

单词 pg.

p, P n: (16th letter of alphabet)
SC 字母表第16个字母
How many Ps are there in the past tense of "worship"?

p, plural: pence n: UK, invariable, abbreviation (penny) (英国)
SC 便士 biàn shì
I can remember when a bag of crisps cost no more than 5p.

p, p., pg, pg., plural: pp n: written, abbreviation (page)
SC 页 yè
SC 页码 yè,yè mǎ
See the table on p7 for an explanation.

ASAP, A.S.A.P., asap, a.s.a.p. adv: acronym (as soon as possible)
SC 尽快 jǐn kuài
TC 盡快
SC 越快越好 jǐn kuài,yuè kuài yuè hǎo
Please send your reply to the following address ASAP.

BP, B.P. n: initialism (degree: Bachelor of Pharmacy)
SC 药学学士

BP, B.P. n: initialism (degree: Bachelor of Philosophy)
SC 哲学学士

BP, B.P., bp, b.p. n: initialism (finance: basis point) (金融)
SC 基点 jī diǎn
TC 基點

BP, B.P., bp, b.p. n: initialism (business: bills payable) (商业)
SC 应付票据

bp, b.p. n: initialism (chemistry: boiling point) (化学)
SC 沸点 fèi diǎn
TC 沸點

BP, B.P. adj: abbreviation (archeology: before the present) (考古学)
SC 距今

BP, B.P., bp, b.p. adj: initialism (alcohol: below proof) (酒精)
SC 不合格的,低于标准酒精度的 bù hé gé de

fps, f.p.s. n: abbreviation, usually plural (foot per second)
SC 英尺/秒

fps, f.p.s. n: abbreviation, usually plural (film: frame per second) (电影)
SC 帧/秒

h.p., hp, HP n: initialism (horsepower)
SC 马力 mǎ lì
TC 馬力

HP, H.P., hp, h.p. adj: initialism (high-pressure)
SC 高压 gāo yā
TC 高壓

JP, J.P. n: initialism (justice of the peace)
SC 治安法官,地方法官 zhì ān fǎ guān,dì fāng fǎ guān
TC 地方法官

KP, K.P. n: US, informal, initialism (military: kitchen duty)
SC 帮厨兵

mind your p's and q's v expr: informal (show good manners)
SC 谨言惧行

MVP, M.V.P. n: (sports: most valuable player) (体育)
SC 最有价值选手

P-plate n: UK (sign on car: inexperienced driver)
SC 实习车牌

p's and q's: (manners, behavior)
SC 得体的举止 dé tǐ de jǔ zhǐ
SC 礼貌的行为 dé tǐ de jǔ zhǐ,lǐ mào de xíng wéi

P/E ratio, P/E yield n: abbreviation (finance: price-to-earnings ratio) (price/earnings ratio的缩写)
SC 价格收益比率,市盈率 jià gé shōu yì bǐ lǜ,shì yíng lǜ

P&L, P/L n: initialism (finance: profit and loss)
SC 盈亏
TC 盈虧

PA, P.A. n: colloquial, initialism (personal assistant) (首字母缩写)
SC 个人助理 gè rén zhù lǐ
TC 個人助理
SC 私人助理
Nancy's PA forwarded a call to her cell phone.

PA, P.A. n: colloquial, initialism (publicity assistant) (首字母缩写)
SC 宣传助理 xuān chuán zhù lǐ
TC 宣傳助理
The firm's PA released an article about their charitable donations.

PA, p.a. adv: written, initialism (per annum) (缩略词)
SC 每年 měi nián
TC 每年
Bob earns £78,000 PA.

PE, P.E., also US: phys ed, phys. ed. n: abbreviation (physical education)
SC 体育 tǐ yù
TC 體育
Phys Ed is just as important as more academic subjects.

physician's assistant, physician assistant, PA, P.A. n: US (person trained to assist physician)
SC 医师助理
SC 助理医生

pj's, p.j.'s, P.J.'s n: informal, abbreviation (pajamas, pyjamas)
SC 睡衣 shuì yī

p.m., pm, P.M., PM adv: initialism (post meridiem: in the afternoon)
SC 下午,午后 xià wǔ,wǔ hòu
TC 下午,午後
I'll pick you up at 4 p.m.

p.m., pm, P.M., PM adv: initialism (post meridiem: in the evening)
SC 下午 xià wǔ
TC 下午
I like to be in bed by 9.30 PM.

