单词 | stuck |
释义 | stuck US ![]() ![]() stuck adj: (unable to move) SC 卡住的 kǎ zhù de SC 陷住的,困住的 We had to get a farmer to come with his tractor and help us move the stuck car. The cat was stuck in a tree. 我们不得不请一位农夫把他的拖拉机开来,帮我们拖出被陷住的车。// 猫被困在了树上。 be stuck vi + adj: informal (unable to figure [sth] out) SC 难住 nán zhù SC 搞不懂 I'm stuck on this question. Do you know what the answer is? 我被这道题难住了。你知道答案么? stick n: (small branch, twig) SC 树枝 shù zhī TC 樹枝 SC 树杈 shù zhī,shù chà SC 树杈 shù zhī,shù chà The kids gathered some sticks for the fire. 小孩捡来一些枯枝生火。 stick [sth] into [sth] vtr + prep: (thrust [sth] in) SC 插入 chā rù TC 插入 SC 刺入 chā rù,cì rù SC 戳 chā rù,chuō TC 戳 The cook stuck the knife into the mango. 厨师把刀戳进芒果里。 stick [sth] on [sth/sb], stick [sth] onto [sth/sb] vtr + prep: informal (attach) SC 粘住 zhān zhù SC 粘贴 zhān zhù,zhān tiē Let me stick this notice on the board. 让我把这个通知贴在布告板上。 stick [sth] to [sth] vtr + prep: (attach with glue) SC 将...粘在...上 SC 将...贴在...上 Jim licked the stamp and stuck it to the envelope. 吉姆舔了一下邮票,将邮票贴在信封上。 stick to [sth] vi + prep: (adhere to) SC 粘在…上 TC 黏在…上 SC 附着在…上 The glue stuck to my fingers and I had to scrub for 10 minutes to remove it. 胶水粘在我的手指上了,我揉了10分钟才弄干净。 stick n: (dynamite cartridge) SC 炸药棒 zhá yào bàng TC 炸藥棒 They used five sticks of dynamite to blow the hole in the rock. 他们使用五根炸药棒来炸开岩块上的缺口。 stick n: dated (baton) SC 指挥棒 zhǐ huī bàng TC 指揮棒 SC 警棍 zhǐ huī bàng,jǐng gùn The police used their sticks to control the crowd. stick n: (lacrosse, hockey stick) SC 曲棍球棒 qū gùn qiú bàng The hockey player broke his stick and needed another one. 曲棍球运动员弄坏了自己的球棒,所以需要换一支。 stick n: (airplane control handle) (飞机的) SC 驾驶杆,操纵杆 jià shǐ gān,cāo zòng gān TC 操縱桿 The pilot pulled back on the stick to fly higher. 飞行员回拉驾驶杆,来使飞机飞向更高处。 stick of butter n: US (butter: quarter pound) (黄油) SC 四分之一磅 I need a stick of butter for this recipe. 做这道菜,我需要四分之一磅的黄油。 stick n: (walking stick) SC 拐杖 guǎi zhàng SC 拐棍 SC 手杖 guǎi zhàng,shǒu zhàng The old man leaned on his stick as he stood watching the children run across the field. 在那位老人看着孩子们在田野上奔跑时,他倚靠在自己的拐杖上。 stick n: informal (criticism) SC 批评 pī píng SC 指责 pī píng,zhǐ zé TC 指責 Karen got a lot of stick off her colleagues for the mistake she'd made. 由于自己犯下的过失,凯伦受到了许多来自同事的指责。 stick n: (a stab, prick) SC 刺 cì TC 刺 SC 戳 cì ,chuō TC 戳 The patient felt the stick of the needle in her arm. the sticks npl: informal (remote rural place) SC 偏远地区 piān yuǎn dì qū TC 偏遠地區 SC 边远地区 piān yuǎn dì qū,biān yuǎn dì qū TC 邊遠地區 Rosemary lives on a farm in the sticks. stick vi: (become immobilized) SC 无法移动 wú fǎ yí dòng TC 無法移動 SC 陷在 wú fǎ yí dòng,xiàn zài SC 陷住 wú fǎ yí dòng,xiàn zhù I was shifting into third gear when the gear lever suddenly stuck. 当挡杆突然动不了的时候,我正在挂三挡。 stick vi: (remain attached) SC 粘着 nián zhuó SC 粘住 nián zhuó ,zhān zhù SC 粘在 nián zhuó ,nián zài The fly stuck to the sticky trap. 苍蝇粘在了捕蝇板上。 stick vi: (be stopped by an obstruction) SC 卡住 qiǎ zhù SC 赌住 The zipper stuck halfway up. 拉链拉到一半就卡住了。 stick vi: informal (remain, endure) SC 保留 bǎo liú TC 保留 SC 留存 SC 持续 bǎo liú,chí xù TC 持續 Barry's brothers gave him the nickname "Bud" when he was a child, and it stuck. 在巴里孩提时代,兄弟们给他起了个小名:“小芽”,这名字就这样持续了下去。 stick [sth] vtr: (puncture) SC 刺穿 cì chuān SC 穿孔 cì chuān,chuān kǒng TC 穿孔 Julie stuck the plastic with a pin to drain the water. stick [sth] vtr: (impale) SC 刺穿,贯穿 cì chuān,guàn chuān TC 貫穿 SC 插入 chā rù TC 插入 SC 戳进 The spear stuck the explorer through the heart. 长矛贯穿了探险者的心脏。 stick [sth] vtr: (place in position) SC 伸出 shēn chū TC 伸出 SC 使处于某种位置 shēn chū,shǐ chǔ yú mǒu zhǒng wèi zhì The dog stuck his head out the window. stick [sb] with [sth] vtr: (lumber: with [sth] disagreeable) (令人不快的东西) SC 把...强加给 Harry's friends stuck him with the dinner bill. stick [sth/sb] vtr: UK, informal (tolerate) SC 忍受 rěn shòu TC 忍受 SC 容忍 rěn shòu,róng rěn TC 容忍 I don't think I can stick much more of this film; it's abysmal! 