

单词 bee

US   UK  
bee n: (stinging insect) (昆虫)
SC 蜜蜂 mì fēng
TC 蜜蜂
Bees are attracted to sugary drinks.

bee n: US (gathering)
SC 聚会 jù huì
SC 友好比赛
SC 友好比赛
All the ladies from the surrounding farms came for the annual quilting bee.

bee bole n: (hole in wall for bee hive)
SC 蜂洞

bee sting n: (injection of venom by a bee)
SC 蜂蜇伤
Some people are allergic to bee stings.

bee-eater n: (insect-eating bird)
SC 蜂虎,食蜂鸟

the bee's knees n: figurative, informal (superb person, thing)
SC 出类拔萃的人 chū lèi bá cuì de rén

beehive n: (man-made home for bees)
SC 蜂箱 fēng xiāng
SC 人造蜂房 fēng xiāng,rén zào fēng fáng
Farmers rent the beehives to fertilize their fields.

beehive n: (natural bees' nest)
SC 蜂巢 fēng cháo
SC 蜂窝 fēng cháo,fēng wō
There's a beehive in one of my oak trees.

beehive n: figurative (busy place) (比喻)
SC 熙熙攘攘的地方,拥挤喧嚣的地方 xī xī rǎng rǎng de dì fāng,yōng jǐ xuān xiāo de dì fāng
The newsroom's a beehive every afternoon.

beehive n: (1960s high hairstyle) (60 年代发型)
SC 蜂窝状发型
All the women in those old photos had beehives.

bumble n: informal, abbreviation (insect: bumblebee)
SC 大黄蜂 dà huáng fēng
A bumble won't sting you unless you provoke it.

bumblebee n: (winged insect)
SC 大黄蜂 dà huáng fēng
Bumblebees are attracted to brightly-colored flowers.

busy bee n: informal, figurative (very active person) (非正式用语,比喻)
SC 大忙人 dà máng rén
You've cleaned the whole house this morning? What a busy bee you are!

have a bee in your bonnet v expr: figurative, informal (be annoyed, obsessed by [sth])
SC 念念不忘 niàn niàn bú wàng
SC 对...着魔

honey bee n: (honey-producing flying insect)
SC 蜜蜂 mì fēng
TC 蜜蜂
A mysterious "Colony Collapse Syndrome" is causing honey bees to vanish worldwide.

queen bee n: figurative (woman in powerful position)
SC 大姐头
SC 女强人 nǚ qiáng rén

queen bee n: (female bee that lays eggs)
SC 蜂后 fēng hòu

smoker, bee smoker n: (device for calming bees) (用于驯服蜜蜂)
SC 喷烟器

spelling bee n: US (children's competition to spell words)
SC 拼字比赛 pīn zì bǐ sài
TC 拼字比賽
Even very young children participate in spelling bees.




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