- an ancient city on the west bank of the Euphrates, in Syria. Its period of greatest importance was from the late 19th to the mid 18th centuries BC; the vast palace of the last king, Zimri-Lin, has yielded an archive of 25,000 cuneiform tablets, which are the principal source for the history of northern Syria and Mesopotamia at that time.马里(幼发拉底河西岸一座古城, 位叙利亚境内, 其最重要的时期是从公元前19世纪后期到公元前18世纪中期; 在最后一位国王齐姆雷林的庞大王宫出土了25,000块刻有楔形文字的泥板, 它们是当时叙利亚北部和美索不达米亚历史的主要记录来源)。
(复同单, 或Maris)
- a member of a people of the central Volga valley in Russia马里人(俄罗斯伏尔加河流域中部一民族成员)。
- of or relating to this people or their language(与)马里人(有关)的; (与)马里语(有关)的。
the name in Mari.