单词 | heavy |
释义 | heavy US ![]() ![]() heavy adj: (of great weight) SC 重的,沉重的 zhòng de ,chén zhòng de SC 大的,巨大的 dà de ,jù dà de SC 沉重的,难以承受的 chén zhòng de ,nán yǐ chéng shòu de Don't try to lift the box. It is heavy. 箱子很重。不要提它。 这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 公司因为没有采纳他的建议而蒙受了巨大损失。 这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 他几乎承受不住这个沉重的消息。 heavy adj: (intense) SC 大量的,狂暴的,猛烈的,密集的 dà liàng de ,kuáng bào de ,měng liè de ,mì jí de SC 激烈的,剧烈的 jī liè de ,jù liè de TC 激烈的,劇烈的 That was a heavy rain we had last night. 昨天晚上我们这儿下了场大雨。 这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 不宜空腹作剧烈运动。 heavy adj: US (culinary: dense) SC 稠的 chóu de SC 浓的 chóu de,nóng de If the cream you are using isn't heavy, you can add gelatin to thicken it. heavy adj: (powerful) SC 强大的 qiáng dà de SC 威力大的 qiáng dà de ,wēi lì dà de To destroy the enemy, the army used the heavy artillery. 为了摧毁敌人,陆军使用了重型火炮。 heavy adj: (sea: very choppy) SC 海浪起伏的 hǎi làng qǐ fú de SC 波涛汹涌的 hǎi làng qǐ fú de,bō tāo xiōng yǒng de The boat sank in heavy seas. 那艘船在波涛汹涌的海上沉没了。 heavy adj: (excessive) SC 过度的 guò dù de TC 過度的 SC 过量的 guò dù de ,guò liàng de TC 過量的 He was a heavy drug user. 他毒瘾很大。 heavy adj: (strict) SC 严厉的 yán lì de TC 嚴厲的 SC 严格的 yán lì de ,yán gé de TC 嚴格的 My mother used to get really heavy with me when I misbehaved. 以前我表现不乖时,我妈会对我很严厉。 heavy adj: (profound) SC 深远的 shēn yuǎn de TC 深遠的 SC 深刻的 shēn yuǎn de ,shēn kè de That is a really heavy thought, man. 伙计,这个想法倒是很深刻。 heavy adj: (gloomy) SC 沉重的 chén zhòng de SC 沉痛的 chén zhòng de ,chén tòng de SC 让人沮丧的 chén zhòng de ,ràng rén jǔ sàng de The death in the family led to a discussion of some heavy issues. 家人去世引发了对一些沉重问题的讨论。 heavy adj: dated (pregnant) (过时用语) SC 怀孕的,怀胎的 huái yùn de ,huái tāi de TC 懷孕的 She was heavy with child. 她挺着个大肚子。 heavy adj: (onerous) SC 沉重的 chén zhòng de SC 繁重的 chén zhòng de ,fán zhòng de SC 苛刻的 chén zhòng de ,kē kè de The heavy demands of his father caused him to leave home. 他父亲要求太多,导致他离家出走。 heavy adj: (bread: not fully raised) SC 发酵不足的 fā jiào bù zú de This bread is heavy because you did not use enough yeast. 这块面包发酵不足,因为你用的酵母不够。 heavy adj: (rich, difficult to digest) SC 不好消化的 bù hǎo xiāo huà de SC 难消化的 bù hǎo xiāo huà de,nán xiāo huà de TC 難消化的 The dense meat made for a heavy meal that you really felt in your stomach. 这顿饭肉太多了,不好消化,真的会让你的胃不舒服。 heavy n: (role as [sb] mean) SC 反面角色 fǎn miàn jué sè TC 反面角色 SC 奸角 fǎn miàn jué sè,jiān jiǎo John played the role of the heavy in the play, so he had to yell a lot. 约翰在剧中扮演反面角色,所以很多时候不得不大喊大叫。 