单词 | bear |
释义 | bear US ![]() ![]() bear n: (mammal: ursidae) (动物,统称) SC 熊 xióng TC 熊 America is home to many species of bear. 美国熊类众多。 bear [sth] vtr: (support weight) SC 支撑 zhī chēng TC 支撐 SC 支持 zhī chēng,zhī chí TC 支持 SC 承受 zhī chēng,chéng shòu TC 承受 The bridge must bear the weight of the cars and trucks. 桥梁必须要承受得住各类车辆的重量才行。 bear [sth] vtr: (endure [sth]) SC 承受 chéng shòu TC 承受 SC 忍受 chéng shòu,rěn shòu TC 忍受 He could hardly bear the suspense. 他急着想知道结果,简直忍受不了。 bear [sth] vtr: (produce flowers, fruit) SC 结(果) SC 开(花) This plant bears pink flowers in the spring. 在经过数年干旱后,这棵苹果树终于结果了。 bear [sth] vtr: (give birth to: a child) SC 生(孩子) shēng ( hái zi ) The queen bore fourteen children, but only three survived childhood. 女王生下十四个孩子,不过只有三个孩子活了下来。 bear [sb] [sth] vtr: (give [sb] with an heir) SC 给…生(孩子) The Queen bore her husband three daughters. 女王给丈夫生了三个女儿。 bear [sth] vtr: (withstand, stand up to) SC 经得起(审查),经得住(推敲) He knew his alibi would bear scrutiny, so he had no problem telling it to the detectives. 他知道自己的不在场证明经得起审查,所以毫不犹豫地告诉了侦探。 bear vi: (curve: left, right) (往左,往右) SC 走向,转向,朝向 zǒu xiàng,zhuǎn xiàng,cháo xiàng TC 走向,轉向 You need to bear left at the fork in the road. 你走到岔路口时要向左走。 bear n: US, informal, figurative (rude person) SC 粗鲁的人,粗野的人,鲁莽的人 cū lǔ de rén,cū yě de rén,lǔ mǎng de rén TC 粗魯的人 He is a bear first thing in the morning. bear n: (business pessimist) SC (对生意、业务等的)悲观态度 duì shēng yì yè wù děng de bēi guān tài dù In the current recession, we're all bears. 在目前这样经济不景气的大环境下,我们都持悲观态度。 bear n: informal (finance: short seller) SC 通过卖空使(股票、证券等)行情下跌者,卖空者,做空头的人 tōng guò mài kōng shǐ gǔ piào zhèng quàn děng háng qíng xià diē zhě,mài kōng zhě,zuò kōng tóu de rén A bear sells when he hopes prices will go even lower. 卖空者会在期望股价降至更低时卖出。 bear n: US, informal, figurative ([sth] difficult) SC 难学的课 TC 難學的課 SC 棘手之事 Avoid taking economics with Professor Smith; his class is a bear! This tax form is a bear! 别选史密斯教授的经济学课程,他的课特别难学! 这报税表太难搞了! bear vi: (remain) SC 坚持承担 He would bear true to the promises he made. bear [sth/sb] vtr: (carry [sth], [sb]) SC 运送 yùn sòng TC 運送 SC 携带 yùn sòng,xié dài TC 攜帶 SC 负荷 yùn sòng,fù hè TC 負荷 The donkey had to bear the load to the camp. bear yourself vtr: (conduct: yourself) SC 表现 biǎo xiàn TC 表現 SC 行为 biǎo xiàn,xíng wéi TC 行為 SC 持身 biǎo xiàn,chí shēn He bore himself with courage and distinction. 他这人表现得既勇敢又优秀。 bear [sth] vtr: (assume) SC 承担 chéng dān TC 承擔 SC 担负 chéng dān ,dān fù TC 擔負 I will bear the responsibility for my decisions. bear [sth] vtr: (ill will, resentment: harbor) SC 怀有 huái yǒu SC 持有 huái yǒu,chí yǒu George doesn't bear any ill will towards people whose views are completely different from his own. 对于那些与自己观点截然相反的人,乔治也不会怀有任何恶意。 bear [sth] vtr: (display, show [sth]) SC 显示 xiǎn shì TC 顯示 SC 显露 xiǎn shì,xiǎn lù TC 顯露 SC 表现 xiǎn shì,biǎo xiàn TC 表現 The warrior's face bore several deep scars. 这战士的脸上有着几道深深的伤疤。 bear [sth] vtr: (have: name, title) SC 拥有(姓名、称号) SC 以(某人的名字)命名 He bears his father's name. 