

单词 band

US   UK  
band n: (musical group)
SC 乐队 yuè duì
TC 樂隊
There will be three bands playing at the concert.

band n: (strip or strap)
SC 带 dài
SC 箍 dài,gū
He tied a band of cotton around his arm to stop the bleeding.

band n: (stripe)
SC 条纹 tiáo wén
TC 條紋
SC 镶边 tiáo wén,xiāng biān
Do you see the bands that he painted around his car?

band n: usually pejorative (group or gang)
SC (一)群(人) yì qún rén
SC (一)帮(人) yì qún rén,yì bāng rén
The band of kids must have gone into the movie theatre.

band n: (ring)
SC 箍 gū
SC 环 gū,huán
SC 戒指 gū,jiè zhǐ
They exchanged wedding bands during the ceremony.

band n: (land)
SC (一)条(土地) yì tiáo tǔ dì
SC 带状物 yì tiáo tǔ dì,dài zhuàng wù
There is a thin band of land between the two rivers.

band n: (group of animals)
SC (一)群(动物) yì qún dòng wù
A band of sheep grazed in the meadow.

band n: (belt)
SC 皮带 pí dài
TC 皮帶
SC 传动带 pí dài,chuán dòng dài
The leather band turned the flywheel.

band n: (rubber band)
SC 橡皮筋 xiàng pí jīn
SC 松紧带 xiàng pí jīn,sōng jǐn dài
He put a rubber band around the papers.

band n: (radio frequency) (无线电频率)
SC 波段,频带 bō duàn,pín dài
TC 波段,頻帶
What band is that station on?

band n: (ribbon)
SC (一)条、根(丝带) yì tiáo gēn sī dài
SC 带状物 yì tiáo gēn sī dài,dài zhuàng wù
She tied a band of ribbon around the post to help people find the party.

band [sth], band [sth] with [sth] vtr: (tie)
SC 捆扎 kǔn zhā
SC 绑,系 bǎng
TC 綁,系
He banded the package with a thick string.

band [sth], band [sth] with [sth] vtr: (mark with a band)
SC 给...系上标记
Band the stalks of the flowers you want to buy.

band leader n: (music: conductor)
SC 乐队指挥 yuè duì zhǐ huī
TC 樂隊指揮

band practice n: (music group's rehearsal)
SC 乐队排练,练团
I have band practice after school from 4pm to 6pm.

band saw n: (woodworking machine)
SC 带锯 dài jù
A band saw allows you to cut free form shapes, which may not be possible with regular saws.

bandsaw [sth] vtr: (cut with band saw)
SC 锯 jù

band together vi + adv: (join forces)
SC 联合起来 lián hé qǐ lái
TC 聯合起來
The inhabitants banded together to fight the insect invaders.

Band-Aid, band-aid n: ® (sticking plaster) (商标)
SC 邦迪牌创可贴
SC 创可贴
TC 膠膜

band-aid n: figurative (superficial solution)
SC 权宜之计 quán yí zhī jì
TC 權宜之計
This solution is just a band-aid; it will do nothing to solve the real problem.

big band n: (style of music: large dance band)
SC 大型乐队 dà xíng yuè duì
TC 大型樂隊
Big band leaders like Benny Goodman, Glenn Miller, and Tommy Dorsey transformed jazz music into swing.

brass band n: (band playing brass instruments)
SC 铜管乐队 tóng guǎn yuè duì
TC 銅管樂隊
A brass band will lead the funeral procession down Bourbon Street.

concert band n: (brass band, wind instrument group)
SC 管乐队 guǎn yuè duì
TC 管樂隊
Concert bands have brass, woodwind and percussion, but no stringed instruments.

elastic band n: (rubber band)
SC 橡筋带 xiàng jīn dài
TC 鬆緊帶
SC 松紧带 xiàng jīn dài,sōng jǐn dài
Robert used an elastic band to hold all his pens and pencils together.

hairband, hair band n: (elastic band for hair)
SC 发带 fà dài
Her long tresses were held back by a simple black hairband.

hairband, hair band n: (rigid band going over the hair)
SC 发箍, 发卡
The little girls all wore colorful hairbands to keep their hair out of their faces.

jazz band n: (musical group who play jazz)
SC 爵士乐队 jué shì yuè duì
TC 爵士樂隊

jug band n: (music group playing improvised instruments)
SC 即兴坛罐乐队 jí xìng tán guàn yuè duì
The first jug band was formed in Louisville, KY in the 1920s.

leader, band leader n: US (music: conductor) (乐团)
SC 指挥 zhǐ huī
TC 指揮
The leader of the band told them when to start and stop playing.

marching band n: (musical group that parades)
SC 游行乐队 yóu xíng yuè duì
TC 遊行樂隊
SC 步操乐队 yóu xíng yuè duì,bù cāo yuè duì
I used to play clarinet in a marching band.

military band n: (instrumental group that plays on military occasions)
SC 军乐队 jūn yuè duì
TC 軍事樂隊
The military band was called to play at the governor's funeral, since he was an ex-Marine.

rock band n: (heavy pop music group)
SC 摇滚乐队
Geoff plays drums in a rock band.

rubber band n: (elastic band)
SC 橡皮筋 xiàng pí jīn
The postman uses rubber bands to bundle together letters for the same address.

steel band: (music)
SC 铜鼓乐队

to beat the band expr: US, informal, figurative (to a high degree)
SC 令人惊叹
SC 了不起 liǎo bù qǐ
TC 了不起

watch band n: (strap of a wristwatch)
SC 手表带 shǒu biǎo dài
TC 手錶戴
I replaced my old watch band with a genuine leather one.

watchband, watch band, watch strap n: (strap of a wristwatch)
SC (手)表带 shǒu biǎo dài
The watchband is available in several different colours.

waveband, wave band n: (radio: frequency range)
SC (无线电)波段 wú xiàn diàn bō duàn
SC 频带 wú xiàn diàn bō duàn,pín dài
TC 頻帶

wedding band n: (ring given on marriage)
SC 结婚戒指 jié hūn jiè zhǐ
TC 結婚戒指

wind band n: (musical group of wind instruments)
SC 管乐队 guǎn yuè duì
TC 管樂隊

wristband, watchband, watch band n: (strap of a wristwatch)
SC 手表带 shǒu biǎo dài
TC 手錶戴
I need to replace the wristband on my watch because it is broken.




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