barytes, heavy spar, also US: barite n: (mineral: barium sulfate) SC 重晶石 heavy blow n: (forceful punch or strike) SC 沉重的一击 chén zhòng de yì jī The boxer fell after taking a heavy blow from his opponent. heavy blow n: figurative (emotional setback) (情感) SC 沉重的打击 chén zhòng de dǎ jī Not getting into her school of choice was a heavy blow. heavy cream (US), double cream (UK) n: (thick whipping cream) SC 高脂奶油 gāo zhī nǎi yóu The cook used heavy cream to thicken the sauce. heavy demand n: (popular need) SC 强烈的要求 qiáng liè de yāo qiú There's a heavy demand for these smaller cars, sir. heavy drinker n: (alcoholic) SC 酗酒的人 xù jiǔ de rén SC 酒鬼 xù jiǔ de rén,jiǔ guǐ He was a heavy drinker before he joined Alcoholics Anonymous. heavy-duty adj: (strong) SC 重型的, 载重的 SC 功能强大的 gōng néng qiáng dà de These heavy-duty plastic bags cannot be ripped or torn easily. Morphine is a heavy-duty pain reliever. heavy-duty adj: (intensive) SC 紧张的 jǐn zhāng de TC 緊張的 SC 密集的 jǐn zhāng de ,mì jí de heavy-duty adj: (prominent) SC 重要的 zhòng yào de SC 重大的 zhòng yào de ,zhòng dà de heavy equipment n: (industrial machinery) SC 重型设备 Once the factory had been sold they removed the heavy equipment. heavy going, heavy-going adj: (laborious, dull) SC 费力的 fèi lì de TC 費力的 heavy hand n: figurative (lack of tact or subtlety) SC 粗暴,粗暴的方式 cū bào,cū bào de fāng shì TC 粗暴 The principal accused the teacher of using a heavy hand in correcting her students. heavy hand n: (lack of delicacy or gentleness) SC 笨拙, 粗鲁, 粗暴 heavy hand n: figurative (oppressive force) SC 压制, 镇压 The state responded to the protests with a heavy hand, swiftly imprisoning thousands of people. heavy heart n: (feeling of great sadness or regret) SC 忧伤的心 yōu shāng de xīn TC 憂傷的心 SC 心情沉重 yōu shāng de xīn,xīn qíng chén zhòng SC 伤心难过 yōu shāng de xīn,shāng xīn nán guò She had a heavy heart as she stepped to the podium to deliver her best friend's eulogy. heavy hitter n: figurative (powerful person or company) SC 强手 heavy industry n: (bulk materials manufacturing) SC 重工业 TC 重工業 heavy load n: ([sth] that weighs a lot) SC 沉重的东西 chén zhòng de dōng xī These lorries can carry extremely heavy loads. heavy load n: figurative (burden) (比喻义) SC 沉重的负担,重担 zhòng dàn TC 重擔 Bringing up three children on her own was a heavy load for Helen. heavy meal n: (large or rich meal that is hard to digest) SC 不易消化的膳食 bú yì xiāo huà de shàn shí That heavy meal kept me up all night with indigestion. heavy metal n: (metal with high density) SC 重金属 zhòng jīn shǔ TC 重金屬 Heavy metals, like lead and mercury, are toxic and therefore are a frequent environmental problem. heavy metal n: (hard rock music) SC “重金属”摇滚乐 zhòng jīn shǔ yáo gǔn yuè SC 节奏感很强的摇滚乐 zhòng jīn shǔ yáo gǔn yuè,jié zòu gǎn hěn qiáng de yáo gǔn yuè She was not pleased when her son's heavy metal band began practicing in the basement. heavy petting n: (kissing and cuddling) (异性间的) SC 挑逗,爱抚,调情 tiǎo dòu,ài fǔ,tiáo qíng When we were teenagers we frequently engaged in heavy petting, but never actually had intercourse. heavy rain n: (torrential rainfall) SC 大雨 dà yǔ TC 大雨 SC 暴雨 dà yǔ,bào yǔ TC 暴雨 Heavy rain is forecast for the next few days, and there is a risk of severe flooding. heavy seas npl: (nautical: stormy conditions) (航海) SC 波涛汹涌的海面,巨浪,怒涛 bō tāo xiōng yǒng de hǎi miàn,jù làng ,nù tāo The heavy seas forced them to turn the boat around and head back to shore. heavy sleeper n: ([sb] who sleeps deeply) SC 沉睡者,熟睡者 I've always