

单词 pinson

pin n: (metal fastening)
SC 大头钉 dà tóu dīng
The seamstress is using pins to mark the alterations, before sewing them.

pin n: (jewellery: brooch)
SC 饰针,胸针,领针 shì zhēn,xiōng zhēn,lǐng zhēn
Paula is wearing a ruby pin.

pin [sth] to [sth] vtr + prep: (attach with a pin)
SC 将...钉在
SC 将...钉牢在
James pinned the poster to the noticeboard.

pin [sth] vtr: (fix in place)
SC 固定 gù dìng
TC 固定
SC 钉住 gù dìng,dīng zhù
The seamstress is pinning the hem of the dress.

pin [sth] back, pin back [sth] vtr + adv: (affix back with pin)
SC 把…向后别
Lucy pinned back her hair.

pin n: (short metal rod)
SC 销,栓 shuān
TC 銷,栓
Rose used a pin to secure the axle.

pin n: (hairpin)
SC 发夹,发卡 fà jiá
The pins were coming out of her hair and the whole mass was tumbling down.

pin n: (skittle)
SC 球瓶 qiú píng
Adam knocked down six pins with his first ball.

pin n: (electrical plug)
SC 插脚
In the UK, plugs have three pins.

pin n: (electronic connector)
SC 插脚
British plugs have three pins.

pin n: (hand grenade part) (手榴弹)
SC 拉环 lā huán
SC 引环
The soldier pulled out the pin and threw the grenade.

pins npl: figurative, slang (legs)
SC 腿,双腿 tuǐ
Dora is getting old and she's a little unsteady on her pins.

pin [sth/sb] vtr: figurative (prevent from moving)
SC 制服 zhì fú
TC 制服
SC 固定 zhì fú ,gù dìng
TC 固定
SC 压住 zhì fú ,yā zhù
SC 使...无法动弹
The police officer pinned the suspect to the ground.
Harry was pinned under the wreckage.

pin [sth] on [sb] vtr + prep: figurative, informal (blame)
SC 因为…怪罪…,把…推给…
SC 把…归咎于…(书面语)
I didn't break the glass; don't try to pin that on me.

pin [sth] on vtr + adv: (attach by pin)
SC 把…钉在
Frank pinned the carnation on the lapel of his jacket.

pin [sb] down vtr phrasal sep: figurative, informal (force to a decision, statement) (非正式用语)
SC 迫使某人明确表态 pǎi shǐ mǒu rén míng què biǎo tài
SC 迫使某人做(决定)
The reporters asked again and again whether he favored the bill, but they couldn't pin him down.

pin [sb] down on [sth] vtr phrasal 3-part: figurative, informal (force to a decision, statement) (非正式用语)
SC 迫使…就…明确表态
SC 迫使…就…作出决定
The interviewer struggled to pin the Prime Minister down on whether she planned to raise taxes.

pin [sth] down vtr phrasal sep: figurative, informal, often passive (locate, identify) (非正式用语)
SC 确定 què dìng
TC 確定
SC 搞清楚 què dìng,gǎo qīng chǔ
There is a strange noise coming from somewhere in the room but I can't pin down the exact location.
The exact time of Julia's disappearance cannot be pinned down.

alfilaria, alfileria, alfilerilla n: US (plant: grown for forage)
SC 芹叶太阳花

as neat as a pin, as neat as a new pin, like a new pin expr: (very neat and tidy)
SC 非常整洁
SC 十分干净

bobby pin n: US, AU (flat metal hairpin)
SC 发夹 fà jiá
SC 发卡

bowling pin n: (skittle)
SC 保龄球瓶 bǎo líng qiú píng
TC 保齡球瓶

clothespin, clothes pin (US), clothes peg, clothespeg (UK) n: (clip for hanging laundry)
SC 晾衣绳上的夹子 liàng yī shéng shàng de jiá zi
SC 晾衣夹 liàng yī shéng shàng de jiá zi,liàng yī jiá
TC 晾衣夾
It was so windy, Brenda had to use several clothespins per item to keep her laundry on the line. I keep my clothes pegs in an old biscuit tin.