他以父亲的名字命名。 bear [sth] vtr: (finance: attempt to lower price) (证券) SC 卖空 mài kōng The brokers were trying to bear the stocks. 经纪人正试图卖空股票。 bear [sth] away vtr phrasal insep: (carry off after winning) SC 获得 huò dé TC 獲得 SC 赢得 huò dé ,yíng dé TC 贏得 The winning team bore away the trophy. 获胜队伍赢得了奖杯。 bear away vi phrasal: (nautical: change course) (航海) SC 改变航向,改变航道 gǎi biàn háng xiàng bear down vi phrasal: (labor: push baby out) (指女性自然分娩时) SC 用力,使劲 yòng lì TC 用力,使勁 bear down vi phrasal: US (apply pressure, concentrate) SC 努力,尽力,发挥 nǔ lì,jìn lì,fā huī TC 努力,盡力,發揮 You have to know when to conserve your strength and when to bear down with every bit of energy you have. bear down on [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep: (push, press on) SC 用力压在…上 yòng lì yā zài … shàng SC 加压力于 yòng lì yā zài … shàng ,jiā yā lì yú Bear down on the pen to make clear carbon copies. bear down on [sb] vi phrasal + prep: figurative (weigh heavily upon) SC 沉重地压在…心头 SC 让...难以承受 Emma felt the full weight of her financial worries bearing down on her. bear down on [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep: UK (rush towards) SC 冲向,撞向 chōng xiàng The truck came bearing down on the brothers as they were crossing the street. bear down on [sb] vtr phrasal insep: (approach threateningly) SC 气势汹汹地向…进逼 The man was bearing down on Jim along the path. bear on [sth], bear upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep: formal (be relevant to) SC 与…有关 yǔ … yǒu guān TC 與…有關 bear [sth] out, bear out [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (confirm: a fact) SC 支持 zhī chí TC 支持 SC 证实 zhī chí,zhèng shí TC 證實 / 証實 SC 证明 zhī chí,zhèng míng TC 證明 / 証明 These figures bear out the fact that more children are becoming obese nowadays. 这些数字证实了现在越来越多的孩子变肥胖的事实。 bear out [sb], bear [sb] out vtr phrasal sep: (support: [sb]'s assertion) (某人的说法,看法,观点) SC 证实,印证,证明 zhèng shí ,zhèng míng TC 證實 / 証實,證明 / 証明 He said it was a job for younger men, and the statistics bear him out. 他说这是年轻人的工作,统计数据也证实了他的观点。 bear up vi phrasal: (endure [sth] difficult) SC 承担 chéng dān TC 承擔 She is bearing up well despite the pressure she is under. bear up vi phrasal: (remain strong in adversity) (指在困难中) SC 挺住,撑住,保持振作 tǐng zhù,chēng zhù bear with [sb] vtr phrasal insep: (be patient) SC 对…耐心点 SC 对…有耐心 I asked them to bear with me while I checked the details of their booking. 当我检查他们预订的详细信息时,我请他们耐心等待。 ant bear, antbear n: (animal: giant anteater) SC 大食蚁兽 ant bear, antbear n: colloquial (animal: aardvark) SC 土豚 tǔ tún SC 非洲食蚁兽 bear a child v expr: (give birth to a baby) SC 生孩子 shēng hái zi Helen bore a child at the age of 43. bear a grudge v expr: (be resentful) SC 怀恨在心 huái hèn zài xīn TC 懷恨在心 bear a grudge against [sb] v expr: (be resentful) SC 对…怀恨在心 duì huái hèn zài xīn Fred bore a grudge against his brothers. bear a grudge against [sb] for [sth] v expr: (be resentful) SC 因某事对某人怀恨在心 Julie bears a