

单词 wired

wired adj: (equipped for Internet)
SC 连线的,安装了网络的 lián xiàn de
TC 連線的
SC 有网络连接的 yǒu wǎng luò lián jiē de
The majority of wired households in the UK do at least some of their grocery shopping online.

wired adj: (equipped for electricity)
SC 接了电线的 jiē le diàn xiàn de
The house is fully wired.

wired adj: slang (tense, excited)
SC 极其兴奋的,就跟上了发条似的
SC 紧张的,紧张不安的 jǐn zhāng de ,jǐn zhāng bù ān de
TC 緊張的
Harry is wired; he can't keep still!

wired adj: figurative, informal (have a certain personality)
SC 具有某种个性的
SC 具有某种性格的
Some people find it easy to forgive, but I'm not wired that way.

wire n: (metal strand)
SC 金属丝 jīn shǔ sī
TC 金屬絲
SC 电线 jīn shǔ sī,diàn xiàn
TC 電線
The fence was attached to the posts with wire.

wire n: (cable)
SC 电线 diàn xiàn
TC 電線
SC 电缆 diàn xiàn,diàn lǎn
TC 電纜
We can run the wires under the carpet.

wire [sth] vtr: (equip with electrical wiring)
SC 安装电线 ān zhuāng diàn xiàn
TC 安裝電線
They wired the house themselves.

wire [sth] vtr: (transfer or send money) (汇钱)
SC 电汇 diàn huì
Can you wire me two hundred dollars by next Tuesday?

wire n: (finish line) (赛跑)
SC 终点线 zhōng diǎn xiàn
TC 終點線
He cheered as the horse he had bet on reached the wire first.

wire n: figurative (telecommunications)
SC 电讯,电信 diàn xùn,diàn xìn
The news came over the wire.

wire n: (telegram)
SC 电报 diàn bào
He received a wire from his son in Australia.

wire n: (bug: listening device)
SC 窃听器 qiè tīng qì
TC 竊聽器
SC 窃听装置 qiè tīng qì,qiè tīng zhuāng zhì
He infiltrated the group wearing a wire.

wire [sth] up, wire up [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (connect to cables)
SC 给…接通电源 gěi jiē tōng diàn yuán
I didn't know how to wire up the speakers.

wire [sb] up vtr phrasal sep: informal (attach a listening device to)
SC 给...安窃听器
The police wired up their undercover officer before his meeting with the drug dealer.

wire [sth] up, wire up [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (connect: equipment) (机器或设备等)
SC 给...接线,给...连线
SC 组装 zǔ zhuāng
SC 安装 ān zhuāng
TC 安裝

hardwired, hard-wired adj: (computer terminal: directly circuited) (计算机终端)
SC 硬连线的
TC (程式)固定路線的
Hard-wired terminals are generally considered more reliable than wireless alternatives.

hardwired, hard-wired adj: (computing: built into hardware) (计算机)
SC 硬件的
SC 固件的
That is a hard-wired component that cannot be changed or upgraded.

hardwired, hard-wired adj: figurative (psychology: innate)
SC 固有的,天生的 gù yǒu de ,tiān shēng de
Many of our fears are hard-wired, such as fear of the unknown.




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