- a member of the princely and military castes of the former Hindu kingdom of Maharashtra in central India. The Marathas rose in rebellion against the Muslim Moguls and in 1674 established their own kingdom under the leadership of Shivaji. They came to dominate southern and central India but were later subdued by the British.马拉地人(印度中部原马哈拉施特拉王国的贵族和军队成员, 马拉地人起义反抗穆斯林莫卧尔帝国的统治并于1674年在史瓦吉领导下建立了自己的王国, 他们逐渐控制了印度的南部和中部, 后被英国人征服)。
via Hindi from Sanskrit Mahārāṣṭra 'great kingdom'.