- a member of a regime that formerly ruled parts of the Middle East. Descended from slaves, they ruled Syria (1260-1516) and Egypt (1250-1517), and continued as a ruling military caste in Ottoman Egypt until massacred by the viceroy Muhammad Ali in 1811.马穆鲁克(原中东部分地区一统治集团成员, 该集团原为奴隶, 曾统治过叙利亚[1260-1516]和埃及[1250-1517], 后在奥斯曼帝国统治下的埃及在军界仍保持统治地位, 直到1811年遭到总督穆罕默德·阿里的大屠杀)。
from French mameluk, from Arabic mamlūk (passive participle used as a noun meaning 'slave'), from malaka 'possess'.