

单词 plot

US   UK  
plot n: (story: of a novel, film, etc.) (小说、电影等)
SC 情节 qíng jié
TC 情節
The plot of this film is predictable.

plot n: (conspiracy)
SC 密谋 mì móu
SC 阴谋 mì móu,yīn móu
TC 陰謀
SC 秘密计划 mì móu,mì mì jì huà
Don fears that he is the victim of a plot.

plot n: (secret plan)
SC 秘密计划 mì mì jì huà
SC 密谋 mì mì jì huà ,mì móu
Their plot to surprise him for his birthday was ruined when he overheard them planning the party.

plot n: (area of land: patch)
SC 小块土地 xiǎo kuài tǔ dì
TC 小塊土地
SC 小块地皮 xiǎo kuài tǔ dì ,xiǎo kuài dì pí
There's a nice plot at the bottom of the garden that I plan to turn into a vegetable patch.

plot, plot of land n: (piece of land: lot)
SC 一块土地
TC 一塊土地
SC 小块土地 xiǎo kuài tǔ dì
TC 小塊土地
The developer owned five plots on which he planned to build new houses.

plot [sth] vtr: (plan)
SC 计划 jì huà
TC 計畫 / 計劃
SC 蓄谋
The opposition is plotting a takeover.

plot to do [sth] v expr: (conspire)
SC 密谋 mì móu
SC 阴谋筹划 mì móu,yīn móu chóu huà
He plotted to get his boss sacked.

plot [sth] vtr: (mark out, measure)
SC 标出 biāo chū
SC 测量出
The captain plotted the ship's course on the map.

plot [sth] vtr: (mark results on graph)
SC 在图解上标明 zài tú jiě shàng biāo míng
Bonnie plotted the points on a graph.

plot n: (grave)
SC 墓地 mù dì
Grandpa was buried in the family plot.

plot n: (graph)
SC 图表 tú biǎo
TC 圖表
SC 曲线图 tú biǎo,qū xiàn tú
The plot showed where supply and demand converged.

plot n: (floor plan)
SC 建筑平面图 jiàn zhú píng miàn tú
We will need a plot of the building to calculate the useful area.

plot n: (graphic array) (数学)
SC 图表,标绘图 tú biǎo,biāo huì tú
TC 圖表
The salesman showed his managers a colorful plot of the past quarter's sales.

plot n: (chart for ship or plane's course) (船只,飞机)
SC 航线图 háng xiàn tú
TC 航線圖
The captain studied the plot carefully and decided to alter the course.

plot [sth], plot [sth] on [sth] vtr: (mark curve on a graph)
SC 将...连成曲线
Plot the line on the graph.

plot [sth], plot [sth] on [sth] vtr: (make graph of an equation)
SC 用曲线表示
SC 用图表表示
Plot the solution on the graph.

plot [sth] vtr: (devise the story for: a novel, etc.)
SC 为…设计情节 wèi shè jì qíng jié
SC 构思 wèi shè jì qíng jié,gòu sī
TC 構思
The writer plotted his first novel when he was 16.

lose the plot v expr: UK, informal, figurative (go insane)
SC 失去理智,发疯 shī qù lǐ zhì,fā fēng
Bill lost the plot when he saw the scratch along the side of his new car.

plot line n: (literature, art, film)
SC 主要情节
SC 剧情 jù qíng

plot out [sth], plot [sth] out vtr + adv: (data: put in a graph) (指图表)
SC 绘制,画出
TC 繪製

plot out [sth], plot [sth] out vtr + adv: (map out: a route) (指路径)
SC 标出,画出 biāo chū

plot out [sth], plot [sth] out vtr + adv: (outline, draft: a plan, story)
SC 撰写...的纲要,为...做规划
SC 为...打草稿

plot twist n: (fiction: [sth] unexpected)
SC 情节转折
SC 出乎意料的情节
The movie had a very interesting plot twist at the end.

scatter plot, scatter graph n: (graph showing values as points)
SC 散点图
The scatter plot shows the highest and lowest temperatures for each day of the week.

the plot thickens expr: figurative (plot: become more complex)
SC 变得更复杂 biàn dé gèng fù zá
Now there are two claimants to the estate and the plot thickens.




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