grudge against her neighbour for cutting down a hedge that was actually on Julie's property. bear a resemblance to [sb] v expr: (look like) SC 相似 xiāng sì TC 相似 SC 看起来很像 He bears a striking resemblance to his sister. bear arms v expr: (carry weapons) SC 当兵 dāng bīng TC 當兵 SC 参军 dāng bīng,cān jūn TC 參軍 Every citizen has the right to bear arms. bear box n: US (animal-proof storage container) (露营) SC 防熊储物箱 bear claw: (cuisine) SC 熊爪杏仁饼 bear cub n: (baby bear) SC 熊仔 xióng zǎi SC 小熊 xióng zǎi,xiǎo xióng Never get between a bear cub and its mother; she will attack you to protect her child. bear false witness v expr: (lie in court) SC 作伪证 zuò wěi zhèng TC 作偽證 The law takes the act of bearing false witness very seriously. bear false witness v expr: (Bible: lie about [sb]) (圣经) SC 作假见证,说谎 shuō huǎng The sin of bearing false witness is a serious offense before God. bear false witness against [sb] v expr: (Bible: lie about [sb]) (圣经) SC 作假见证陷害(某人),说谎陷害(某人) You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. bear fruit vtr + n: (plant: produce fruit) SC 结果,结果实 jié guǒ,jiē guǒ shí TC 結果,結果實 It can take several years before a new lemon tree begins to bear fruit. 新柠檬树开始结果需要数年之久。 bear fruit vtr + n: figurative (idea: succeed) SC 硕果累累,取得成果,成功 shuò guǒ léi léi,qǔ dé chéng guǒ,chéng gōng TC 成功 It started as a brainstorm idea but gradually it began to bear fruit. bear hug n: figurative (affectionate embrace) SC 熊抱 bear in mind that, bear [sth] in mind v expr: (consider, take into account) SC 记住,牢记 jì zhù,láo jì TC 記住,牢記 Bear in mind that we already have an enormous sum invested in the project. 请牢记,我们已经往该项目投资了一大笔资金。 bear market n: (stock trading) SC 熊市 xióng shì SC 行情看跌的市场 xióng shì,háng qíng kàn diē de shì chǎng Oil prices are currently in a bear market. bear no resemblance to [sth/sb] v expr: (be totally unlike) SC 与…完全不像 The boy bears no resemblance to his father or his other brother. bear pit n: (bear enclosure in zoo, etc.) SC 熊坑,熊池 bear testament to [sth], be testament to [sth] v expr: (confirm, be evidence of [sth]) SC 证明 zhèng míng TC 證明 / 証明 SC 是…的明证 The examination results bear testament to everyone's hard work. bear the brunt of [sth], take the brunt of [sth] v expr: (take the worst of [sth]'s impact) SC 承受…的打击 bear the cost v expr: (pay) SC 承担费用 chéng dān fèi yòng TC 承擔費用 Taxpayers will bear the cost of health care reform. bear the cost of [sth] v expr: (pay) SC 支付...的费用 bear the expense v expr: (pay) SC 承担费用 chéng dān fèi yòng TC 承擔費用 SC 支付费用 bear the expense of [sth] v expr: (pay) SC 支付...的费用 Her father is bearing the expense of the wedding. bear the name of [sb] vtr: (be named after) SC 名叫 míng jiào SC 具有…的名称 míng jiào,jù yǒu … de míng chēng Many butterfly species bear the name of their discoverers. bear trap n: (snare to catch bears) SC 捕猎陷阱 bǔ liè xiàn jǐng TC 捕獵陷阱 SC 捕熊陷阱 bǔ liè xiàn jǐng,bǔ xióng xiàn jǐng bear trap n: figurative, UK (stock market indicator) (比喻) SC 空头陷阱 kōng tóu xiàn jǐng TC 空頭陷阱 bear upon [sth] vi + prep: formal (be relevant) SC 与...