

单词 advance

US   UK  
advance [sth] vtr: (move forward)
SC 推动…前进 tuī dòng qián jìn
SC 使…向前移动 tuī dòng qián jìn,shǐ xiàng qián yí dòng
In the chess game, he advanced his pawn forward two spaces.

advance [sth] vtr: (further)
SC 促进 cù jìn
TC 促進
SC 推进 cù jìn,tuī jìn
TC 推進
He advanced his career by winning clients.

advance n: (movement forward) (具体)
SC 前进,推进 qián jìn,tuī jìn
TC 前進,推進
The advance of the killer bees throughout the country can't be stopped.

advance adj: (issued ahead of schedule)
SC 出版发行前的 chū bǎn fā xíng qián de
SC 预先的 chū bǎn fā xíng qián de,yù xiān de
TC 預先的
I have an advance copy of tomorrow's newspaper.

advance vi: (move forward)
SC 向前推进 xiàng qián tuī jìn
TC 向前推進
SC 前进 xiàng qián tuī jìn,qián jìn
TC 前進
The invading army was advancing.

advances npl: (progress)
SC 进步,改进 jìn bù,gǎi jìn
TC 進步,改進
You have made great advances in your English studies.

advance n: (loan)
SC 预付款 yù fù kuǎn
TC 預付款
SC 预支
His boss gave him a three-hundred-dollar advance on his wages.

advance adj: (placed toward the front)
SC 靠前的 kào qián de
SC 前面的 kào qián de,qián miàn de
The advance train cars are all first class.

advance n: (progress)
SC 前进 qián jìn
TC 前進
SC 发展 qián jìn,fā zhǎn
TC 發展
SC 进展 qián jìn,jìn zhǎn
TC 進展
The advance of democracy is a slow one.

advance n: (increase)
SC 上涨 shàng zhǎng
TC 上漲
SC 增加 shàng zhǎng ,zēng jiā
TC 增加
SC 走高
The advance in stock prices continued on strong earnings reports.

advance n: (attempts at romance) (对异性)
SC 主动示好 zhǔ dòng shì hǎo
SC 挑逗 zhǔ dòng shì hǎo,tiǎo dòu
SC 示爱 zhǔ dòng shì hǎo,shì ài
Linda made it clear that Don's advances were not welcome.

advance vi: (increase in value) (价值)
SC 提高,增长 tí gāo,zēng zhǎng
TC 提高,增長
The stock price continued to advance to new highs.

advance vi: (improve, progress)
SC 改进 gǎi jìn
TC 改進
SC 进步 gǎi jìn,jìn bù
TC 進步
The child's reading skills are advancing.

advance [sth] vtr: (propose)
SC 提出 tí chū
TC 提出
I have a proposal that I want to advance to you.

advance [sth] vtr: (hasten)
SC 加速 jiā sù
TC 加速
SC 加快 jiā sù,jiā kuài
TC 加快
Let's advance our departure because a hurricane is coming.

advance [sth] vtr: (lend)
SC 预付 yù fù
His boss advanced him three hundred dollars.

advance [sth] vtr: (increase)
SC 提高 tí gāo
TC 提高
SC 增加 tí gāo,zēng jiā
TC 增加
You can advance the price, but you might lose sales.

advance upon [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep: (invade, move in to attack)
SC 入侵 rù qīn
TC 入侵
The swarm of killer bees advanced upon the unsuspecting cow that was grazing in the pasture.

advance fee n: (money paid upfront, deposit)
SC 预付费 yù fù fèi
TC 預付費
Be alert for scams requesting an advance fee.

advance notice n: (warning)
SC 提前通知 tí qián tōng zhī
SC 事先通知 tí qián tōng zhī ,shì xiān tōng zhī
Please give advance notice if you have to cancel an appointment.

advance payment n: (sum paid before delivery)
SC 预付款 yù fù kuǎn
TC 預付款
The author received an advance payment before he completed his new book.

advance purchase n: (booking ahead at cheap rate)
SC 预购,预先购买,提前购买
Airlines usually give you a cheaper fare for advance purchase.

cash advance n: (credit card service)
SC 预付现金

far in advance adv: (a long time beforehand)
SC 提早很多
SC 提前很久

in advance adv: (beforehand)
SC 预先 yù xiān
TC 預先
SC 事先 yù xiān,shì xiān
TC 事先
SC 提前 yù xiān,tí qián
TC 提前
You'll need to get your tickets in advance: the band's very popular.

in advance of prep: (prior to)
SC 在…之前 zài … zhī qián
SC 先于… zài … zhī qián,xiān yú …
I bought my tickets in advance of the concert.

pay in advance v expr: (give money for [sth] to be obtained later)
SC 提前支付 tí qián zhī fù
SC 预先支付 tí qián zhī fù,yù xiān zhī fù
TC 預先支付
Some cell phone companies require you to pay in advance for your service.

thank you in advance interj: formal (expressing a polite request) (正式用语)
SC 提前感谢您,先说一声谢谢 tí qián gǎn xiè nín,xiān shuō yì shēng xiè xiè

thanks in advance expr: (gratitude for [sth] not done yet)
SC 先谢为敬
TC 先謝為敬
SC 提前感谢




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