PO, P.O. n: written, initialism (Post Office) (缩写)
SC 邮局 yóu jú

PO Box, P.O. Box n: abbreviation (Post Office Box)
SC 邮政信箱 yóu zhèng xìn xiāng
TC 郵政信箱
I would prefer if you sent it to my PO Box instead of my house.

POS, P.O.S. n: acronym (business: point of sale)
SC 销售点
TC 銷售點
SC 售货点
The market near my house just changed to POS.

POS, P.O.S. n as adj: acronym (point-of-sale: computerized checkout) (缩写)
SC 销售点的
TC 銷售點的
SC 售货点的
We have replaced our old cash registers with a new POS system.

postmeridian, pm, p.m. adj: (afternoon or evening)
SC 下午 xià wǔ adj
TC 下午
SC 午后 xià wǔ,wǔ hòu
TC 午後

postscript n: (letter: [sth] written after signature) (简称PS)
SC 又及,附言 yòu jí,fù yán
In a short postscript, Jason reminded Debbie to write back soon.

POW, P.O.W. n: initialism (prisoner of war) (缩写)
SC 战俘 zhàn fú
My grandfather was held as a POW in World War II.

ppr, p.pr. n: written, abbreviation (present participle)
SC 现在分词 xiàn zài fēn cí
TC 現在分詞

PR, P.R. n: initialism (public relations)
SC 公共关系 gōng gòng guān xì
TC 公共關係
He's thoroughly enjoying working in PR.

PT, P.T. n: initialism (Pacific Time)
SC 太平洋时间
SC 美国西部时间

PT, P.T. n: initialism (physical therapy)
SC 物理治疗
SC 理疗 lǐ liáo

PT, P.T. n: initialism (physical training)
SC 体能训练
SC 身体训练

PT, P.T. n: US, historical, initialism (postal telegraph)
SC 邮政电报

PT, P.T. n: UK, initialism (post town)
SC 有独立邮政编码的城镇

PT, P.T. n: UK, historical, initialism (pupil teacher)
SC 小学实习老师

pt, p.t. adj: initialism (pro tempore)
SC 暂时的 zàn shí de
TC 暫時的
SC 当时的

pt, p.t. n: initialism (past tense)
SC 过去时态
TC 過去時態
SC 过去时

R.I.P., RIP expr: abbreviation (rest in peace)
SC 安息 ān xī
SC 逝者安息
The gravestone said "R.I.P."

RSVP, R.S.V.P. interj: initialism (invitation: please reply) (缩写,请柬用语)
SC 请回复,敬请赐复 qǐng huí fù,jìng qǐng cì fù
RSVP by the 2nd of August, please!

RSVP, R.S.V.P. vi: informal, initialism (reply to invitation) (缩写,非正式用法)
SC 回复(邀请) huí fù yāo qǐng
The invitation requests that we RSVP by October 1.

RSVP, R.S.V.P. n: informal, initialism (reply to invitation) (缩写,非正式用法)
SC 对邀请的回复 duì yāo qǐng de huí fù
All RSVPs should be sent by email.

this p.m., this pm, this P.M., this PM adv: informal (this afternoon)
SC 今天下午 jīn tiān xià wǔ
Let's take a walk in the park this p.m.

this p.m., this pm, this P.M., this PM adv: informal (this evening)
SC 今天晚上 jīn tiān wǎn shàng
I'll meet you at the bar this p.m.

vitamin P n: (organic nutrient)
SC 维生素P wéi shēng sù
TC 維生素P
Vitamin P isn't really a vitamin, but it's still good for you.

VP, V.P., V. Pres., vp, v-p n: initialism (vice president)
SC 副总统 fù zǒng tǒng
SC 副主席 fù zǒng tǒng,fù zhǔ xí
SC 副总裁

VP, vp, v.p. n: written, initialism (grammar: verb phrase)
SC 动词短语 dòng cí duǎn yǔ
TC 動詞短語
SC 动词词组 dòng cí duǎn yǔ,dòng cí cí zǔ

wpm, w.p.m. npl: written, abbreviation (typing speed: words per minute) (打字)
SC 每分钟字数




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