有关 TC 與…有關 SC 相关 xiāng guān TC 相關 How will these new findings bear upon our approach to educating children? Bear with me interj: (Please be patient) SC 耐心点!对我耐心点! Please bear with me - this will only take five minutes. bear witness to [sth] vtr + n: (testify) SC 作证 zuò zhèng TC 作證 / 作証 SC 证明 zuò zhèng,zhèng míng TC 證明 / 証明 bear witness against [sb] vtr + n: (testify) SC 为...作证 TC 為…作證 SC 做...的目击证人 A wife cannot be forced to bear witness against her husband. bear-baiting, bearbaiting n: historical (blood sport: attacking a chained bear) SC 逗熊,逗熊游戏 bear-baiting, bearbaiting n as adj: historical (pertaining to bear-baiting) SC 逗熊的,逗熊游戏的 black bear n: (American mammal) SC 美洲黑熊 měi zhōu hēi xióng TC 美洲黑熊 Black bears are smaller than Grizzly or Polar bears. black bear n: (Asian mammal) SC 亚洲黑熊 yà zhōu hēi xióng TC 亞洲黑熊 bring [sth] to bear on [sth] v expr: (apply [sth]) SC 施加 shī jiā TC 施加 Ali brought all his strength to bear on the heavy door. brown bear n: (North American mammal) SC 棕熊 zōng xióng Kodiak bears and grizzly bears are species of the brown bear. Great Bear n: (constellation, Ursa Major) SC 大熊座 dà xióng zuò grin and bear it v expr: (suffer without complaint) SC 默默忍受 mò mò rěn shòu SC 逆来顺受 mò mò rěn shòu,nì lái shùn shòu TC 逆來順受 grizzly n: (American bear) SC 北美洲大灰熊 běi měi zhōu dà huī xióng Don't bring any food with you when you camp here; there are grizzlies. grizzly bear n: (American mammal) SC 大灰熊 dà huī xióng gummy bear n: (chewy candy) SC 软熊糖 honey bear, sun bear, Malay bear n: (animal: Asian mammal) SC 蜜熊 SC 马来熊 keep [sth] in mind, bear [sth] in mind, keep in mind that, bear in mind that v expr: (remember [sth]) SC 记住 jì zhù TC 記住 Now, keep in mind that in May of 1929 the stock market hadn't crashed yet. 现在请记住,1929年5月股市还没有崩盘。 keep [sb] in mind, bear [sb] in mind v expr: (consider [sb] for [sth]) SC 考虑到 kǎo lǜ dào TC 考慮到 SC 想到 kǎo lǜ dào,xiǎng dào If you ever need a cleaner, keep me in mind. 如果你需要清洁工,请记得找我。 kinkajou, honey bear, potto n: (rainforest mammal, American) SC 蜜熊 koala bear n: incorrect but common (Australian marsupial) (澳大利亚动物) SC 考拉, 树袋熊 Koala bears are native to Australia. not bear thinking about v expr: (be unpleasant thought) SC 不忍去想 SC 不愿去想 panda bear, panda n: (black-and-white bearlike animal) SC 大熊猫 dà xióng māo They say that panda bears will only eat bamboo. polar bear n: (arctic mammal) SC 北极熊 běi jí xióng TC 北極熊 The polar bear hunts for seals as its main food. 北极熊猎捕海豹作为其主要食物。 she-bear n: (animal: female bear) (动物) SC 母熊 teddy bear n: (soft toy bear) SC 泰迪熊 tài dí xióng Timmy never goes anywhere without his teddy bear. 蒂米去哪儿都带着他的泰迪熊。 Ursa Major, Great Bear, Charles's Wain n: (constellation) (星座) SC 大熊(星)座 dà xióng xīng zuò I identified Ursa Major on the star chart. Ursa Minor, Little Bear n: (constellation) (星座) SC 小熊(星)座 xiǎo xióng xīng zuò |
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