

单词 blanks

blank adj: (page: empty)
SC 空的 kōng de
SC 空着的 kōng de ,kōng zhe de
SC 空白的
The artist stared at the blank canvas in front of him.

blank adj: (space on a form: unfilled) (表格等的)
SC 留有待填写空白处的 liú yǒu dài tián xiě kòng bái chù de
Please complete the blank spaces on the application form.

blank adj: (mind: without thoughts)
SC 没有思想的 méi yǒu sī xiǎng de
SC 头脑空空的 méi yǒu sī xiǎng de ,tóu nǎo kōng kōng de
When Hazel picked up her pencil to begin the math test, her mind was blank.
当黑兹尔拿起笔开始数学测试时, 脑子里一片空白。

blank adj: (expression: vacant)
SC 无表情的 wú biǎo qíng de
TC 無表情的
SC 茫然的 wú biǎo qíng de ,máng rán de
The students listened to the lecture with blank expressions on their faces.

blank adj: (cassette, tape: empty) (卡带、录像带)
SC 未录制内容的,空的 kōng de
Someone must have erased that tape because it's blank now.

blank n: (gun cartridge without bullet)
SC 空弹匣
SC 未装弹
Don't worry, the gun is only loaded with blanks.
别担心, 这把枪的弹匣是空的。

blank n: (space on a form) (表格等的)
SC 空白处 kòng bái chù
TC 空白處
Please fill out the blanks in the first section of the application form.

blank adj: (refusal: absolute)
SC 彻底的 chè dǐ de
TC 徹底的
SC 完全的 chè dǐ de ,wán quán de
Our repeated requests for an interview have met with a blank refusal.

blank adj: (confused)
SC 迷茫的 mí máng de
SC 茫然的 mí máng de ,máng rán de
Several of the students had blank looks on their faces as they worked through the math problems.

blank n: (empty space)
SC 记忆空白
TC 記憶空白
SC 记忆空缺
What is your brother's name? My memory is a blank.

blank n: (dashes etc. in place of word) (破折号、省略号等)
SC 文章中替代粗话脏话的标点
Offensive words in this text have been substituted with blanks.

blank n: (object not yet adorned)
SC 未加装饰的东西
SC 毛坯
TC 毛坯
These copper blanks will be stamped and turned into pennies.

blank vi: informal (unable to think, recall)
SC 走神 zǒu shén
SC 茫然 zǒu shén ,máng rán
When he asked me the question, I just blanked!

blank [sb] vtr: informal (ignore, snub)
SC 无视 wú shì
TC 無視
SC 冷落 wú shì,lěng luò
I bumped into my ex at the club, but she blanked me.

blank [sth] out vtr phrasal sep: (cover up)
SC 删除 shān chú
SC 掩盖 shān chú,yǎn gài
TC 掩蓋
I blanked out the student's name on the test before I made copies for the class.

blank [sth] out vtr phrasal sep: informal (forget)
SC 忘记 wàng jì
TC 忘記
SC 忘光

blank out vi phrasal: informal (not remember)
SC 忘记,不记得 wàng jì,bú jì dé
TC 忘記
When I tried to remember my client's name, I just blanked out.

blank canvas n: figurative ([sth] blank to express yourself on)
SC 空白的画布
SC 任意发挥的机会
I've no idea what I'll do when my exams are over; the summer is a blank canvas.

blank check (US), blank cheque (UK) n: (cheque: no amount) (没有填写金额的)
SC 空白支票 kòng bái zhī piào

blank check (US), blank cheque (UK) n: figurative (offer: any amount) (比喻)
SC 空白支票 kòng bái zhī piào
My uncle is effectively giving us a blank cheque for any amount we might need.

blank check (US), blank cheque (UK) n: figurative (freedom to do what you wish)
SC 全权处理权 quán quán chǔ lǐ quán
SC 全权处置权

blank endorsement, endorsement in blank, also US: indorsement n: (business: without named payee)
SC 空白背书
TC 空白背書
SC 无记名背书

blank page n: (empty sheet of paper)
SC 白纸,空白页 kòng bái yè
TC 白紙

blank slate n: figurative (chance to start over)
SC 从头再来,重新来过 cóng tóu zài lái,chóng xīn lái guò
Many people see the start of a new year as a blank slate; a chance to leave failures behind them and start afresh.

blank slate n: figurative (person: inexperienced) (未受外界和自身经验影响的人)
SC 白板一样的人 bái bǎn yí yàng de rén
This child is a blank slate; she has everything still to learn.

blank space n: (empty space)
SC 空白,空白处 kòng bái,kòng bái chù
TC 空白,空白處

blank stare n: (expression: vacant, fixed) (表情)
SC 茫然的凝视
When someone gives you a blank stare, it usually means they don't understand what's going on.

blank verse n: (poetry lacking rhyme)
SC 无韵诗
TC 無韻詩

draw a blank v expr: figurative (be unable to recall [sth])
SC 脑中一片空白
SC 无法记起

draw a blank v expr: figurative (fail to elicit [sth])
SC 一无所获
Jenna's search for information about her birth parents drew a blank.

go blank vi + adj: informal (fail to recall [sth])
SC 脑中一片空白
SC 什么都想不起来

point blank, point-blank adv: (shoot: from close range)
SC 近距离射击
She shot him point blank, killing him instantly.

point blank, point-blank adv: figurative (directly, bluntly) (比喻)
SC 直截了当地 zhí jié liǎo dàng de
Amanda rejected David's proposal point blank.

point-blank, point blank adj: (range: close)
SC 近距离的 jìn jù lí de
TC 近距離的
SC 近的 jìn jù lí de ,jìn de
He was shot at point-blank range with a shotgun.

point-blank, point blank adj: figurative (outright, blunt)
SC 直截了当的,直接的 zhí jié liǎo dàng de ,zhí jiē de
Her point-blank refusal to tell them anything was very frustrating.




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