

单词 hole

US   UK  
hole n: (opening)
SC 洞 dòng
SC 孔眼 dòng,kǒng yǎn
They watched the construction through the hole in the wall.

hole n: (in the ground) (地上的)
SC 洞,坑 dòng,kēng
TC 洞,坑
He dug a hole with his spade.

hole n: (hollow)
SC 树洞 shù dòng
A bird lived in the hole in the tree.

hole n: (in a road)
SC (路上的)坑 lù shàng de kēng
SC 洼 lù shàng de kēng,wā
Watch out for that hole in the road.

hole n: figurative (predicament) (比喻)
SC 困境,窘境 kùn jìng,jiǒng jìng
TC 困境
I'm in a real financial hole.

hole n: (burrow, animal home) (动物住的)
SC 洞穴,窝 dòng xué ,wō
The badger comes out of his hole at night.

hole n: (shabby home)
SC 寒舍 hán shè
SC 简陋的住宅 hán shè ,jiǎn lòu de zhù zhái
That man lives in such a dirty hole.

hole n: US (prison: solitary confinement)
SC 禁闭室 jìn bì shì
TC 禁閉室
If you get in a fight, they put you in the hole for two weeks.

hole n: (argument: flaw) (论点的)
SC 漏洞,缺陷 lòu dòng,quē xiàn
TC 漏洞,缺陷
The politician couldn't see the hole in his argument.

hole n: (cavity)
SC 洞 dòng
SC 腔 dòng,qiāng
There is a hole in the plaster casting that needs filling.

hole n: (swimming place)
SC 河中深可游泳之处 hé zhōng shēn kě yóu yǒng zhī chù
Do you know about the swimming hole that we go to in summer?

hole n: (golf: target) (高尔夫球)
SC 球洞,球穴 qiú dòng,qiú xué
His drive from the tee nearly reached the ninth hole.

hole n: (golf: number of strokes)
SC 某杆洞
Not bad! You got a hole in two!

hole [sth] vtr: (golf: hit a ball into the hole) (高尔夫球)
SC 击球入洞 jī qiú rù dòng
TC 擊球入洞
He holed it in three strokes.

hole [sth] vtr: (dig)
SC 打洞 dǎ dòng
SC 挖洞 dǎ dòng,wā dòng
Hole out that swampy area, so it can drain.

hole up vi phrasal: slang (take shelter, hide)
SC 藏起来, 躲起来
The bears will hole up in their caves until spring. We'd better hole up here before moving on tomorrow night.

ace in the hole n: figurative, slang (asset, trump)
SC 杀手锏
SC 最后王牌
Gloria's ace in the hole is her fantastic singing voice.

ace in the hole n: figurative, slang (hidden advantage)
SC 秘密武器,暗藏的王牌 àn cáng de wáng pái
The manager decided it was time to reveal his ace in the hole, and brought on striker Wayne Rooney.

air pocket n: (aeronautics: current of air) (使飞机突然下降的低气压区)
SC 气阱
When the plane hit an air pocket, the turbulence knocked the flight attendants off their feet.

black hole n: (space: area with strong gravity) (太空中由于密度极大而具有巨大引力的区域)
SC 黑洞 hēi dòng
A black hole has strong gravitational pull.

black hole n: figurative (void)
SC 空洞,空虚 kōng dòng,kōng xū
TC 空洞,空虛

bolthole, bolt-hole n: mainly UK (hideout, place to escape to)
SC 藏身之处 cáng shēn zhī chù
TC 藏身之處
SC 避难处 cáng shēn zhī chù,bì nàn chù

bore hole n: (hole drilled into the ground)
SC 钻孔 zuān kǒng

bullet hole n: (hole made by a fired bullet)
SC 弹孔 dàn kǒng
The bullet hole through his chest marked the path the bullet took as it flew through him.

burn a hole in your pocket v expr: US (eager to spend money)
SC 挥霍无度
SC 花钱如流水 huā qián rú liú shuǐ

cash machine, cash dispenser, hole in the wall n: UK (money dispenser)
SC 提款机 tí kuǎn jī
TC 提款機
I'll have to get some money out of the cash machine before I can go shopping.

drill hole, drillhole n: (hole made by boring)
SC 钻孔 zuān kǒng

fill a hole v expr: informal (satisfy hunger)
SC 填饱肚子
Well, that wasn't the best pizza I've ever eaten, but it filled a hole.

glory hole n: (mine shaft) (矿)
SC 大型露天矿,大洞穴 dà xíng lù tiān kuàng,dà dòng xué

glory hole n: (hole in a wall used for sex acts)
SC (在厕所墙上开的)口淫洞 zài cè suǒ qiáng shàng kāi de kǒu yín dòng
The glory hole was a bit too low so I found I had to kneel on the floor.