cotter pin n: (machinery: split pin)
SC 开口销 kāi kǒu xiāo

cotter pin n: (machinery: tapered pin)
SC 锥形销

dowel, dowel pin n: (building: pin holding two parts together)
SC 销子 xiāo zi
The carpenter used dowels to reinforce each joint.

drawing pin n: UK (flat-headed pin)
SC 图钉 tú dīng
SC 绘图钉
You'll need drawing pins to fix your poster to the board.

firing pin: (weapon mechanism)
SC 撞针
SC 击针

lapel pin n: (badge worn on clothing)
SC 翻领别针 fān lǐng bié zhēn
TC 翻領別針
Some Americans choose to declare their patriotism by wearing an American flag lapel pin.

pin [sb] down vtr + adv: (hold on the ground)
SC 使…动弹不得
The police officer wrestled the thief to the ground and pinned him down until backup arrived.

pin money n: (small sum set aside)
SC 零花钱,零用钱 líng huā qián,líng yòng qián
TC 零花錢,零用錢

pin [sth] on vtr + adv: (attach by pin)
SC 把…钉在
Frank pinned the carnation on the lapel of his jacket.

pin prick n: (tiny hole made by a pin)
SC 针孔 zhēn kǒng
SC 针刺出来的小孔 zhēn kǒng,zhēn cì chū lái de xiǎo kǒng
Some acne scars look like tiny pin pricks in the skin.

pin [sth] up, pin up [sth] vtr + adv: (tack to a wall or board)
SC 钉住 dīng zhù
The teacher pinned up the pictures on the bulletin board for everyone to see.

pin your hopes on [sth] v expr: (rely on [sth])
SC 寄希望于

pinhead n: figurative, pejorative, slang (stupid person) (比喻,俚语,轻蔑语)
SC 傻瓜,笨蛋,蠢材 shǎ guā,bèn dàn,chǔn cái

pinhead n: (point of a pin)
SC 大头针针头 dà tóu zhēn zhēn tóu
SC 钉尖 dà tóu zhēn zhēn tóu,dīng jiān

pinout, pin-out n: (diagram of electrical connectors)
SC 引出线

pinpoint [sth], pin-point [sth], pin point [sth] vtr: figurative (show exact cause)
SC 找出…的确切原因
It is difficult to pinpoint exactly why this problem has occurred.

pinpoint [sth], pin-point [sth], pin point [sth] vtr: figurative (show exact place)
SC 指出…的精准位置 zhǐ chū … de jīng zhǔn wèi zhì
We know our agent is in this area, but we can't pinpoint his location at the moment.

pinup, pin-up n: (poster of glamorous woman)
SC 美女海报 měi nǚ hǎi bào
TC 美女海報
SC 美女装饰画 měi nǚ hǎi bào,měi nǚ zhuāng shì huà

pinup, pin-up n: informal (attractive female celebrity) (如女明星等)
SC 迷人性感的女人,美艳女子,海报女郎 mí rén xìng gǎn de nǚ rén,měi yàn nǚ zǐ,hǎi bào nǚ láng

pinup girl, pin-up girl n: informal (glamour model) (非正式用语)
SC 性感女郎 xìng gǎn nǚ láng
SC 海报女郎 xìng gǎn nǚ láng,hǎi bào nǚ láng
That fellow has his bedroom wall plastered with magazine pin-up girls.

pinup girl, pin-up girl n: informal (attractive female celebrity)
SC 海报女郎 hǎi bào nǚ láng

piston pin: (machinery)
SC 活塞销
SC 活塞环
TC 活塞環

rolling pin n: (tool for flattening dough)
SC 擀面杖 gǎn miàn zhàng
Spread the dough thin with a floured rolling pin.

safety pin n: (pin with covered point)
SC 安全别针 ān quán bié zhēn
TC 安全別針
A safety pin is a quick and easy replacement for a missing button.

split pin, brass fastener, cotter pin n: (metal fastener)
SC 开口销 kāi kǒu xiāo

ten-pin bowling, skittles, tenpins n: (game of skittles)
SC 保龄球 bǎo líng qiú
TC 保齡球

tenpin, ten-pin n: (skittle used in bowling) (保龄球)
SC 球瓶 qiú píng

tenpin bowling, ten-pin bowling, US: tenpins n: (bowling with ten pins)
SC 十瓶制保龄球




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