been a heavy sleeper - I hardly ever wake up during the night. heavy smoker n: (person who smokes a lot) SC 烟鬼 yān guǐ SC 烟瘾大的人 yān guǐ,yān yǐn dà de rén SC 过度吸烟者 yān guǐ,guò dù xī yān zhě He died from lung cancer because he had been a heavy smoker all his life. heavy step n: (loud footfall) SC 沉重的脚步 heavy transport n: (large haulage vehicles) SC 重型运输设备 zhòng xíng yùn shū shè bèi SC 重型交通工具 zhòng xíng yùn shū shè bèi,zhòng xíng jiāo tōng gōng jù Heavy transport was banned from passing through the village, because the vibrations were undermining the older houses. heavy usage n: (extreme consumption or use) SC 大量使用 SC 滥用 làn yòng TC 濫用 Heavy usage of alcohol has ruined Jim's health. heavy water, deuterium oxide n: (in nuclear reactors) SC 重水 chóng shuǐ Heavy water is an ingredient used in reactors to convert uranium into plutonium. 重水是反应堆中使用的原料,用来将铀转化为钚。 heavy-handed adj: (too forceful) SC 用太大力的 SC 太粗暴的 I was heavy-handed opening the lid of the box, and I broke the hinges. 我开箱盖用力过度,弄破了合页。 heavy-handed adj: figurative (severe, oppressive) SC 严厉的,苛刻的 yán lì de ,kē kè de TC 嚴厲的 SC 压迫的 yā pò de My heavy-handed father was always quick to dole out punishment. heavy-handed adj: figurative (clumsy) SC 笨手笨脚的,笨拙的 bèn shǒu bèn jiǎo de ,bèn zhuō de This essay was nothing but a heavy-handed critique of a complex issue. heavy-handedly adv: figurative (in a severe, oppressive way) SC 粗暴地,暴虐地,高压地 cū bào de The teacher was known for punishing his students heavy-handedly. heavy-handedly adv: figurative (clumsily, without tact) SC 严厉地 yán lì de TC 嚴厲地 Max told Corina heavy-handedly that her novel was badly written. 麦克斯严厉地告诉科丽娜,她的小说写得很差。 heavy-handedly adv: (with too much force) SC 沉重地 chén zhòng de SC 过于用力地 Ada uses her coloring pencils heavy-handedly and the leads keep breaking. heavy-handedness n: figurative, uncountable (severity, oppressiveness) SC 高压手段 gāo yā shǒu duàn heavy-handedness n: figurative, uncountable (clumsiness) SC 笨手笨脚, 笨拙 heavy-laden adj: (heavily loaded) SC 负载重的,重载的 heavy-laden adj: (person: burdened) (人) SC 负担重的 heavyhearted (US), heavy-hearted (UK) adj: figurative (sad, despondent) SC 心情沉重的 xīn qíng chén zhòng de SC 泄气的 xīn qíng chén zhòng de,xiè qì de TC 洩氣的 SC 沮丧的 xīn qíng chén zhòng de,jǔ sàng de TC 沮喪的 heavyset, also UK: heavy-set adj: (thickset, heavily built) SC 魁梧的 kuí wú de SC 粗壮的 kuí wú de,cū zhuàng de TC 粗壯的 A heavy-set security guard was standing in front of the embassy. 一位身材魁梧的保安站在大使馆前。 make heavy weather of [sth], make heavy weather with [sth] v expr: informal (make [sth] needlessly laborious) SC 对...小题大做 SC 对...大惊小怪 top-heavy adj: (too heavy on top) SC 头重脚轻的 weigh on [sb/sth], weigh heavy on [sb/sth] vi + prep: figurative (be heavy: on one's mind) (心理、精神) SC 重压在,使…苦恼 shǐ kǔ nǎo TC 使…苦惱 The problems at work weighed on Jessica's mind. with a heavy heart adv: (solemnly, sadly) SC 带着沉重的心情 With a heavy heart, the woman scattered her father's ashes into the sea. |
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