

单词 philosophying

philosophy n: (study of knowledge and truth)
SC 哲学 zhé xué
TC 哲學
She's studying philosophy at Oxford University.

philosophy n: figurative (personal belief)
SC 人生哲学 rén shēng zhé xué
TC 人生哲學
SC 个人的人生态度 rén shēng zhé xué,gè rén de rén shēng tài dù
My philosophy is that people usually do the right thing.

moral philosophy n: (code of ethics)
SC 道德哲学 dào dé zhé xué
TC 倫理學
SC 伦理学 dào dé zhé xué,lún lǐ xué
TC 倫理學
His own moral philosophy prevented him from speaking out against the president's actions.

PhD, PhD., Ph.D., DPhil n: abbreviation (degree: Doctor of Philosophy) (缩略语)
SC 博士学位 bó shì xué wèi
TC 博士學位
From what institution did you get your PhD?

PhD, PhD., Ph.D., DPhil n: abbreviation (holder of a doctorate degree) (头衔)
SC 博士 bó shì
TC 博士
The keynote speaker is Rachel Fine, PhD.

practice philosophy n: (company's ethos)
SC 从业理念,公司理念

school philosophy n: (ethos of an educational institution)
SC 学院精神 xué yuàn jīng shén
TC 學院精神
All school philosophies are more or less the same: work hard and be successful.




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