) SC 牧师 mù shī home theater (US), home cinema (UK) n: (room with big-screen TV setup) SC 家庭影院 jiā tíng yǐng yuàn Watching TV in their new home theater felt like being at the movies. home time n: (when school or work ends) SC 回家时间 SC 放学时间 home to expr: (place [sb/sth] is based) SC …的所在地 North Carolina is home to many companies, including Bank of America. home town n: (town or city where one grew up) SC 故乡 gù xiāng TC 故鄉 SC 老家 gù xiāng,lǎo jiā TC 老家 SC 家乡 gù xiāng,jiā xiāng TC 家鄉 Linda had not been back to her home town of Sydney for many years. home town n: (town or city where one lives) SC 家乡 jiā xiāng TC 家鄉 SC 家园 jiā xiāng ,jiā yuán TC 家園 Pinehurst residents have plenty of reasons to be proud of their hometown. home truth n: informal, often plural ([sth] hard to acknowledge) SC 逆耳忠言 SC 难以接受的事实 home turf n: figurative (one's native country) SC 本土 běn tǔ home turf n: (sports team's own playing field) SC 主场 Our team always plays better when they´re on home turf. home visit n: (healthcare at [sb]'s home) SC 上门诊治 SC 上门看诊 home wrecker n: ([sb] whose lover is married) SC 家庭破坏者 SC 小三(口语) This is the third married man she´s dated. She´s such a home wrecker. home-baked, home baked adj: (food: made at home) SC 自制的 zì zhì de home-bred adj: (raised at home) SC 家养的 |
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