

单词 barred

barred adj: (window, etc.: having bars) (窗户)
SC 有格栅的
The prisoner gazed out through the barred window of his cell.

barred adj: (fabric: striped) (织物)
SC 带条纹的
The scarf has a black and white barred motif.

barred adj: (feathers: having bands of color) (羽毛)
SC 有彩色条纹的
Pheasants have barred feathers.

bar n: (pub)
SC 酒吧 jiǔ bā
The new bar in town serves lots of different beers.

bar n: (counter in a pub)
SC 吧台 bā tái
SC 酒吧柜台 bā tái,jiǔ bā guì tái
The cowboy walked up to the bar and ordered a beer.

bar n: (iron, steel post)
SC 条状物 tiáo zhuàng wù
TC 條狀物
SC 棒状物 tiáo zhuàng wù,bàng zhuàng wù
The concrete walls are reinforced with steel bars.

bars npl: (steel grille in prison, etc.) (监狱等地的)
SC 栏杆,铁栏 lán gān
The convicted criminal looked out through the bars of his prison cell.

bar n: (rod)
SC 棍棒 gùn bàng
TC 杆 / 桿
SC 竿 gùn bàng,gān
TC 竿
He used a metal bar to vandalise several parked cars.

bar, bar of [sth] n: (snack: block of [sth]) (小吃、零食等)
SC (一)块,(一)条 yí kuài,yì tiáo
Sandy treated herself to a bar of chocolate. I usually have a cereal bar for breakfast.

bar n: (gym apparatus) (体操)
SC 杠,单杠
TC 槓,單槓
The gymnast was performing an exercise on the bar.

bar [sb] vtr: (exclude, ban)
SC 禁止 jìn zhǐ
TC 禁止
SC 排除 jìn zhǐ,pái chú
TC 排除
The disco has barred Andy because of his crazy antics.

bar [sb] from doing [sth] vtr + prep: often passive (exclude, ban from doing [sth])
SC 禁止某人做某事
The judge barred Lewis from driving for a year.

bar n: (line)
SC (卡上的)磁条 kǎ shàng de cí tiáo
Place your bank card so the side showing the bar is uppermost.

bar n: (exclusion)
SC 排斥 pái chì
TC 排斥
SC 禁止 pái chì,jìn zhǐ
TC 禁止
Because of his behaviour, he was subject to a bar in many of the town's shops.

bar n: (music)
SC (乐谱的)小节 yuè pǔ de xiǎo jié
The composer hummed a few bars of his new song.

bar n: UK (law court)
SC 法庭围栏 fǎ tíng wéi lán
TC 法庭圍欄
The solicitor leaned over the bar to talk to the barrister.

bar n: UK (box for accused in court)
SC (法庭上关押罪犯的)隔离间 fǎ tíng shàng guān yā zuì fàn de gé lí jiān
SC 小隔间 fǎ tíng shàng guān yā zuì fàn de gé lí jiān,xiǎo gé jiān
TC 小隔間
SC 被告席 fǎ tíng shàng guān yā zuì fàn de gé lí jiān,bèi gào xí
The prisoner at the bar looked very worried.

bar n: (legal profession)
SC 律师专业 lǜ shī zhuān yè
TC 律師專業
SC 司法界 lǜ shī zhuān yè,sī fǎ jiè
The California bar approved Mr. Black to practice law.

bar n: (sandbank)
SC 沙滩 shā tān
TC 沙灘
The fishing boat ran aground on a bar.

bar n: (pressure unit) (压强单位,1巴=100,000帕)
SC 巴 bā
During the storm, the pressure dropped to twenty-eight bars.

bar n: (place where [sth] is sold)
SC 小卖部 xiǎo mài bù
TC 小吃店
SC 小食品店

bar n: (electric fire heating element) (电炉)
SC 供热电阻丝
The bars on the electric fire were glowing with a bright orange colour.

bar n: UK (insignia, award) (勋章上的)
SC 勋带
He won the Distinguished Conduct Medal and bar in the war.

bar n: US (metal bar on uniform) (制服上的)
SC 肩章
You can tell his rank by the number of bars on his uniform.

bar n: (authority, threshold)
SC 门槛 mén kǎn
SC 限制 mén kǎn,xiàn zhì
TC 限制
The content of this film is well below the bar of decency, so it ought to be banned.

bar n: (indicator of signal strength)
SC 进度条
SC 功能条

bar prep: (except)
SC 除了 chú le
TC 除了
SC 除…之外 chú le ,chú … zhī wài
I hate all vegetables bar carrots.

bar [sth] vtr: (shut with a bar)
SC 闩住 shuān zhù
SC 锁住 shuān zhù,suǒ zhù
SC 栓住 shuān zhù,shuān zhù
For safety, Simon bars his door every night.

bar [sth] vtr: (obstruct)
SC 堵住 dǔ zhù
TC 堵住
SC 封堵
The security officers barred the entrance to the bank.

bar [sth] vtr: (draw stripes on)
SC 在...上画条纹
I am going to paint this wall white, then bar it in black.

bar [sth] vtr: (shut in or out)
SC 挡住 dǎng zhù
SC 堵住 dǎng zhù,dǔ zhù
TC 堵住
SC 封锁 dǎng zhù,fēng suǒ
TC 封鎖
All of the exits had been barred, and there was no way to escape.

bar vtr: (law: halt action by objection) (法律)
SC 使诉讼中止
The victim waited too long, and now her claim is barred by the state's statute of limitations.

be barred vi: (be banned from entering)
SC 被禁止进入
He has been barred from his local pub because he was involved in a fight there a few months ago.

no holds barred, no-holds-barred adj: (without rules, unconstrained)
SC 没有限制的 méi yǒu xiàn zhì de
SC 不拘一格的 méi yǒu xiàn zhì de,bù jū yì gé de
SC 不拘一格的 méi yǒu xiàn zhì de,bù jū yì gé de
You can say whatever you like to me, there are no holds barred.




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