

单词 blast

US   UK  
blast n: (explosion)
SC 爆炸 bào zhà
TC 爆炸
The miners ran for cover at the sound of the blast.

blast, blast of [sth] n: (sudden gust) (疾风、冷空气等)
SC 一阵,一股 yí zhèn,yì gǔ
TC 一陣
Alex opened the door and was met with a blast of cold air.

blast n: (sudden loud sound)
SC 突然的巨响 tū rán de jù xiǎng
Everyone jumped in surprise at the trumpet blast.

a blast n: figurative, slang (good time) (俚语)
SC 喧嚣的聚会 , 狂欢会 xuān xiāo de jù huì
I'm glad I went to the party, it was a blast!

blast [sth/sb] vtr: (shoot [sth], [sb])
SC 轰击
TC 轟擊
SC 开枪击打
James blasted the target four times in a row. The victim was blasted by a masked gunman.

blast [sth] vtr: (blow [sth] up)
SC 引爆 yǐn bào
SC 炸掉 yǐn bào,zhà diào
The demolition crew is planning to blast that building.

blast vi: (missile: be fired, shot)
SC 发射 fā shè
TC 發射
SC 开火 fā shè ,kāi huǒ
TC 開火
A stream of bullets blasted from his gun.

Blast!, Blast it! interj: UK, informal (expressing annoyance)
SC 该死!见鬼!
Blast! I just went and spilled my coffee all over the floor!

blast n: (shock wave)
SC 爆炸冲击波
SC 冲击波 chōng jī bō
TC 衝擊波
People could feel the blast a mile away from the explosion site.

blast n: figurative (severe criticism)
SC 猛烈的抨击
SC 严厉的批判
Ron was nearly in tears over the tutor's blast of his thesis.

blast n: (fungal disease)
SC 枯萎病 kū wěi bìng
A high percentage of rice crops is lost to blast.

blast vi: (cause to wither)
SC 使枯萎
SC 使凋谢
Fungus has blasted this year's cereal crops.

blast vi: (noise: be loud)
SC 突然发出巨响
Loud music was blasting from the man's phone.

blast [sth] vtr: (make loud noise)
SC 使发出巨响
The group of teenagers blasted rock music on the stereo.

blast [sth/sb] vtr: figurative (criticize harshly)
SC 猛烈抨击 měng liè pēng jī
TC 猛烈抨擊
SC 严厉批判 měng liè pēng jī,yán lì pī pàn
The professor blasted the poorly-written essay.

blast [sth] vtr: (wither)
SC 使枯萎
SC 使凋谢
The disease blasted a large number of trees in the region.

blast!, blast it! interj: UK, informal (expressing annoyance)
SC 该死!,见鬼! jiàn guǐ
TC 見鬼!

blast [sth] away vtr phrasal sep: (remove forcefully)
SC 炸开,炸掉 zhà diào
They will blast away the rocks with dynamite.

blast away vi phrasal: US, informal (shoot repeatedly)
SC 连续射击 lián xù shè jī
TC 連續射擊

blast off vi phrasal: (spacecraft: launch) (火箭等)
SC 发射升空 fā shè shēng kōng
TC 發射升空
The space rocket is preparing to blast off.

at full blast adv: figurative (loudly)
SC 最大音量地 zuì dà yīn liàng de
If you must play your music at full blast, please use headphones.

at full blast adv: (forcefully)
SC 全力地 quán lì de
I accidentally turned the hose on at full blast and washed away all my seedlings.

be a total blast v expr: slang, figurative (be great fun)
SC 很有趣
I can't wait for this weekend, it will be a total blast!

blast from the past n: informal ([sth] unexpectedly nostalgic)
SC 过去记忆的唤醒
SC 过眼云烟
SC 旧事重提 jiù shì chóng tí

blast furnace n: (kiln used for smelting)
SC 鼓风炉 gǔ fēng lú
TC 鼓風爐
SC 高炉 gǔ fēng lú,gāo lú
TC 高爐
Blast furnaces are used for smelting iron ore.

blast of wind n: (gust)
SC 阵风 zhèn fēng
A blast of wind blew the door shut and I could not get back in the house.

blast out vi + adv: (sound very loudly)
SC 大声响起 dà shēng xiǎng qǐ
TC 大聲響起
SC 炸响
The longer the traffic waited, the more the car horns blasted out.

blast-furnace n as adj: (related to metal production furnace)
SC 鼓风炉的,高炉的

blastoff, blast-off, blast off n: (launch of a spacecraft) (火箭、飞船等)
SC 发射 fā shè
TC 發射

blastoff, blast-off, blast off n: figurative (energetic beginning)
SC 生气勃勃地开始, 腾飞

full blast, at full blast expr: (as loud as possible)
SC 最大音量
SC 最高音量
If you must play your music full blast, please use headphones.

full blast, at full blast expr: (producing as much power as possible)
SC 全速 quán sù
SC 全力
TC 全力
I accidentally turned the hose on at full blast and washed away all my seedlings.




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