

单词 pity

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pity n: (sad fact)
SC 可惜 kě xī
TC 可惜
SC 遗憾 kě xī,yí hàn
TC 遺憾
SC 遗憾的事 kě xī,yí hàn de shì
It is a pity that you missed the bus and had to walk.

pity [sb] vtr: (feel compassion for) (表示同情)
SC 同情, 怜惜, 可怜
I pity those who are young when their parents die.

pity n: (compassion)
SC 同情 tóng qíng
TC 同情
SC 怜惜 tóng qíng,lián xī
I feel pity when I see a hungry child.

pity vi: (feel compassion)
SC 感到同情 gǎn dào tóng qíng
SC 感到怜惜 gǎn dào tóng qíng,gǎn dào lián xī
Whether you choose to pity or condemn, consider the result.

have pity, have pity on [sb] v expr: (be merciful, show compassion to)
SC 怜悯 lián mǐn
SC 同情 lián mǐn,tóng qíng
TC 同情
Have pity on her. She comes from a poor family.

pity party n: slang, figurative (indulgence in self-pity)
SC 自怜自艾

self-pity n: (feeling sorry for yourself)
SC 自怨自艾的
SC 自怜的
SC 自哀的
Enough of your self-pity; let's go out and do something fun!

take pity on [sb] v expr: (show compassion, mercy to)
SC 同情 tóng qíng
TC 同情
The police took pity on the young girl and gave her a lift home.

wallow in self-pity v expr: disapproving (feel sorry for yourself)
SC 整天怨天尤人
SC 自哀自怜

what a pity! interj: informal (expressing disappointment) (非正式用语)
SC 真遗憾!真可惜! zhēn yí hàn zhēn kě xī
What a pity! - he had so much potential!




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