golf hole n: (one of 18 areas of a golf course)
SC 高尔夫球洞

hawsehole, hawse hole, hawse-hole, hawse n: (boat: hole for anchor rope)
SC 锚链孔

hidey-hole, hidy-hole n: (small hiding place)
SC 躲藏处, 藏身的洞穴

hole in one, hole-in-one n: (golf: one stroke) (高尔夫)
SC 一杆进洞 yì gān jìn dòng
TC 一桿進洞
At 103 years old, Gus Andreone is the oldest golfer to ever record a hole in one.

hole in the wall n: UK, informal (ATM, cashpoint)
SC 自动取款机,自动柜员机 zì dòng qǔ kuǎn jī,zì dòng guì yuán jī
I need to go to the hole in the wall to get some cash.

hole in the wall n: US, figurative, informal (small unprepossessing place)
SC 小店铺

hole punch, hole-puncher, punch n: (device for making holes in documents)
SC 打孔机 dǎ kǒng jī
TC 穿孔機

hole-in-the-wall n as adj: (shop, etc.: small, hard to notice)
SC 狭小的(门店)

hole-puncher, hole punch n: (device: makes holes in documents) (设备)
SC 打孔机,打孔器 dǎ kǒng jī
TC 穿孔機,穿孔器
I use a hole-puncher to put holes in the pages and then put them in my binder.

in a hole adv: UK, informal, figurative (trapped in a situation)
SC 在洞中 zài dòng zhōng
SC 在洞里 zài dòng zhōng ,zài dòng lǐ
After losing his job, Joseph found himself in a hole from which he couldn't make his way out.

in the hole expr: US, figurative, informal (in debt)
SC 欠债 qiàn zhài
SC 负债 qiàn zhài,fù zhài

in the hole expr: (sports: with a score below zero) (体育运动)
SC 负分

judas, judas hole n: (peephole into prison cell)
SC 监视孔

make a hole in [sth] v expr: (puncture)
SC 在…捅个洞 zài tǒng gè dòng
SC 在…戳个洞 zài tǒng gè dòng,zài chuō gè dòng
It was a piece of glass that made the hole in your tyre.

ozone hole, hole in the ozone layer n: (caused by pollution)
SC 臭氧层空洞

pigeonhole, also UK: pigeon-hole n: (mail compartment)
SC 信箱,信件格 xìn xiāng
Fredrik put a copy of the memo in everyone's pigeonhole.

pigeonhole, also UK: pigeon-hole n: (coop for pigeons)
SC 鸽巢 gē cháo
SC 鸽舍 gē cháo,gē shè
The pigeons sat cooing in their pigeonholes.

pigeonhole [sb/sth], also UK: pigeon-hole [sb/sth] vtr: figurative (categorize)
SC 分类 fēn lèi
TC 分類
The baseball coach pigeonholed his pitchers and wouldn't let them play other positions.

pigeonhole [sb/sth] as [sth], also UK: pigeon-hole [sb/sth] as [sth] vtr + prep: figurative (categorize as)
SC 轻率分类
TC 輕率分類
SC 主观划分
SC 贸然归类
The media pigeonholed the demonstrators as "communists and anarchists."

pop-hole n: (opening in a chicken coop)
SC 鸡笼的进出口
SC 笼子的门

pothole, kettle hole, kettle n: (cylindrical hole in rock)
SC 岩石的溶洞
She descended into the cave via a pothole.

punch a hole in [sth] v expr: (perforate)
SC 打洞 dǎ dòng
SC 穿孔 dǎ dòng,chuān kǒng
TC 穿孔

rabbit hole n: (opening of a rabbit's burrow)
SC 兔子洞
The small dog disappeared down a rabbit hole.

rabbit hole n: figurative (strange, surreal situation)
SC 兔子洞
SC 未知的领域或情况

shell hole n: (hole made by bomb)
SC 弹坑,弹痕

s***hole, s***-hole n: slang, vulgar (dirty, disgusting place)
SC 极其肮脏的地方
SC 令人作呕的地方

s***hole, s***-hole n as adj: slang, vulgar (dirty, disgusting)
SC 极其肮脏的
SC 令人作呕的 lìng rén zuò ǒu de

swimming hole n: (in stream, etc.: place to swim)
SC 水潭

toad-in-the-hole n: UK (British sausage dish) (英国料理)
SC 面裹烤香肠

toad-in-the-hole, egg-in-the-basket n: US (egg cooked in bread)
SC 吐司煎蛋
SC 吐司包蛋

waterhole, water hole n: (natural pool of drinking water)
SC 水坑 shuǐ kēng
SC 水洞 shuǐ kēng,shuǐ dòng
SC 水洞 shuǐ kēng,shuǐ dòng

watering place, watering hole, waterhole, water hole n: (pool where animals drink) (动物饮水的)
SC 水坑 shuǐ kēng
On safari animals can often be seen coming down to the watering hole.

watering place, watering hole, watering spot n: slang (bar)
SC 卖酒的地方 mài jiǔ de dì fāng
SC 卖酒处
SC 卖酒处
We found the drunk at his usual watering hole.




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