我觉得自己不能再忍受这部片子了,它简直没完没了,烂透了! stick around vi phrasal: informal (stay) SC 逗留, 停留, 留下, 等着 If you stick around after the closing credits, you will catch the movie's extra scene. 如果你在片尾字幕结束后再看下去,你会看到这部电影的彩蛋。 stick by [sb] vtr phrasal insep: (be faithful to [sb]) SC 忠于某人 stick by [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (not change) SC 坚持... TC 堅持... SC 执着于... Joel stuck by his opinion, despite all the arguments to the contrary. stick [sth] down vtr phrasal sep: (seal with an adhesive) SC 把…粘在一起 bǎ … zhān zài yì qǐ SC 粘住 bǎ … zhān zài yì qǐ,zhān zhù Nowadays you don't have to lick the edge of an envelope before you stick it down. stick [sth] out vtr phrasal sep: (project, cause to protrude) SC 伸出 shēn chū TC 伸出 If you stick your tongue out again, a bird may come and roost on it. 如果你再把舌头伸出来的话,鸟儿可能会来上面栖息。 stick out vi phrasal: (project, protrude) SC 突出 tū chū TC 突出 SC 凸起 tū chū,tū qǐ Other children tease him because his ears stick out. 他耳朵突出,其他小孩都嘲笑他。 stick out vi phrasal: figurative (be conspicuous) SC 显眼 xiǎn yǎn SC 出众 xiǎn yǎn,chū zhòng The young man's blue Mohawk stuck out in the corporate offices. 那个年轻人的蓝色莫西干头在公司办公室里很显眼。 stick [sth] out vtr phrasal sep: slang (endure to the end) SC 坚持完成 jiān chí wán chéng TC 堅持完成 SC 坚持到底 jiān chí wán chéng,jiān chí dào dǐ TC 堅持到底 By the twentieth mile of the marathon, Adam was exhausted, but he stuck the race out and finally made it to the finish line. 跑完马拉松比赛的第20英里时,亚当已筋疲力尽,但他还是坚持下去,最终到达了终点。 stick [sb/sth] up, stick up [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep: informal (carry out armed robbery on) (俚语) SC 持枪抢劫 A gang stuck up that bank over there last week. 上周,有一伙歹徒持枪抢劫了那家银行。 stick up for [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep: informal (defend, support) (非正式用语) SC 维护,保护,支持,为…辩护 wéi hù,bǎo hù,zhī chí,wèi … biàn hù TC 維護,保護,支持,為…辯護 When the bullies came around, he stuck up for his little sister. stick with [sth], stick at [sth], stick to [sth] vtr phrasal insep: informal (not vary or deviate from) (非正式用语) SC 坚持做某事,继续做某事 jiān chí zuò mǒu shì,jì xù zuò mǒu shì SC 遵守 zūn shǒu TC 遵守 If I stick with this diet, I should be able to wear my favorite pants again by Christmas. 只要能继续坚持这样的膳食计划,我应该就能在圣诞节前再次穿上我最喜欢的裤子了。 stick with [sb] vtr phrasal insep: informal (remain loyal to) SC 忠于 TC 忠於 SC 陪伴 péi bàn She had been a good friend who had stuck with me through thick and thin. 她是一位好朋友,无论我的人生处于高潮还是低谷,都一直忠于我。 get stuck vi + adj: (unable to move) SC 陷入 xiàn rù TC 陷入 SC 被…卡住 xiàn rù,bèi … qiǎ zhù The car got stuck in the mud and a local farmer had to pull it free with his tractor. 那辆车陷入泥坑,一位当地的农民 get stuck with [sth/sb] v expr: informal (burden) SC 陷入困境 xiàn rù kùn jìng SC 无法脱身 xiàn rù kùn jìng,wú fǎ tuō shēn TC 無法脫身 My sister went shopping with her friend and I got stuck with babysitting her two small children. 我姐姐和朋友出去购物了,我因为照看她的两个小孩而无法脱身。 get stuck vi + adj: figurative (unable to proceed) SC 陷入困境 xiàn rù kùn jìng Neil was trying to solve a maths problem, but got stuck. 尼尔正试着解一道数学题,不过陷入了困境。 get stuck on [sth] vi + adj: figurative (unable to proceed) SC 被困在…上 Olivia got stuck on the last crossword clue. 奥利维亚被困在最后一个纵横字谜提示上。 get stuck into [sth] v expr: UK, informal (start doing [sth] enthusiastically) SC 热衷于 TC 熱衷於 SC 钟情于 zhōng qíng yú stuck for words adj: (not knowing what to say) SC 语塞 SC 顿口无言 When asked why he was late, he was stuck for words. stuck in a rut adj: figurative, informal (bored by routine) SC 一成不变的 yì chéng bú biàn de Isabella feels that she is stuck in a rut in her current job. stuck on [sb] adj: slang, figurative (infatuated with [sb]) SC 迷恋某人 mí liàn mǒu rén TC 迷戀某人 SC 为某人神魂颠倒 The girl was stuck on the blond guy. stuck on [sth] expr: (problem, etc.: unable to overcome) SC 困于 SC 囿于 SC 难以解决 stuck-up, stuck up adj: pejorative, informal (snobbish) SC 自大的 zì dà de SC 自以为是的 zì dà de ,zì yǐ wéi shì de SC 自命不凡的 zì dà de ,zì mìng bù fán de She was really stuck up: she thought she was better than everyone else. |
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