

单词 gutters

gutter n: (water channel at roadside)
SC 排水沟 pái shuǐ gōu
TC 排水溝
SC 阴沟 pái shuǐ gōu,yīn gōu
SC 下水道 pái shuǐ gōu,xià shuǐ dào
Peter threw his cigarette butt into the gutter.

gutter n: (building)
SC 排水沟 pái shuǐ gōu
TC 排水溝
SC 天沟 pái shuǐ gōu,tiān gōu
Irene got the ladder and cleaned the gutters on her house.

gutter n: (bowling) (保龄球)
SC 球道两边的槽
Deanne went bowling for the first time and nearly all her throws went into the gutter.

gutter n: figurative (living conditions)
SC 贫民区,贫民窟 pín mín qū ,pín mín kū
TC 貧民區,貧民窟
Tom went from living in the gutter to running his own business.

gutter adj: figurative (press, language: sordid, vulgar)
SC 粗俗的,粗野的,肮脏的,污秽的 cū sú de ,cū yě de ,āng zāng de ,wū huì de
TC 骯髒的
Seth, you will not use this gutter language inside my house!

gutter n: figurative, disapproving (vulgarity, sordidness)
SC 低级趣味
TC 低級趣味
SC 粗俗下流
This writer's language is straight from the gutter.

gutter n: (space between facing pages)
SC 夹页空白
A gutter is added to the page width to allow for binding.

gutter n: (printing: space between columns) (各列间的)
SC 空白 kòng bái
TC 空白
The layout editor used a gutter of 20 pixels between the columns.

gutter vi: (flame, candle: burn low) (烛火等)
SC 忽明忽暗 hū míng hū àn
SC 变得昏暗
A sudden draught caused the candle to gutter.

get your mind out of the gutter expr: (stop your sordid thinking)
SC 别想歪了
SC 别乱想
"If you pull it hard enough, it gets longer." "Oo-er!" "Get your mind out of the gutter!"

gutter politics n: figurative (debased political methods)
SC 龌龊政治
TC 齷齪政治
SC 肮脏政治

gutter press n: informal, pejorative (sensationalist media)
SC 低级报纸 dī jí bào zhǐ
TC 低級報紙
SC 低俗小报 dī jí bào zhǐ,dī sú xiǎo bào
SC 哗众取宠的刊物 dī jí bào zhǐ,huá zhòng qǔ chǒng de kān wù
The gutter press is obsessed with celebrity gossip.




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