

单词 strut

US   UK  
strut vi: (walk proudly)
SC 昂首阔步地走 áng shǒu kuò bù de zǒu
SC 趾高气昂地走 áng shǒu kuò bù de zǒu,zhǐ gāo qì áng de zǒu
The young man strutted along the street.

strut n: (proud walk)
SC 昂首阔步 áng shǒu kuò bù
TC 昂首闊步
SC 趾高气昂地走 áng shǒu kuò bù,zhǐ gāo qì áng de zǒu
Nina's colleagues could tell by her strut that she was feeling pleased with herself.

strut n: (support bar)
SC 支杆,撑杆 zhī gǎn,chēng gān
Brian fixed struts to the table to strengthen it.

strut around, also UK: strut about vi + adv: (go about self-importantly)
SC 大摇大摆地四处走,趾高气扬地走
The bully was strutting around the playground as if he owned the place.
The boxer strutted about as if he had just won the title.

strut your stuff v expr: slang (dance ostentatiously)
SC 卖弄地跳舞

strut your stuff v expr: slang (demonstrate your skills)
SC 卖弄本领
SC 显露身手




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